Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 143: Would you like to go out?

"Are you really going to take me away?" Yao Yao asked with some surprise.

"Of course, but you have to tell me how to use this thing first?"

"Just give him something to eat."

"Eat? Who can eat this stuff, don't break my stomach!" Li Zhenbang said in surprise. He didn't want to burp after eating for nothing, that's why the mission didn't fail!

"Of course there will be problems with other people's eating. You said that you can eat it for nothing. This can only be absorbed by yourself."

"Well, I believe you once, if something goes wrong and the mission fails, I must chop you off!" Li Zhenbang put the white crystal into the space ring.

"Now we should talk seriously." Li Zhenbang said with a serious face.

Seeing Li Zhenbang's expression, the demon became serious. It knew that its chance to leave here might also be the only chance.

"How did you get here?"

"I don't know! I was there one day when I woke up. I don't know how it happened!" The demon said with a pained expression.

Seeing the demon's expression, Li Zhenbang nodded. His instinct told him that the demon should not lie.

"Then do you want to go out?"

"Damn, I want to go out in my dreams! There isn't even a living thing here, and I don't remember how long I haven't eaten my brain, otherwise I would not expose myself so easily!" Yao Yao said annoyedly.

Li Zhenbang felt fortunate for a while. Fortunately, the opponent hadn't eaten for a long time and was in a weak state. Otherwise, the ending would be hard to say!

"If you go out, it is not the place where you used to live, but a completely strange place, do you still want to go out?"

"Do you have any brains to eat?" Yao Yao asked expectantly.

"I first declare that after I take you out, you can eat the brains of ordinary animals and monsters, but you must not eat the brains of humans." Li Zhenbang looked at the demon and said with a serious face. This is a principle. Question, he didn't want to take out a monster that caused panic everywhere.

"If it's actively attacking me, can't the person killed by me also be allowed?"

"No, those who actively attack you can be killed, but they must not **** the other's brains." This is Li Zhenbang's bottom line. He really can't accept a guy who can eat human brains.

The demon sighed, lowered her head, rolled her eyes, and said helplessly: "Okay! I'll listen to you!" Although she said so, she didn't think so in her heart. If it goes out, the humans on the opposite side can't restrain itself, then the sky will be high and the birds will fly, and the ocean will leap forward.

Li Zhenbang naturally saw the eyes of the demon, but he didn't care at all.

"You may not know, our world has a profession called Summoner Mage, or Summoner for short. Summoners can sign a master-servant contract with any beast, and the beast who signs the contract can follow the master to any place. Therefore, if it is possible to take you out, it is to sign a master-servant contract with you. Of course, I cannot guarantee that I will take you out." Li Zhenbang looked at the demon with a solemn expression.

"What? Master-servant contract? If you sign this contract, I will become your slave?" Yao Yao asked with a bad face.

"If you have to understand this way, you can't say it is wrong. But you should feel that these three monsters have signed a master and servant contract with me, but I don't treat them as slaves. They are all Is my friend."

After Li Zhenbang finished speaking, he clenched his hand, stretched out his index and middle fingers, pointing to his temples, then opened his arms, and smiled and stretched out his fingers in the direction of the three monsters. This is Li Zhenbang thinking about the three monsters to say hello. The three monsters also raised their right hands very humanely, learning Li Zhenbang's movements, and giving Li Zhenbang a return.

"I can lie to you, tell you that I can take you out, what I want to do after going out, and then lie to you to sign the contract, but I didn’t do that. I believe you know that the person who can get you in is absolutely not Simply, I don’t know if he has set a prohibition against you from going out. Think about it!"

Li Zhenbang sighed, took out a chair made of cypress and sat on it.

"You demon, you should know that this may be your only chance to go out. You have been here for so long, you can see that someone has been here? I only came in by chance. I can tell you clearly, I After going out, there is definitely no way to come in again. I don’t know how long you will have to wait here to see humans. And even if someone comes in, it’s still unknown whether you can get you out.” Li Zhenbang’s voice did not fluctuate. Said.

The demon's eyes were constantly struggling. It wanted to go out. It was about to drive it crazy here, but it still had no freedom after it didn't want to go out.

It no longer knows how long it has not smoked brains. The brains of the wild boar just now made it feel alive again. It doesn't know how long it can live without taking brains. Now it is already very weak.

"If you sign a contract, how sure are you to take me out?" Yao Yao asked with a frown.

"At least 80% sure. In our world, the contract is protected by the power of gods. Even if the person who captured you is already a god, I think he will not be for a mere Tier 6 monster and another God is right! No matter how precious you are, you are only a Tier VI monster!" Li Zhenbang leisurely tilted Erlang's legs and tapped the armrest of the chair lightly.

"After signing the master-servant contract, will you force me to do what I don't want to do."

"Of course I will not force you to do what you don't want to do, but I may stop what you want to do."


"Every world has its own rules! You must not violate what I told you before! Otherwise, my single thought can make you worse than death, or you can be wiped out! But within the scope of the rules, you Have endless freedom! You can even refuse to fight for me. I won't blame you and punish you for this!" Li Zhenbang looked at the demons with sincerity in his eyes.

"Can you give me brains every day?"

"Yes, but only three meals a day, one meal of a beast's brain."

"No, too little! Not enough for me!"

"You can work for me in exchange for enough brains! If you do well, I can even give you the brains of Warcraft. I said three meals a day, I mean if you don't cooperate with me, I won't Hungry for you. If you show enough value, I can assure you that the brains of ordinary animals are enough, but the brains of monsters depend on whether you are worth the price!"

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