Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 211: Temple of the Moon Goddess

After the door was opened, Li Zhenbang did not rush in, but let the door open and waited for a while.

Seeing nothing unusual, he walked into the palace cautiously. After entering the palace, Li Zhenbang was surprised to find that the palace was empty and there was nothing. Li Zhenbang relentlessly circled the hall a few times, but still found nothing.

Duoduo also searched carefully in the hall, and finally found a button-like protrusion in a very secret corner.

Li Zhenbang didn't press it rashly, but he remembered that the button in the Edward Treasury was pulled out. But this time he was obviously too worried. After careful study by him and Duoduo, he finally came to the conclusion that this button was indeed pressed.

Li Zhenbang pressed the button very cautiously, and the main hall suddenly rumbling, and the floor in the center of the main hall began to move around. Li Zhenbang and Duoduo hid in a corner of the main hall, daring not to move, staring at them vigilantly.

A huge white stone statue slowly rose from the middle of the main hall. Li Zhenbang watched intently. The stone statue was exactly the same as the portrait in his arms, even the prayer movements were exactly the same.

In order to be more certain, Li Zhenbang took out the portrait and compared it carefully. The white stone statue was single in color but more majestic and solemn. The color of the portrait is richer, with more beauty and realism.

Li Zhenbang's heart was full of doubts, and he looked towards him for help. Duoduo shrugged his shoulders and spread out two small paws, indicating that he had never heard of it either.

One person and one mouse turned around the statue for a few times and didn't see any famous hall, but when the statue appeared, the whole hall was filled with a palpitating atmosphere.

Since they didn't find anything of value, Li Zhenbang and Duoduo turned around to leave the hall. The atmosphere in the hall really put a lot of pressure on them.

But when they turned around, they realized that the gate had quietly closed at some point. Li Zhenbang hurriedly rushed to use the strength of the milk, but did not open the door.

Li Zhenbang looked around vigilantly, and Duoduo climbed onto Li Zhenbang's body. Li Zhenbang couldn't take much care of it at this moment, and instantly released all his summoned beasts. The iron armored rhinoceros stood at the forefront. The other summoned beasts surrounded Li Zhenbang, and Moonlight stood behind him.

As everyone looked around with vigilance, no one noticed something unusual in the moonlight.

Moonlight's body exuded a soft light and became brighter and brighter, and his body became more and more condensed, but it was a little unclear due to the light.

Suddenly, light spots appeared on the smooth walls in the main hall, and the light spots slowly spread out, forming a series of different patterns and words.

Seeing the strangeness in front of him, Li Zhenbang came out in surprise and became more vigilant. Only then did he discover the abnormality of the moonlight, and he couldn't help but look at the moonlight with some worry.

Li Zhenbang was not worried that Moonlight would be detrimental to him, because the power of the contract still existed, Moonlight could not harm him, nor would it go against his will. Moonlight's power of life and death was still in his own hands. What he worries about now is whether there will be any problems with Moonlight. He doesn't want Moonlight to suffer any harm, but he can only watch the situation silently and can't do anything.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the moonlight to return to normal, but the light on the body became purer, more staring, and even closer to humans in appearance. In such a short few minutes, Moonlight turned from a fifth-order monster to a sixth-order monster, and it was still a sixth-order monster in its peak state.

Through the contract, Li Zhenbang could feel that there was nothing unusual in the moonlight, which relieved his hanging heart.

While Moonlight just evolved, it not only gained power, but also received some news about the ruins of this complex. Li Zhenbang also learned some of the stories here through spiritual communication and the murals and text on the wall.

The ruins of this building complex used to be a city with a population of hundreds of thousands. At that time, it was already a huge city.

People in this city believe in the goddess of the moon, and every household has a portrait of the goddess of the moon, and they worship every day before eating.

The hall where Li Zhenbang is now is the Temple of the Moon Goddess in this city. The circle on the gate is not the sun but the full moon. The statue in the hall is the goddess of the Moon.

The mural on the wall tells the origin of this city and the construction of the Temple of the Moon Goddess. This city was not built by humans, but the goddess of the moon built it overnight for a group of homeless people who wandered here through divine power.

After the entire city was built, people lived and worked in peace and contentment in the city. Later, people were grateful for the grace of the Moon Goddess and built a temple of the Moon Goddess in the center of the city to worship every day.

On the night when the temple was built, the goddess of the moon descended from the sky to show grace and persuade people to be kind.

But with the passage of time, human greed and arrogance thoroughly angered the Moon Goddess, so she gave up this group of people. Without the blessing of the Moon Goddess, not only did humans fail to reflect, they became more greedy and selfish.

In the end, for some reason, the environment of this city has become worse and worse, people's lives have become more and more difficult, and the human beings who have lost the blessing of the moon goddess are finally heading for destruction.

Li Zhenbang finally sighed with emotion. I am afraid that this place has existed longer than in ancient times. I am afraid that the so-called moon goddess is probably the **** of the time.

There is no such a person in the documents left over from the ancient times. I am afraid that it has been ancient, or it really did not appear at that time.

In the battle in the ancient times, many gods participated and even fell. Generally, as long as there are wars in which gods appear, there are records.

But this is not what Li Zhenbang is concerned about now, he is now very keen to know how to get out. The gate had been closed, and even the iron-clad rhinoceros, who was known for its strength, had nothing to do with the closed gate.

They have rummaged through the entire temple, and even Duoduo has not found any hidden secret doors and secret passages. They are now equivalent to being trapped in this temple.

Moonlight silently walked to the side of the statue of the Moonlight Goddess, and actually made the same action as the Moonlight Goddess. Li Zhenbang had an illusion at this time, the moonlight seemed to look more and more like the appearance of the moon goddess, the moonlight was the moon goddess, and the moon goddess was the moonlight.

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