Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 164: God of Gamblers

The guy couldn't help taking a small step back and looked at the man in the hat in amazement.

The man in the hat casually threw a bag of about three hundred gold coins on the square at twelve o'clock, and the cold sweat of the man shed instantly.

Bet on points is very risky. If you bet on big or small, there is a half probability of winning or losing, but the probability of successful betting on points is only one in 216, so few people choose points.

Although the risk of points is high, the rewards are also high. That is to say, not only will you return the principal but also get fifty times the profit.

Under normal circumstances, no one will choose to cast points, and the dealer also hopes that someone will cast points, but the man in front of him with a hat does not belong to the normal range. No matter how hard he tried, he could guess every time. From sitting here to now, he hasn't missed a guess.

He had been betting on big and small before, but now he started to bet on points. Others may not know, but the guy knows how many points he has in the sieve cup. It is not because he is out of money, but because of his perennial immersion in this area.

Other onlookers saw the choice of the man wearing Douli and hesitated, only a few people followed suit. Although he had won both big and small bets before, it is not so easy to bet on points now.

"I'll press twelve o'clock too! Just a thousand gold coins!" Suddenly a sound like a natural sound rang out, but this voice did not fall below the call of **** in the ears of the man. One thousand gold coins, fifty times, that is fifty thousand gold coins!

It was not someone else who was talking, it was Long Miaomiao. The space ring that Li Zhenbang gave her had several black crystal stored value cards, several white crystal stored value cards, and thousands of gold coins.

"Girl, think about it! This is a thousand gold coins!" The guy swallowed hard, trying to dissuade Long Miaomiao.

"Huh? Don't you mean that you can bet at any time as long as you don't open it? Do you want to go back? Or do you think I shot less? Should I add another ten thousand?" Long Miaomiao looked at the man amusedly.

Hearing this, the guy can't wait to choke himself to death! Fortunately, Long Miaomiao just talked about it, and didn't really add 10,000.

"Oh! Man, you did! Can you do it?" The people around began to agitate.

"Is it really twelve o'clock? You dare not open it?"

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

When the buddy was in a dilemma, a charming woman with exposed clothes and a plump body twisted the waist of the water snake that was held in a full grip and walked to the buddy's side.

The man glanced at her, his face full of embarrassment.

"Let's go! If you open a gambling shop, you will lose and lose. How can it be that the dealer wins! We will lose it!" The charming woman's voice was charming, with high sugar content!

The man took a deep breath and opened the sieve cup. The three dice were two forty six, exactly twelve o'clock!

Some in the crowd cheered and some sighed. Long Miaomiao jumped up, hugged Li Zhenbang and cheered: "We won! We won!"

Li Zhenbang looked embarrassed, and the people around him were not surprised when they looked at them. The children of the big family have any bite they like.

The man wearing Douli was very calm, did not show any excitement because of winning the money, and stared at the charming woman quietly.

The charming woman took out two white crystal stored-value cards and put them on the table, and pushed them to the man wearing the hat. Others didn't know that Li Zhenbang could see clearly that there was a strong secret energy on the card. The man was so casual and went on. It seemed that the man wearing the hat was not a simple character.

The charming woman threw five white crystal stored-value cards to Long Miaomiao again. This time she did not exert any dark energy, just a soft force, and the five crystal cards fell in front of Long Miaomiao lightly.

Long Miaomiao picked up the crystal card, shook it at Li Zhenbang, and showed off.

Li Zhenbang smiled helplessly. This girl was too nervous. The gaming table was obviously about to fight. She didn't even feel it at all, and she still wanted to show off.

After the guy allocated the money on the table, he finished paying the other people's bets and stood beside the charming woman.

"You go down first! Leave it to me here." The charming woman has a seductive smile on her face.

The guy was so relieved that he hurriedly retreated, as if he was afraid that the charming woman would change his mind.

"This gentleman, you are not an ordinary person, don't you know the name of your husband?" The charming woman didn't pay attention to the people around her. She coquettishly walked to the man wearing the hat and put her left hand on the man's left shoulder. The man pressed against the man's back.

"The name has long been forgotten, if you have to know it, call me the God of Gamblers!" The man said calmly without being charmed.

"God of gambling? God! I'm so scared! Why don't we talk separately?" The charming woman looked at the man wearing the douchie with winks and exhaled in the man's ear.

The charming woman said that she was going to pick up his hat after reaching out. The man reached out and grabbed the woman's wrist, and said in a deep voice, "The charm is useless to me. You should sit down and we will compare it. If you win Yes, all the gold coins I won today will be returned, if you lose..."

"I lose? How is it possible? Humph! If I lose, stay with you all night!" The charming woman had a crisp chest and her eyes were full of disdain.

The man in the hat released his hand and said in a disdainful tone: "I am not interested in you! But I heard that you have a ten thousand year blood ginseng here!"

Li Zhenbang's eyes widened when he heard the man's words. Wannian blood ginseng, although it cannot live to death, it is also a rare and rare medicinal material. It is said to be able to treat all internal injuries! Even if he often mingled at auctions, he has never received ten thousand years of blood ginseng.

"You dream! Wannian blood ginseng is a priceless treasure!" The charming woman's face changed and her voice became sharp.

"Why are you so excited? Don't dare to gamble? Your blood ginseng was just snatched from a gambler!"

"Nonsense! He owed money and couldn't repay it, and finally used this to pay off the debt! This is a debt of one million!"

"Huh! As far as I know, he only owes you thirty thousand gold coins!"

"Repaying debts is justified! Isn't it that you don't charge interest on borrowing money? Funny! You shouldn't be ordinary people depending on your strength, is it to fight for people's injustice?"

"Sorry, I misunderstood you. I'm not interested in that kind of person. I'm just interested in the blood ginseng of Zhu Wannian!"

"You only won eight thousand gold coins, so you want to exchange my blood ginseng? Dreaming!"

"Then I will win until you think it's suitable!" The man in the hat stood up and walked to another gaming table.

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