Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 196: Bro Forest Treasure Hunt

Obviously it was daytime, but the sky suddenly became gloomy, and the rumbling thunder ripped through the sky. When everyone was horrified, the depths of the Robe Forest lit up with seven colors.

The seven-color radiance shot directly into the sky, piercing the dark sky, and the sky was rendered into seven colors.

"The miracle has appeared!" I don't know who shouted first, everyone was boiling, put down the work in their hands, took up weapons and rushed into the Robe Forest, calling friends and companions.

Some big families and big mercenary groups also rioted, but after all, they are organized and disciplined teams. They did not swarm into the forest like other mobs, but quickly gathered.

After the team assembled, under the leadership of their respective team leaders, they entered Robe Forest one after another.

Apart from the three of Li Zhenbang, there are only seven teams left, including the Red Maple Leaf Family and the Royal Mercenary Corps. They were all ready to go, but they didn't rush into the forest.

Li Zhenbang saw Li Ruoyue and Li Ruoxing in the royal mercenary group, and there were many people around them. However, these people are not a team, but divided into a number of small teams. These should be the mercenary teams they usually train.

Naturally, Li Zhenbang wouldn't be boring in the past, and now if they were in the past, they might be hindered by misunderstandings. Li Zhenbang did not choose to join the Red Maple Leaf family, he prepared three people to enter Robe Forest.

The seven-color precious light gradually faded, and finally disappeared. The sky was clear again, the sun was shining, the blue sky and white clouds, as if everything just now was an illusion.

Some people from the seven teams finally started to enter Robe Forest, which seemed to have lit a fuse, and the other six teams also began to enter Robe Forest in an orderly manner. They seemed to have negotiated, keeping a considerable distance from each other, and did not enter the forest from one place.

Seeing everyone else moved, the three of Li Zhenbang also quietly touched into the forest from an inconspicuous place...

Regardless of the crowds surrounding the forest at first, the sea of ​​people and banners covered the sun, but when these people were scattered in the Robe Forest, they became too sparse. At the beginning, I could barely see the shadows of people in the distance, but after walking for a while, "the ancients will not be seen before, and the comers will not be seen in the back".

"Dudu, do you have any feelings after entering here?"

"Please, this is the outer part of the forest. The colorful treasure just now was in the deepest part of the forest. How can I feel now!" Duoduo said helplessly.

"I'm not talking about this feeling, I mean whether there are any precious herbs, high-end monsters around here." Li Zhenbang hurriedly explained. He didn't think about what he would gain when he first came in, and he didn't rush to the final prize.

"It's strange to say that before the appearance of the colorful light, I could still feel some herbs and low-level monsters appearing on the edge of the forest, but after coming in, I couldn't feel anything." Doudou said suspiciously.

There must be a demon if things are abnormal. Li Zhenbang told Omega and Long Miaomiao about the situation, reminding them to be careful, and Omega also reminded them not to leave their five-meter range.

After entering the forest, Omega felt that the forest was very weird. Even when he went all out, the range of spiritual power covered was only slightly farther than the line of sight, which was very incredible in normal times.

The three of them proceeded cautiously, naturally not very fast. What surprised the three of them was that they did not encounter a monster or even an animal along the way. I have encountered some herbal medicines, but because this is still outside the forest, the age of the herbal medicines is not high and the medicinal value is low, so Li Zhenbang had to give up picking.

Gradually deep into the Robe Forest, the three still did not encounter any creatures, not even one. The sky has started to darken, and the forest has darkened even earlier, and there has been heavy fog, and the visible distance is only about ten meters.

Li Zhenbang's mental power is not as far as the eyes can see, Omega can barely cover the mental power to a distance of more than 30 meters, and the mental power consumption is extremely huge.

The silence in the forest did not even sound of insects, and occasionally a gust of wind blew by, and the rustling sound in the forest made people shudder.

"Let's talk! The feeling of not having a sound is really scary." Long Miaomiao tightly grasped Li Zhenbang's arm and said softly.

"Miaomiao, you have even seen the ghost, is there anything else that can scare you?" At this point, Li Zhenbang suddenly realized that he released the ghost from the acquired bag. In this gloomy environment, it is very suitable for the growth of ghosts.

After the ghost came out, he happily circled around Li Zhenbang, and then took the lead to explore the way ahead, and at the same time used the invisibility technique to hide his figure.

Long Miaomiao glanced at Ghost's back, and said helplessly, "I am afraid because I don't know what I will encounter."

"Hey, the unknown is always terrible, isn't it? Relax, even if you encounter some terrible thing I will block you, if I can't stop it, there is still Big Brother Omega!"

Li Zhenbang patted Long Miaomiao tightly and comforted the back of his arm, but it didn't seem to have any effect. Long Miaomiao still held it tightly, showing no sign of letting go.

Li Zhenbang sighed and had to let Long Miaomiao hold it. Omega always followed behind the two of them, setting the stage for them. Under this circumstance, the person who leads the way only needs to be careful ahead, not to mention that there is still a ghost ahead to lead the way, but the person behind must be careful of the dangers from all directions.

After the ghost appeared, the three people's marching speed obviously accelerated a lot. The speed of the ghost is very fast, especially in such a dark environment that can give full play to its strength, and the road conditions ahead are passed to Li Zhenbang through the spirit.

There is no beast ahead, so naturally there is no danger. Although it has not yet reached the center of the forest, there is no beast encountered that makes the hearts of the three people feel like a big rock is pressed. I didn't see the living creatures, nor did I see the dead, as if the entire forest was dead, without any anger.

If it hadn't been denied repeatedly, they would have doubted whether they had entered an illusion.

Suddenly Li Zhenbang stopped, and at the same time signaled Omega and Long Miaomiao to stop, the two looked at Li Zhenbang suspiciously.

"The message from the ghost, there are two groups of people fighting each other a thousand meters away, should we take a look?" Li Zhenbang said in a low voice.

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