Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 220: cluster amaryllis

Long Miaomiao was already crying in Li Zhenbang's arms long ago, and she felt the same way for Yuchen's experience.

"How strong are they?"

"Two golden warriors, ten silver warriors, twenty-four black iron warriors, one sixth-level magician, two fifth-level magicians, and seven fourth-level magicians." Yu Chen gritted his teeth and said each word. Said word by word.

"I'm still saying that it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. If you want to take revenge by yourself, you must learn to forbear. Your current strength is not enough for their teeth."

"Then how long do I need to endure?" Yu Chen asked urgently.

"Then it depends on your own talent and effort. If you can't get revenge after ten years, I can help you at that time. Within ten years, I can provide you with some drugs that will not cause sequelae, and let you The cultivation speed has been increased by at least two times, but you have to serve me for life, and your life and death are between my thoughts."

"As long as I can get my revenge, my life is yours, I have absolutely no complaints!" Yu Chen said without hesitation.

Li Zhenbang nodded, took some blood from Yuchen, made a puppet talisman, and gave it to him.

After a brief rest, the four were on the road again. The flickering frequency of the two stones also gradually increased, proving that there is no problem with their direction.

Everyone walked through the forest, and the scenery in front of them suddenly changed, a sea of ​​bright and **** flowers, and the flowers were charming and noble, which was amazing.

Long Miaomiao couldn't help sighing, "Wow, what a beautiful sea of ​​flowers!"

After speaking, Long Miaomiao rushed towards the sea of ​​flowers.

"Miaomiao, be careful, don't pick them, just look at them, their rhizomes are poisonous." Li Zhenbang hurriedly shouted from behind.

Hearing that the flowers are poisonous, Long Miaomiao hurriedly stopped and stood on the edge of the sea of ​​flowers without rushing into the sea of ​​flowers.

"Do you know these flowers?" Long Miaomiao looked at Li Zhenbang strangely.

"These flowers are called Bian Flowers, or Manzhushahua, and there are many poignant love stories about them." Li Zhenbang looked at these flowers and said with a smile.

Hearing that there were stories to listen to, Long Miaomiao excitedly ran to Li Zhenbang's side, waiting for him to tell the story.

Yuchen looked at Li Zhenbang curiously, wondering what story the other shore flower could tell.

Although the Golden Warrior was also very curious, he faithfully performed his duties as a bodyguard, watching the surroundings vigilantly, and was not close to Li Zhenbang, but his ears were also listening.

"Do you remember Po Meng in "Journey to the West"?" Li Zhenbang looked at Long Miaomiao and asked with a smile.

"Remember, Meng Potang, Huangquan Road, Naihe Bridge, right?" Long Miaomiao smiled and looked at Li Zhenbang, looking at the pupils waiting for the teacher's praise.

"Yes, that's right, I have a good memory! There is only one kind of flower blooming on Huangquan Road, and that is the other side flower."

"Huh! It sounds gloomy." Long Miaomiao curled his lips and looked at the blood-red flowers in front of him.

Li Zhenbang smiled, and then said, "There are many legends about the flowers on the other side, so I will simply tell you about it."

Although Yuchen hadn't heard of Meng Po, Meng Po soup, he still looked at Li Zhenbang expectantly. At this moment, he put aside the self-blame and regret on the road, and listened attentively to Li Zhenbang's story.

"This flower on the other side is said to have bloomed for a thousand years, flowered for a thousand years, and the leaves will never be seen. Of course, this is just a legend, in fact it will not last so long. Of course, the leaves will never see but it is true, and this The legend also came from this." Li Zhenbang looked at Long Miaomiao and Yuchen, smiling.

"There used to be two monsters, one is the flower demon and the other is the leaf demon. They have guarded the flowers of the other side for thousands of years, but they cannot see each other. Because the flower **** stipulates that the flowers of the other side have no leaves when they bloom, and the flowers will only grow after they fall. Ye Zi. The Flower Demon and Ye Demon know each other, but can't meet each other, so they miss each other."

"Finally one day, they wanted to meet secretly. After meeting, they discovered that the flower demon is a beautiful and elegant girl, and Ye Yao is a handsome young man, so they fell in love. That year, bloody. Green leaves are growing on the delicate Bianhua, and the red flowers are even more gorgeous with the green leaves."

"But this matter was known by the Flower God, and the Flower God sent them into a cycle of reincarnation. Punishing them to become the petals and leaves of a flower from the other shore, enduring hardships in the world for life, and never being able to be together."

"The flower gods are too hateful, they are too pitiful!" Long Miaomiao's eyes were red, and she was faintly about to break the bank. Yu Chen just clenched his fist, obviously he was also very sympathetic to the encounter between the Flower Demon and Ye Demon.

"After countless years of reincarnation, the Buddha went to the other bank of Wangchuan in the underworld and passed by here. He saw the other bank flower and saw the mystery. The Buddha picked off the other bank flower and said with emotion: In the past life, you can’t miss meeting each other. Love cannot stay together. There are countless rebirths, splitting and reunion, but fate and fate are extinct. I can't help you resolve the curse of the flower god, I will take you to the other side of Wangchuan, let you bloom there!"

"The Buddha passed by the Sanway River, and the river water wet the flowers on the other side of the river. When the Buddha arrived on the other side of the Forgotten River, he found that the blood-red flowers on the other side turned white. The Buddha pondered for a while and laughed: It’s not like being overwhelmed by great joy. Right and wrong, how can they be divided! The Buddha planted the other bank flower on the other bank of Wangchuan and named it Mandala."

"Datura flower? I have seen it, it's not like this." Long Miaomiao frowned and said.

"Datura is not a Datura flower. You can call a Datura flower a Datura, and Datura is a Datura."

"Oh, it looks like this! How come I look different!" Long Miaomiao nodded.

"The Buddha didn't know that the red color of the Bi'an flower stayed in the Santu River, wailing all day, making the hearer sad and weeping. The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva took out a seed and threw it in the river, a flower that was even more red than the previous one. Grows out of the river. The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva took it in his hand and exclaimed: You get away and feel at ease, why do you want to leave this boundless hatred in this boundless **** of the sea of ​​bitterness! You be an approaching messenger, Lead the souls to reincarnation! There is already a mandala on the other side, so you can call it Manjusawa!"

"From then on, there are two kinds of flowers on the other side of the world. One kind grows on the other side of Wangchuan River and is white and flawless. It is called Mandalahua. The other kind grows on the banks of Santu River and is blood-red and beautiful and called Manzhushahua!"

The story of Li Zhenbang is over, but Long Miaomiao and Yuchen have been silent for a long time, and their hearts cannot be calm.

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