Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 231: Ten fingers to heart

A strong man descended from the sky, carrying a man in black covered in blood and horror in his hands. The arms and legs of the black man were in a strange posture, and they were obviously all fractured.

The man in black is the leader of the man in black who has escaped, the brawny is Omega, and the rat generation dare that came from the sky before is also called by Omega. It was because of being too far away, Omega did not arrive in time, otherwise Li Zhenbang would not suffer such severe internal injuries.

If it weren't for Li Zhenbang to wear that silkworm soft armor and use internal force to protect the body, I am afraid that the man in black would be enough to kill Li Zhenbang.

Omega saw that Li Zhenbang was still able to move with Long Miaomiao's support, and her heart was quite calm.

If the leader in black hadn't kicked Li Zhenbang's kick, he might still have a chance to escape, but with that kick, how could Omega easily let him go.

The Omega was in the air, but he had already used magic to fight the leader of the man in black. When Omega fell from the air to the leader of the man in black, the leader of the black man thought that his chance was coming, but he was tragically lost. Omega, who released his grudge, interrupted his hands and feet, and brought it back with his collar. Even now, the leader of the man in black couldn't believe that he was defeated by a magician.

Seeing that the mastermind had been captured by a stranger, the people in black who were still clamoring just now were speechless.

"Okay, when the personnel are here, your death feast will begin! The killer will always kill!" Li Zhenbang finished, and the demon jumped directly on the head of a black iron warrior, and the black iron warrior wailed and fell. Fell to the ground.

Ghost easily grabbed his soul, then threw the souls of the previous people in his mouth together, and chewed.

The Elf Rat took out all the valuables from these corpses, and Li Zhenbang nodded in satisfaction when seeing the Elf Rat returning full of loads.

The iron-clad giant rhinoceros stood beside Li Zhenbang in favor and acted like a baby to Li Zhenbang. The corpses of these men in black were a great tonic for him. After Li Zhenbang acquiesced in acquiescence, the iron-clad rhinoceros shook its huge body and ran over to feast on it.

Some people in black cursed loudly, and some people began to wailing loudly, begging, and a stinky breath radiated from the crowd of people in black. Li Zhenbang frowned, and the water elves washed all the people in black with water, and the smell of smell weakened a little.

Long Miaomiao was unbearable at first, but when he saw Li Zhenbang seriously injured, he gritted his teeth and bowed his head and stopped looking. Yu Chen stared at the man in black who was arrogant and domineering just now but now kneeling down and begging for mercy, and fell into deep thought.

In the end, only the leader in black, the golden warrior and the youngest were left. It was not that Yao Yao's men were merciful, but Li Zhenbang ordered them to be useful.

Up to now, the matter has been very clear, and the information that the demon and ghost passed to Li Zhenbang basically grasped the cause of the whole matter.

In the end, these three people are members of the Holly family except for the Golden Warriors. The Holly family and the Red Maple Leaf family have long been wishing, and it is reasonable to do this kind of thing.

"Is the third child? I now ask you something, is this a temporary intention from you, or is it planned?" Li Zhenbang's body has now recovered a bit. Although the internal injury is still severe, Long Miaomiao is no longer needed. Helped.

"Don't kill me! Please! I don't want to die! It's all him, he did it, I'm just a soldier. Please! Don't kill me!" The old third wailed in tears, after all, who I don't want to die so miserably, and after death, the soul will have to be eaten by the monster that is capable of undead magic on the opposite side, and the corpse will be eaten by that iron-clad rhinoceros.

"Lao San, don't ask him, he won't let you go! It's useless to ask him!" The black-clothed leader shouted sharply.

"Fart! It's all you, if it weren't for you, how could I become like this? They are all dead, all you killed! Do you still want to kill me? If not, you will give me one hundred thousand gold coins after you finish talking , I won't do it with you!" The youngest roared at the leader of the man in black.

"It's all him, it's all planned by him. His brother once raped a waiter under your family property and was killed by someone from your family. So he held a grudge and wanted to take revenge all the time. It was all him. He did it!" The third child knelt on the ground and kept kowtow towards Li Zhenbang.

Li Zhenbang nodded. He had also heard of the incident, but he didn't expect it to be the brother of the leader in black.

"Well, for your honesty, let me spare your life for now."

"Thank you, thank you!" The youngest kowtows his head vigorously, blood stains have appeared on his head, but there is a vicious flash in his eyes.

"Then ask you first! Did he tell the truth?" Li Zhenbang didn't ask the Golden Warrior, but stood directly in front of the black-clothed leader, asking casually.

"Humph." The leader in black struggled, raising his head and snorting coldly. His vindictiveness has been sealed by Omega, and now he is an ordinary person, suddenly losing his power, he is even more unbearable than ordinary people.

"Everyone says that ten fingers are connected to the heart, I don't believe it, let me try it with you!" Li Zhenbang smiled and looked curious.

The black-clothed leader's pupils shrank and his face became ugly, but he remained silent and looked very hard, but the cold sweat on his head showed the fear in his heart at the moment.

Omega firmly pressed the hands of the leader in black on a big rock. Li Zhenbang took out a hammer and smashed it down without hesitation. The speed was extremely fast. In a blink of an eye, all ten fingers were destroyed. Patties.

The black-clothed leader felt pain after all ten fingers were smashed, and howled in pain, but Omega pressed his hands tightly, and he could only shake his head desperately.

When his hands were a little numb, the pain gradually decreased, and the black-clothed leader gasped hard and looked at Li Zhenbang with a grim look.

"Huh, kid, I don't have ten fingers anymore, how can I play with you?"

"Of course it's time to play slowly!" Li Zhenbang grinned, with a sunny smile on his face.

Seeing Li Zhenbang's smile, the leader of the man in black felt that his heart had stopped for a while, and Li Zhenbang's smile seemed to him more terrifying than a demon.

The black-clothed leader rounded his eyes and looked at his fingers with an unbelievable expression, because the fingers were returning to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the pain was also slightly reduced. How did he know that there was Omega here, let alone fingers, even broken arms and legs were not a big problem.

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