Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 140: Tier 5 Warcraft VS Tier 6 Warcraft

Hearing what Li Zhenbang said, the monster was stunned for a moment. Although Li Zhenbang's strength was a bit unclear, it was definitely not as strong as his own. The monster heard deep disdain from his words, this was not a disguise, it couldn't help being cautious.

Li Zhenbang actually didn’t think too much, and he really disdains monsters. He did not pay attention to the Tier 6 monsters, but he forgot. At this moment, there are no two giant dragons beside him. Tier Beast, there is almost no chance of winning.

The monster did not attack at the first time, but looked at Li Zhenbang, trying to see why Li Zhenbang was dismissive of him.

Now the partners have fainted, and Li Zhenbang naturally has nothing to hide in his own acquired pocket.

The Water Elf and Moonlight were released by Li Zhenbang. The Water Elf stood in front of Li Zhenbang, and Moonlight stood behind. Water Elf and Moonlight are both Tier 5 monsters. Although they have no advantage over Tier 6 monsters, they will not lose in a short time.

In particular, Moonlight is a pure support, sacrificed the attack, in exchange for a powerful support ability, after the moonlight appeared, the water spirit, Li Zhenbang, and himself immediately imposed a miracle.

Even if Li Zhenbang with the miracle added does not cover a thin film with mental power, he is quite immune to the monster's illusion.

Seeing Li Zhenbang freely release two Tier 5 beasts, the monster's eyes became fierce. If you continue to let him release, you don’t need to do more. If you let him release two or three Tier 5 beasts, I’m afraid I will only have to run away. .

The miracle skills released by Moonlight have a certain restraint effect on oneself. As a beast who is good at the spiritual field, other aspects are naturally weaker. If the mental power is not effective, a strong Tier 5 beast can hurt itself. Although there is only one weakness, it is equally possible under severe injuries. Will die.

The monster first launched an attack. The monster did not directly attack the water elves standing in front, but relied on speed to bypass the water elves and rushed towards Li Zhenbang.

Li Zhenbang's mental power has been locked to the monster, so naturally it will not be so easy to let it succeed. Li Zhenbang relies on speed to circle the water elves and monsters.

Moonlight has released swift skills for Li Zhenbang and the water elves. Li Zhenbang's speed has reached an unprecedented level, and he can even use the Demon Sword to counterattack appropriately when avoiding. After the water elves were given the swift skills, their speed increased significantly, and they could barely keep up with the monster's footsteps, but this was not a long-term solution after all, and the fifth-tier versus the sixth-tier itself did not take advantage.

Moonlight cast a slowing skill at the monster, and the speed of the monster slowed down a bit, but Li Zhenbang fought more and more vigorously. However, due to the continuous use of multiple skills, Moonlight's illusory body has become more illusory.

Just now, the water elf and the monster fought hard, allowing Li Zhenbang to seize the opportunity to pierce the Demon Sword on the back of the monster and slash it, but only a white line appeared on the back of the monster. Printed.

Li Zhenbang looked at the monster with a surprised look. This rough-skinned Demon Sword could not hurt him. How could he fight it?

The monster backed away a few steps, pulled a distance, and looked at Li Zhenbang and the water elf panting.

The water elves abruptly took a kick from the monster just now, but the water elves themselves are made of water elements, which have a certain reduction effect on physical damage, and the monsters are not good at physical attacks, so there is no major problem.

Although the monster did not seem to have received any harm, he knew very well that although the skin was not cut, the flesh under the skin was cut with a half-meter-long cut.

No one on both sides rushed to attack, both panting and watching each other vigilantly.

Li Zhenbang thought he couldn't break the defense, so he really didn't know how to start. The monster's pain was that the Demon Sword's damage to him was too high, and he couldn't let go of his hands and feet.

The monster's eyes condensed. Since he can't get close, he can only continue to use the illusion. There is only one person facing him now, and his illusion can be used to the extreme.

Li Zhenbang knew that the monster was ready to attack when he saw the expression of the monster. Since both parties could not attack the other physically, I am afraid that the monster would still use the illusion that he is best at. Li Zhenbang covered his mental power all over his body and raised his mental power to the limit.

Li Zhenbang didn't send the water elves out. The water elves did not have any advantage in fighting the monsters alone. It might as well protect themselves by their side to prevent the monsters from unscrupulously attacking after falling into the illusion.


"Yiran, hurry up and wake up, don't sleep, you will be late soon!"

Li Yiran opened her eyes in a daze and saw Zhang Dayou sitting on the opposite bed wearing pants.

"Late?" Li Yiran asked blankly.

"Damn! You weren't allowed to drink so much yesterday, so you had to drink it, isn't it just being rejected by Liu Lin again! Are you not used to it?" Zhang Dayou curled his lips and said with some disdain.

"Liu Lin?" Li Yiran said of Liu Lin, her eyes gradually restored.

"Damn, when I say Liu Lin, I feel energetic? I really convinced you! Get up! You have less than ten minutes to go to class! Today is a class for the crazy old man, do you still want to be in the playground? I was running and shouting that I would never be late again?" Zhang Dayou shivered, apparently there was a very bad memory.

"Crazy old man? Ah! Bastard, why didn't you call me earlier. That's it, you hurt me!" Li Yiran jumped up from the bed and put on his clothes in a panic...


With the bell of the class, Li Yiran and Zhang Dayou appeared at the door of the classroom. The crazy old man in their mouth was already standing on the podium.

The eyes of the two flickered and looked at the crazy old man with some fear. The crazy old man seemed to be only about fifty years old, and the long white beard on his chin made him look like an old man in the Republic of China.

The crazy old man was in a good mood today. He didn't punish them, but smiled and asked: "Why are you two again? Didn't you run enough around the playground last time?"

"Uh... Crazy... Teacher, you are misunderstood! We both knew that the first session of the day was your class, and neither of us dared to sleep at night." Zhang Dayou said nonsense.

"Oh? Didn't you sleep? Then why are you late?" The crazy old man squinted and asked with a smile.

"That...that..." Zhang Dayou whispered for a while, he just wanted to flatter, and then the crazy old man gave a step, he went down the donkey, and the matter was over, who knew that the crazy old man would not give the step at all.

"Teacher, because we didn't sleep all night, we didn't resist it at dawn, and then we rushed over on the bell." Li Yiran lowered his head, looking as if he was ashamed, but stepped on the bell. What he said was still very loud.

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