Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 239: Legacy of the Moon God

Divine Sense stretched out hands and Moonlight's hands were tightly clasped together, and the bodies of both sides emitted a soft halo.

Moonlight's body is getting brighter, but not dazzling. The body of the divine consciousness slowly contracted, and finally turned into a dazzling ball of light, rotating around the moonlight body, faster and faster. Li Zhenbang could only see a light and shadow moving up and down on the surface of Moonlight's body.

Suddenly, the ball of light stopped in front of the moonlight. This rapid movement and sudden stop gave Li Zhenbang an indescribable weird feeling.

The ball of light flashed before the moonlight forehead, disappearing without a trace. Li Zhenbang could feel that Moonlight's soul also began to emit a soft white light. His soul contract with Moonlight was not affected in any way, and it remained as strong as ever.

The white light of Moonlight's body slowly faded and returned to normal, but the light from Moonlight's head became more and more intense, and Li Zhenbang had to squint to see clearly. Moonlight didn't feel any discomfort, on the contrary, raising his head seemed to be enjoying it.

Li Zhenbang can clearly feel that although Moonlight's level has not improved, Moonlight's soul has become more solid, and its mental power has become several times stronger than before. If you have not passed the test of reincarnation, I am afraid that you will be unable to control the contract.

The white light on the moonlight head gradually returned to normal. Li Zhenbang discovered that there was a diamond-like brilliant light bead in the middle of the moonlight's forehead. The light bead faintly exudes the same breath as divine consciousness, but it seems to be better than divine consciousness. The breath is stronger.

The reason why Li Zhenbang could feel it was because he had a soul contract with Moonlight. He could feel any abnormalities in Moonlight's body, and other people naturally couldn't feel this breath.

"Moonlight, are you okay?" Li Zhenbang looked at the moonlight nervously.

Moonlight's thinking has become a bit sluggish now, perhaps because it hasn't adapted after the integration. After a few minutes, Moonlight nodded in response to Li Zhenbang.

In this situation, Li Zhenbang would naturally not be relieved. Although there was nothing wrong with the contract, he did not dare to guarantee whether the divine consciousness would not take away the house, and whether the current moonlight was still his own. Now he felt a little regretful in his heart. He didn't know what he would do if the moonlight weren't moonlight. Could it be that he really killed it.

Li Zhenbang tried to explore the soul of Moonlight, and the feedback received made him completely relieved. Moonlight now has only one soul. After the fusion of her spiritual consciousness and her soul, it adds a lot of energy and a part of her memory. In order to prevent Moonlight Soul from being broken by the energy of Divine Consciousness, Divine Consciousness sealed part of its own energy. As the Moonlight level increases, this seal will be lifted step by step.

Obviously, Divine Sense did not intend to capture Moonlight, otherwise it would stop growing without reaching the critical value of the contract. Judging from the current situation, Divine Sense is fully capable of helping Moonlight break through its contract.

The moonlight slowed down for a while, and finally returned to normal. Accepting the inheritance of the Moon God is not too stressful for her, because only after becoming a Tier 9 beast will she truly receive the inheritance of the Moon God. But the fusion with the soul of the divine consciousness allowed Moonlight to receive a lot of information and knowledge, so there was a temporary absence of consciousness.

It is not realistic to say that Moonlight has not been affected in any way. The biggest change of Moonlight is that she no longer calls her master or master, but directly calls herself Zhenbang. But Li Zhenbang didn't matter, he thought of them as friends, not slaves.

"Zhenbang, my mission of guarding the miracle has been completed, and I am now integrated with your moonlight, and soon you will all be teleported to your Robe Forest. Except you, those who saw me I have got some treasures. The people who came with you have taken care of me within my authority a little bit, and you have to be more careful for a while. I have consumed too much energy and I can no longer help you. My consciousness will gradually become more and more peaceful. The soul of Moonlight is completely fused together."

Li Zhenbang nodded, and took the moonlight back into the acquired bag. Perhaps now is the real start of the treasure hunt, and the follow-up theme song will be robbery and killing.

Li Zhenbang's eyes gradually became clear, and the surroundings were no longer hazy white, but lush green, and he had returned to the Robe Forest.

What surprised him was that Omega, the Great Elder and others were by his side, and there were even some family members. These people should have come here with the Great Elder. It seemed that the divine consciousness finally helped him, bringing his own people together.

Most people don't know what's going on, and a few people just went through an experience, but it is obviously a good thing for everyone to get together.

"Brother Zhenbang, are you okay?" Long Miaomiao hurried to Li Zhenbang's side and looked carefully.

"I'm fine, don't worry!" Li Zhenbang patted Long Miaomiao on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Omega looked at Li Zhenbang with a worried look, and Li Zhenbang gave him a relieved look.

The fifth elder was no longer there, and the other elders did not follow, so the crowd all looked towards the elder. The elder took a look at Li Zhenbang and found that there was nothing wrong with him, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The great elder briefly explained the affairs of the five elders to everyone. Everyone clenched their fists, and they sought someone from the Holly family to settle accounts. The current situation is not the time to settle accounts, so everyone was stopped by the elder.

Everyone returned to Robe Forest. Naturally, we knew that the miracle had come to an end, but whether we could safely get out of the forest was a question. Some of the people have already got some treasures from the ruins. From this, it can be inferred that other people will definitely have some treasures in their hands, and there will be no peace along the way.

Several injured people were taken care of by Li Zhenbang's magic potion, and Li Zhenbang even summoned the giant rhinoceros to serve as a means of transportation for the wounded. Li Zhenbang originally wanted to summon the winged bird and beast to act as an air scout, but after another thought, the air target was too obvious, and finally had to give up.

When there are more people, everyone's confidence is naturally sufficient. The death of the fifth elder did not depress everyone, but was full of fighting spirit. The crowd dispersed towards the surroundings, protecting the Great Elder, Li Zhenbang and others in the encirclement.

Li Zhenbang distinguished a lower person and directed everyone to move towards the initial gathering area. Although there are a lot of people, everyone's moving speed is not slow. Li Zhenbang occasionally signaled everyone to stop and adjust the direction.

"Help..." A faint cry for help reached everyone's ears...

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