Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1335: Centrifugal

If Tong Ling was a little apprehensive when Qiong Qi easily separated Tong Ling and Xiang Linhai before, then Cui Lang's casual throw made Tong Ling and Xiang Wentian panic.

As the masters of a sect, their experience is also rich. It is not that they have never been in contact with holy-level powerhouses. Even if they are fighting against holy-level powerhouses, they are confident that they can hold on for a while, but Cui Lang showed the strength. But it made them feel inexplicable fear in their hearts.

They all had a feeling that if Cui Lang really wanted to do something to them, I'm afraid they might not be able to catch even a single move!

"Wait...wait!" Tong Ling forcibly suppressed the fear in her heart, her voice trembling slightly, and she shouted unwillingly.

"Isn't the cultivation method of your Heavenly Can't Sect impossible to spread? In that case, we can't force it. After all, it's just a transaction. We are all reasonable and qualified people!" Cui Lang shook his head and walked towards the Hard Armored Sect without hesitation.

Xiang Wentian didn't expect things to turn out like this. He was already a little disheartened and was ready to fight to the death, but the twist turned and his heart was full of excitement.

When the people of the Hard Armor Sect saw that the Sect Master had won these two people and one beast over, they all shouted excitedly, as if they had won the victory!

"Wait a minute! We can still talk!" Tong Ling shouted hurriedly.

If the two people and one beast in front of them were really given to the Hard Armored Sect, then the three besieged sect gangs would become a complete joke.

It took so much time and manpower, but in the end this was the result. Even if she could accept it, Mo Yunsheng and the tyrant king would not accept it, nor would the people behind them accept it.

"What else is there to talk about?" Cui Lang stopped and looked at Tong Ling suspiciously.

Seeing Cui Lang stop, Xiang Wentian's heart trembled. He was really afraid that Tong Ling would be willing to use Tian Can Sect's secrets to attract Cui Lang.

Even if these two people and one beast don't help Tong Ling and the others, the Hard Armored Sect may not be able to withstand it for long. If it helps Tong Ling and the others, the Hard Armored Sect will not be able to survive today.

But Xiang Wentian didn't dare to say anything. It is impossible for a strong person to be controlled by others. He has tried his best and tried every means. If he can't attract these two people and one beast, then he can only It can be said that it is fate.

And he also knew in his heart that although he now has a secret manual of exercises that can help the disabled, he has no advantages, and he has no initiative, so he can only passively look forward to it.

"If all you need is a practice that allows disabled people to live like normal people, we... we can too!" Tong Ling gritted her teeth, although she was extremely reluctant, but for the sake of the overall situation, for the sake of the Heavenly Remnant Sect In the future, in order to fulfill the requirements of those people, she still decided to make a step.

"I remember that you seemed to have said just now that the exercises that can only make disabled people live like ordinary people are incomplete, and if they practice, they will kill people. Now you want to use this incomplete exercise to exchange dragons with me. Yuan Dan, do you think I'll agree? Are you too confident in your own charm, or do you think my brain doesn't work?" Cui Lang raised his eyebrows and asked in dissatisfaction.

"Ge... Your Excellency, you misunderstood! What I said just now is that there will be problems with rash cultivation, but if our people from the Heavenly Remnant Sect guide them at the beginning of cultivation and guide them to cultivate correctly, there will be no problems. Any problems." Tong Ling explained.

"Humph! That's nice! Does that mean that once you are in a bad mood, or you have other ideas, then won't we be restrained by you? Will we have to be forced to serve you at that time? Ah?" Cui Lang snorted coldly and looked at Tong Ling with cold eyes.

"Sir, you have wronged me! I've never thought about it that way!" Tong Ling looked at Cui Lang unjustly.

"Even if you didn't think that way just now, wouldn't you think so in the future? Can you guarantee that the rest of you in Heavenly Can't Sect won't think so? What I need is a practice method that can help the disabled, not one The cultivation technique that buried hidden dangers for yourself!" Cui Lang did not stop after finishing speaking, his figure flashed, and he had already appeared under the mountain gate of the Hard Armored Sect.

Seeing Cui Lang's actions, Xiang Wentian was overjoyed. Cui Lang was using practical actions to tell everyone that he had made a choice.

"Sir, wait a second, we can discuss it again!" Mo Yunsheng hurriedly shouted, for fear that it would be too late, Cui Lang would enter the Hard Armored Sect, and then it would really be hopeless. !

"There is nothing to wait for, you are neither the sect master of Tian Can Sect, nor a person from Tian Can Sect. Even the sect master of Tian Can Sect has stopped talking. What kind of words are you talking about as an outsider? If you really I still want to talk, I will give you a chance to talk when I come out of the Hard Armored Sect." After Cui Lang finished speaking, he jumped up and landed directly on the mountain gate of the Hard Armored Sect.

Li Zhenbang and Qiongqi returned to the Hard Armored Sect surrounded by Xiang Wentian and other Hard Armored Sect people, leaving only the black-faced Mo Yunsheng and the tyrant king, and those who joined together in high spirits before besieging the Hard Armored Sect Jia Zong, now there are some disciples of the three sect gangs who are at a loss.

Tong Ling tried her best to be very arrogant at first, and even made plans to confront Mo Yunsheng and the tyrant king, and she also thought about her words.

But what surprised Tong Ling was that both Mo Yunsheng and the tyrant king were surprisingly quiet, they just glanced at Tong Ling briefly, and didn't say a word to her after that.

The actions of the two made Tong Ling feel a chill in her heart, not because Mo Yunsheng and the tyrant king joined forces to deal with her, but because Mo Yunsheng and the tyrant king actually started to prepare their troops, but it didn't look like it was Preparing to siege the city, but it seems to be preparing to lead people to retreat.

If the Demon Cloud Sect and the Hunshi Gang really withdraw, although they can't escape the sanctions, her responsibility is even greater.

The reason why they retreated was because the other party had strong foreign aid, and they were no longer able to do what they could do. Continuing on is not only useless, but only increased casualties, so retreating is understandable, even if they are punished, it will not be particularly serious. .

But this powerful foreign aid was the other party who took refuge in because of the Heavenly Remnant Sect, and the consequences of that day's Remnant Sect were unimaginable.

As the sect master of Tian Can Sect, she will definitely not end well, and the sect of Tian Can Sect will definitely be implicated.

Tong Ling doesn't know how inscrutable the strength of the people behind them are, but she has a deep understanding of the methods and cruelty of these people.

She had seen with her own eyes that those people destroyed many powerful sect gangs without any effort, and these sect gangs were all famous in the arena, and any one of them could be hanged and beaten.

Not only that, those people's methods are also extremely cruel, taking torturing the enemy as the greatest pleasure, not only torturing the enemy's body, but also destroying the enemy's spirit and even soul.

"Should we discuss what to do next?" Tong Ling finally couldn't help but put down her body and spoke to Mo Yunsheng and the tyrant king first.

"Everyone has already entered, what else can we do? Even if the three of us join forces, do you think we can be the opponent of that saint-level powerhouse? You have played against him, and you should know best in your heart!" The tyrant king hesitated. For a moment, he said.

"Even if we can hold back that holy-level powerhouse for a while, who will deal with that terrifying beast? Who will deal with Xiang Wentian and Xiang Linhai? Who are the elders of the Hard Armored Sect to deal with? The high-end combat power of the fighters doesn't have much advantage, and now there is no advantage at all, what's the point of staying here?" Mo Yunsheng said more directly.

"But the practice of our Heavenly Remnant Sect has never been spread. As the master of the Heavenly Remnant Sect, it is even more impossible for me to break this rule!" Tong Ling said righteously and sternly.

"The rules are dead, but people are alive! The purpose of the rules is only to adapt to the situation at that time. Once the rules are no longer applicable, they must be broken and re-established. Which sect gang rules have you seen? Is it the same? Isn’t it all to adapt to the times and make corresponding changes?”

"Besides, aren't you breaking the rules of your Heavenly Remnant Sect now? Since you have already broken it, why not continue to break it? Anyway, you are for the Heavenly Remnant Sect, not for your selfishness, the ancestors of the Heavenly Remnant Sect. Lizong will not blame you!" The tyrant king comforted.

"When did I break the rules of Tian Can Sect?" Tong Ling's eyes widened, she always thought that she was someone who followed the rules of Tian Can Sect, she thought it was the tyrant king deliberately seducing her.

"Isn't it? I'll just ask you one thing, which rule of your Heavenly Candid Sect will make you submit to other forces and serve other forces?" The tyrant king asked back.

"I didn't!" Tong Ling roared.

"No? Then why do you want to join us? Don't say any excuses like you want to shuffle the cards in the rivers and lakes. If you just want to shuffle the cards in the rivers and lakes and improve the status of the Tiancanmen, you can quit now, God. The current status of the broken door is definitely much higher than before." The tyrant king said calmly.


"Don't refute in a hurry, think about it for yourself." Tong Ling was about to refute, but was interrupted by the tyrant king.

"Even if she figured it out, what's the use? People have already been brought into the mountain gate by the Hard Armored Sect. When they come out again, even if you want to give them the secrets of the practice method, they are not necessarily rare. !" Mo Yunsheng curled his lips and said disdainfully.

"Humph! I think we'd better pack up and leave, so as to reduce losses. Otherwise, when they come out again, I'm afraid we'll all have to fold here!" Mo Yunsheng snorted coldly and glared at Tong fiercely. Ling glanced at her, if Tong Ling had handed over the secrets of the exercises earlier, how could such a thing happen!

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