Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 173: Reinforcements come

The corpses of the broken ogre ants were thrown into the living ogre ant colony by the resurrected ogre ants.

Li Zhenbang was still a little puzzled at the beginning, what exactly did this mean, but soon he saw the corpses exploded, wounding the ogre ants around the corpses.

The ghost's skills are not only resurrected, but also the corpse explosion. If the ghost's rank is raised above the sixth rank, it will also use the Undead Summoning technique.

The defenders naturally saw the chaotic battle taking place on the edge of the Mir Forest. Although they did not know why this happened, it was an absolute good thing for them. While the pressure was relieved at this moment, all the ogre ants were repelled from the wall.

The ogre ants gave up attacking the city wall at this moment, and all reflexively attacked the resurrected ogre ants.

After all, the resurrected ogre ants were only a few. After the living ogre ants paid a certain price, all the resurrected ogre ants were dead. The corpse explosion that occurs after the death of the resurrected ogre ant is much more powerful than the ordinary ogre ant.

When the ogre ants reflexively attacked, the demon and Moonlight were put into the acquired bag by Li Zhenbang. He didn't want to take the risk, in case they two went wrong, he would regret it too late.

Li Zhenbang and Ghost are far away from the battlefield, and they are hiding in the crown of a huge ancient tree. Li Zhenbang condensed all his breath and blended with the surrounding environment. The ghost itself is a ghost, so naturally there is no breath leaking out.

The ogre ant found nothing unusual, so he turned back and prepared to continue attacking Cuiping Town. The people on the city wall just breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the ogre ant's internal strife could give them a rest, but then they saw the ogre ant crawling back overwhelmingly.

"Master, something is wrong." This time Ghost did not speak, but communicated with Li Zhenbang through the spirit of the contract.

"What's the matter?" Li Zhenbang frowned. The situation is already very bad now, and he doesn't want to hear any worse news.

"There seems to be something wrong with the ogre ants who died under the city wall and the souls of the people who died on the city wall." The ghost hesitated and said, after all, it was too far away, not sure.

"Is there any problem?" Li Zhenbang's heart suddenly jumped when he heard the ghost's words. This feeling is very unpleasant and often means that something will happen.

"Under normal circumstances, whether it is a human or a monster, the soul will rise into the air or infiltrate into the ground after death, or wander around. But the souls near the city wall stay in place, and even tend to gather together, and I can feel it They have a lot of grievances, this situation is very abnormal." Ghost thought for a while and said cautiously.

"Are there any other abnormalities?" Hearing this, Li Zhenbang calmed down. Although he didn't have much research on the soul, he was also extremely sensitive to magical elements.

Hearing the words of the ghost, he tried to condense his spiritual power into a line and approached the city wall, and he obviously felt a lot of gray magic elements.

Usually this kind of magical element in the air is very rare and easily dissipated, but now there are many and very active.

This type of magic element is condensed around the ghost when using magic. If you expect it well, the gray magic element should be the undead magic element.

Li Zhenbang pondered for a moment, and thought of a terrible thing. There was a necromancer into Cuiping Town, and all this should be planned by the necromancer. In order to collect a large number of human and monster souls, he sneaked into the nest of the ogre ant and took away the queen.

Although this is only an idea, Li Zhenbang feels that it is very close to reality. Necromancer, that is the public enemy of the entire continent! If it is not impossible, he will not let the ghost use the undead magic to help, he does not want others to mistakenly think that he has something to do with the undead magician.

Li Zhenbang hesitated, and told Omega of his thoughts. After all, the Necromancer is not an easy role.

Undead magic is a spell that is more evil than dark magic. Dark magic can be grown through practice. Behind every powerful necromancer means that countless people have been mutilated, because the growth of necromancer needs. It is a lot of souls and corpses.

In the battle just now, the magician has basically exhausted his magic power, his face is pale, and he can barely stand by supporting the city wall. However, none of the magicians chose to retreat. Except for the seriously injured magicians who were lifted down the city wall for treatment, the rest of the magicians took advantage of the short rest time to eat the healing potions and meditate to recover.

The soldiers on the city wall were all wounded and exhausted. Their exposed arms were covered with blue veins, and some of them were already showing signs of separation.

Young and strong ordinary people also climbed up the city wall voluntarily, preparing for the final desperate struggle. They also knew that if the city was broken, they and their families would not be spared.

The crowd watched as the ogre ants were getting closer and closer to the city wall, less than ten meters away, and those with better eyes could clearly see the fine hair on the corners of the ogre ants' mouth.

"Wow!" There was a sudden roar in the distance, the wind and clouds changed color, and there was a faint thunderous explosion in the air. The ogre ant colony suddenly rioted and did not move forward.

Two black spots suddenly appeared on the horizon, and soon the black spots gradually became bigger and clearer in everyone's eyes.

The people were shocked to discover that there were two giant dragons flying from the sky, one with golden light flowing in its body, an adult golden dragon, and the other with an emerald green dragon that looked like a green crystal, not quite similar to the dark green poisonous dragon. Similarly, people with good eyes saw two dragons standing on each other.

No one else came, but the golden dragon Alpha and the emerald dragon Omega, who restored the dragon's true body. It was the holy warrior Sophia standing on Alpha, and the holy magician Yang Bing stood on Omega.

Hearing Li Zhenbang's call, the two dragons and two dragons hurriedly left the large army for fear of other changes and rushed over. The others were on their way, and they should be able to arrive within half an hour.

Although the dragon hadn't flew to the city wall, but seeing two people standing on the dragon's body, the people on the wall cheered loudly.

In the face of so many ogre ants, even though the two dragons dare not face their fronts, it means that reinforcements have arrived. Moreover, the dragon's power of the dragon has a certain suppressing effect on any beast. At least the ogre ant will not be as crazy as it was at the beginning when attacking, and the strength will not be fully utilized.

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