Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 235: Reincarnation

"Yes, it was Deli Leka and I who helped you awaken. As expected, you really have five elements of magic physique! Did you know? According to legend, only the magic **** has five elements of magic physique!" It was Master Yang Bing, and an old man with a red beard next to him was also proud of his face. It was Master Delilika.

"Two teachers, let me say that I can learn five kinds of magic at the same time?" Li Zhenbang looked at the two old men in surprise with a strange feeling in his heart, but he couldn't tell why.

"Zhenbang, congratulations, you are the pride of our family!"

"Five elders!"

"Zhenbang, what's the matter? Is there any problem?"

"No, I always feel as if I have forgotten something."

"It's okay, but you are the awakening of the five elements of magic. You may not be comfortable with the awakening just now. Just get used to it!" The fifth elder gently stroked Li Zhenbang's head, his face full of pride.

"Zhenbang, the family will depend on you to inherit and carry forward! You must work hard!"

"Elder, I...I will work hard!"

"Your Majesty the King is here..." After a loud scream, a group of forbidden troops took the lead, followed by the brigade of court men and horses, and a luxurious dragon slowly appeared in the eyes of everyone.

After Long Hu stopped, a middle-aged man in an armored shirt walked off Long Hu.

Some people knelt to the ground, others bowed and saluted, shouting in unison: "Welcome your Majesty the King!"

Seeing all this, Li Zhenbang was a little at a loss. He didn't know whether he should kneel down or bow to salute. Li Zhenbang, standing motionless, immediately became the focus of everyone.

"Bold! Why don't you pay a homage to His Majesty the King?"

"Uh...I'm sorry, I was panicked for a while, and I was a little at a loss. Hope your Majesty the King forgive me!" Li Zhenbang bowed in salute and said neither humble nor humble.

"Li Zhenbang, just get rid of it! Everyone, too!" The middle-aged man was obviously in a good mood and didn't blame Li Zhenbang.

"Thanks your Majesty!" After thanking everyone, they stood on both sides and consciously set aside the road in the middle.

"Zhenbang, I am here to congratulate you. I am very pleased to hear that you have awakened to the five-system magic physique. I am ready to let you enter the inner circle and learn magic systematically. When Master Yang Bing and Master Delileka do not Having fallen into the name of a master, we must teach Zhenbang well and strive to make him a pillar of the country as soon as possible."

"Follow your majesty's dictum!" Yang Bing and Deli Laika stepped out and bowed in salute.


"Master Zhenbang, Fredham City is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there are many Saint-level powerhouses sitting here, what should we do?" Inside the big tent, a seventh-level magician frowned and said.

Other people in the big tent also frowned, and it was clear that Fredham City was a big problem for them.

"Omega, follow me to Fredham City for a stroll. Since the soldiers are under the city, if we just stare at the city wall in a daze, wouldn't it be the name of the Red Maple Leaf family!" Li Zhenbang looked at the sand table in front of him and snorted Tao.

"Zhenbang, I already have itchy hands, what shall we do?" Omega said excitedly.

"Of course it's a big deal!" Li Zhenbang showed a meaningful smile...

"The City Lord's Mansion is on fire, Lord City Lord is dead, everyone, run away!"

Looking at the raging fire burning in the City Lord’s Mansion, the entire Fredham City was in chaos. Although most of the people in Fredham City were evil people, no one would give up their lives without being forced to a certain extent.

Li Zhenbang sent troops to encircle the three gates, leaving only one north gate without a single soldier. The north gate of Fredham City soon heard the sound of weapon handover. After a while, the north gate was opened, and countless people with weapons in hand gushed out from the north gate and dissipated into the night...

"Zhenbang, if it weren't for you, how could I unify the entire continent so quickly. This country has half of your credit. I will call you the king of one word, one person is above 10,000!" Zhao Tianlong cheeks due to excitement. Somewhat reddish.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"For a banquet, I want to get drunk with Zhenbang today! Let my beloved consort Long Miaomiao come to dance with you!"

Li Zhenbang's heart jumped. The name Long Miaomiao seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember why he was familiar.

The banquet was set quickly, Li Zhenbang and Zhao Tianlong sat opposite each other, and Ying Sheng and Yan Yu were so lively above the hall. At this moment, a beautiful woman with a graceful figure and a white veil floated down from the air.

Seeing this woman, Li Zhenbang felt a pain in his heart and some breathing blockage.

"Zhenbang, what's wrong with you?" Zhao Tianlong asked suspiciously when he saw Li Zhenbang's strangeness.

"The minister is fine, I don't know why my heart is aching, I'm afraid I can't continue drinking with your majesty!" Li Zhenbang covered his chest with one hand, gasping violently.

"Aren't you fancy my concubine?" Zhao Tianlong said with a laugh.

"Your Majesty is joking, you know, the minister is not good at femininity, but for some reason, the minister suddenly became bored and the pain was abnormal!"

"Let the imperial doctor treat you! Pass the imperial doctor!"

"Your Majesty Xie! The minister retire first!" Li Zhenbang shook his feet, bowed and saluted, and slowly withdrew from the hall.

Seeing Li Zhenbang withdraw from the main hall, Zhao Tianlong's eyes became gloomy...

Li Zhenbang, who was lying on the bed, suddenly spit out a mouthful of black blood, his breathing became more and more cramped, and the family members panicked.

Li Zhenbang sighed helplessly while lying on the bed, already knowing in his heart. The rabbit is dead and the dog is cooked, and the bird is hidden. The power is high, the death is not a pity! How could he really allow a person who threatened his status to exist!

Li Zhenbang's eyes gradually blurred, his pupils slowly spread, black blood gradually flowed from the corners of his mouth, and his head slowly tilted to the side...

"Eh, little beggar, don't stand in front of my door here, roll aside and beg for food..."

"Li Zhenbang, don't be lazy, hurry up and give that guest a drink..."

"Big brother, look at this wind chasing leopard, it can't catch your eyes! Hey, watch me peel his skin..."

"Li Zhenbang, you have done a lot of evil, and you can hide there today, and you will die soon..."


"Didi... brat, you're looking for death! Didn't you see that it was a red light? Run the red light, you are dead?" A driver rolled down the car window and shouted angrily at a teenager.

However, the young man still looked a little distracted, staring at the driver with empty eyes.

The driver saw the boy's appearance a little abnormal, and drove away in a hurry...

"Where is this? Who am I? Why do I appear here? Why is there a familiar feeling here?" The boy looked around blankly...

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