Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 149: Successful promotion assessment

"Master...I..." The demon said with sobs.

"Don't call my master, after hearing goose bumps, you can call me Zhenbang." Li Zhenbang interrupted Yu Yao, patted Yu Yao on the neck and said.

With Li Zhenbang's height, he can touch the demon's neck under normal circumstances. He originally wanted to pat the demon's back, but he was not tall enough and had to give up.

"Master, I can't call your name directly!"

"Damn, I still call my master. I am not discussing it with you, I am an order, I have to order you! If you are unable to speak, just like everyone else, call me Zhenbang brother!" Li Zhenbang stared Take a look at the demon.

If it weren't for the height, he would definitely kick the demon's ass. It doesn't matter if the few beautiful orc girls in the family call their own masters, they are called masters by the big masters, and if this is passed out, they will be embarrassed.

"Lord..." Seeing Li Zhenbang's murderous eyes, the demon immediately changed her words: "Brother Zhenbang, you will be my brother Zhenbang from now on! The little brother will mess with you in the future, just remember to give the little brother a sip of soup. "

"Don't, don't! We have different tastes, and I don't want to eat in the same pot with you. You eat yours, I eat mine." Li Zhenbang said hurriedly. He himself has no interest in brains. He has grown up so big that he has never even eaten pig brains.

Putting the demon into the acquired bag, Li Zhenbang did not meditate and rest, but protected the law for his partners. Although Xuanming Cave was cleared, he couldn't guarantee that there would be any unopened beasts passing here.

Obviously Li Zhenbang's worries were superfluous. About a quarter of an hour, the partners gradually became sober. Seeing the excitement of the partners, it is obvious that everyone has gained a lot. Li Zhenbang did not ask, this is their own secret...

All the students have entered the corresponding magic array, and some students have gradually emerged from the teleportation array.

Most of the students handed the jade pendant to the middle-aged man, and from the middle-aged man they got an advanced badge representing the corresponding level. Of course, there are a small number of students who crushed the jade pendant and sent them out, and the eliminated students will naturally not get the advanced badge.

Suddenly, the yellow teleportation fluctuated, and ten people appeared in the hall one by one.

"Teacher, hello!" The crowd bowed to the middle-aged man.

"How is it? Did you all pass?" the middle-aged man asked nervously.

"Fortunately, we all passed." Zhang Dayou said on behalf of everyone.

"Yes, you spent almost an hour and a half, and this result is pretty good for a team of ten people."

"What? An hour and a half?" everyone cried out in surprise.

"Very surprised? The place where the teleportation array transmits is much faster than our real world." The middle-aged man shrugged disapprovingly.

"Okay, give me all the jade pendants!" The middle-aged man stretched out his hand and looked serious.

Although they all said that they passed it, if they can't hand over the jade pendant, it can't be considered passed.

Ten people handed over the jade pendants one after another. The middle-aged man nodded his head satisfactorily after seeing that the ten jade pendants were intact, his eyes filled with approval. Collected the jade pendant, took out ten advanced badges for the third grade assessment from the space ring and distributed them to everyone.

Everyone took the badge carefully, and looked at it carefully. This was the first time they got the advanced badge.

The badge is made of brass and looks like a flying eagle.

"You don't need to read it, this is just a format. After you go out, you can directly hand over the badge to your team leader, and he will do the statistics. After school starts, you can directly report to the third grade. I know your specific divisions." The middle-aged man said with a smile. He still has a good impression of the ten-man team. After all, there are too few people who can pass the ten-man team.

"Our team members won't be separated, right?" Xiaopang looked a little nervous.

"I can't say that this is not good, but it is not easy to cultivate this kind of tacit understanding, and it is generally not taken apart. But it is possible not to go to class together. You can't let the warrior and the magician listen to how to practice fighting spirit or magic together! Haha!" The middle-aged man laughed.

"Hurry up and get out! Don't forget to hand in the badge to the teacher. If you like it, you can't hide it privately!" The middle-aged man actually made fun of them. If the teacher outside sees it, I am afraid that my jaw will drop.

Everyone has written about the middle-aged teacher, who turned and left this empty palace.

After exiting the palace gate, their leading teacher hurriedly greeted him. He has never seen a ten-man team, especially since this team jumped from the first grade to directly challenge the third grade. He still cares about the results.

If this team passes, he will have bragging capital in the future. Even though they are not their own students, such results from their own hands are enough for many people to envy for a long time.

"How are you? Did you pass? How many people passed?" Before everyone walked down the steps, the teacher leading the team asked eagerly.

Everyone didn't speak, the teacher leading the group's face sank, and he said in his heart: Hasn't anyone been there?

When everyone stretched out their hands, a brass badge appeared in the palm of everyone's hand.

The expression on the face of the leading teacher became more colorful. Although he was looking forward to the team's passing, he was still a bit at a loss when it came true.

" are so good! I knew that you would definitely surprise me! You are in my team, haha!" The leader of the team was already a little bit incoherent with excitement.

"Teacher, can we return to the team?" Li Zhenbang asked gently and cautiously.

"Yes, yes! No, come with me to do some statistics, and then you can return to the team! I will report your affairs. The college has not seen a team with ten people to upgrade successfully for a long time, and it still jumps successfully. !" The teacher leading the team was too excited and almost caused a work error. Fortunately, he corrected it in time.

The time is not long, and the remaining teams are basically back to the team. After all, a ten-person team will encounter greater difficulties and will naturally consume longer time.

After the team is assembled, the leading teacher will bring the team back collectively. Along the way, the leading teacher of Zhang Dayu's team held their heads high, showing off with the teachers around him from time to time, his face was full of pride...

"Zhenbang, I'm going home tomorrow. Do you have any plans for these two months?" Zhang Dayou packed his things.

"What's the plan? Go home first! If there is nothing wrong, you will stroll around the mainland! What about you? How did you plan?" Li Zhenbang was lying on the bed, very leisurely, but this time was very tiring.

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