Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 198: final hit

Seeing Lei Huanyu who became mad, Frida's eyes flashed with astonishment. He didn't expect Lei Huanyu to have such a hand.

Lei Huanyu, who had become mad, was obviously much stronger than himself. The strength of the mercenaries on his side might be better than that of the opponent, but the overall coordination ability was much worse. After all, many of the high-level mercenaries on my side are patchwork or temporary hires. The mercenaries have never cooperated, so there will be many loopholes in the cooperation, so there are certain advantages and they are not too obvious. Half a catty.

Now that he is inferior to the other party, the possibility of final defeat on his side is much greater. So Frida hesitated very much, but now he is already riding a tiger.

Lei Huanyu didn't care what Frida thought, but rushed towards him with a silver gun. The time for madness is limited, he can't waste a second, otherwise he will be weak for a period of time after the madness spends time, and then his life will be suspended.

Frida is not stupid either, he naturally knows Lei Huanyu's thoughts, so now he does not choose to fight Lei Huanyu hard, but to walk with Lei Huanyu.

Frida's idea is very good, but it is a pity that she overestimated her ability. Lei Huanyu himself is much better than him in technique, and he is faster than him. Now he is a bit stronger than him. So Frida was shot through Lei Huanyu’s left arm soon, if not for him Dodge a bit faster, I'm afraid the whole left arm will be scrapped.

As the so-called clay figurine still has a three-point temper, not to mention Frida who has become accustomed to it! Frida held Pu Dao by his side and chose to face Lei Huanyu.

Under the head-on, Frida is not weaker than Lei Huanyu in strength. After all, Lei Huanyu's fighting style focuses on speed, while Frida focuses on strength.

After a few heads-ups, Frida regained some confidence. Lei Huanyu, who has rich combat experience, naturally will not attack the enemy with his shortcomings, so he hastened the pace of the attack.

As soon as Lei Huanyu's attack rhythm suddenly changed, Frida's movements naturally stopped for a while, and a scar that was deeply visible was added to his body.

Frida left a drop of cold sweat on his head, not only painful, but also fearful. If it wasn't for being hit hard by Pu Dao just now, I'm afraid I would be pierced by a silver spear.

The mercenaries around didn't do anything, they all watched the battle between the two intently. They all know that the final victory of the two will determine the outcome of the entire battle.

Frida flicked a knife, forced Lei Huanyu back, and took a step back himself. Frida's chest heaved violently. According to the current situation, Lei Huanyu was not weak yet, and he had to lie down first.

Frida's clothes had been stained red with blood, and Lei Huanyu saw Frida's injury and his eyes became more violent.

Frida's heart was chilled. If he didn't want to deal with it properly, I'm afraid that the great situation created before will be rewritten. This is not what he wants to see.

Frida was still a little tangled in her heart, but seeing Lei Huanyu approaching herself, her heart was smashed, and she gritted her teeth and bit her tongue.

A stream of blood flowed down the corner of Frida's mouth, and Frida gave a cruel smile.

Frida once got a martial art at an auction, this martial art can improve his own strength in a short time, but it is cruel to the users.

When using it, you need to use the tip of your tongue as a guide to induce retrograde flow of your own blood, so as to greatly increase your own strength. After the user uses it, he can no longer use grudge within three days, and there will be a period of weakness after the martial arts are used up.

But now Frida had no choice but to use this martial skill, otherwise he might not even survive today.

After the qi and blood retrograde, Frida's aura quickly climbed, faintly surpassing Lei Huanyu who used the maddening potion.

"The one named Frida is a bit interesting. He actually used Qi and blood retrograde to improve his strength. I am afraid that the damage to the body will not be much worse than that of Lei Huanyu." Omega said softly in surprise.

"The blood is going retrograde? Damn, this kid is cruel enough! It's weird that most people dare to do this without exploding and die." Li Zhenbang exclaimed.

"I'm afraid he has some special doorways!" Omega said, touching his chin.

"You mean martial arts?" Li Zhenbang's eyes lit up. This kind of martial arts is generally rare. If used in some special circumstances, it will have unexpected effects.

"You are interested in?"

"It can be understood."

"Then I will get it?"

"Don't worry, just take a look."

"Let's kill him and then bring the martial arts over!" Long Miaomiao suddenly interrupted.

Li Zhenbang and Omega couldn't help but shudder. These words were full of resentment.

"Uh, Miaomiao, we are all good people, how can we do this kind of murder and overstocking?" Li Zhenbang wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said with a smile.

Long Miaomiao curled his lips and gave Li Zhenbang a big eye. She just said it, anyway, if she really wanted to kill, it would not be her turn to get started.

The three of them hid in the bushes and continued to watch, judging the abilities of the two who were fighting from time to time. Long Miaomiao looked at the two of them without interest. Anyway, those two came here at random, even if they used the martial arts of madness potion and blood retrograde at the same time, she didn't care about it.

Although Long Miaomiao is now a black iron warrior, the silver warrior can't please him, not to mention that the two of them barely touched the silver warrior's threshold.

The battle was fierce, wounds continued to grow on both sides, blood stained their clothes red, and both of them seemed to be blood people.

The two weapons suddenly collided with each other. Frida stepped back three steps, and Lei Huanyu stepped back six steps. It is not that Lei Huanyu is worse than Frida, but after all, he is good at speed.

"One blow will win or lose!" Lei Huanyu stared at Frida with squinted eyes, panting quickly.

"Okay! That's what I meant!" Frida looked at Lei Huanyu angrily. After using Qi and blood retrograde, he was still on par with Lei Huanyu, which made him very annoyed.

What's more, the longer the use of qi and blood retrograde, the greater the damage to himself, and he is about to reach the limit he can bear, otherwise it is likely to cause permanent damage to himself.

Lei Huanyu stood still on the spot, his body was crackling with electric glows, and the electric glows slowly gathered on the hand holding the silver gun, like an electric snake swimming along the silver gun towards the tip of the gun...

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