Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 247: Come to Japan

Omega followed the leader of the necromancer, and found Li Ruoyue who had fallen on the roadside, and hurriedly stepped forward to check.

Li Ruoyue just fainted, there was nothing unusual, Omega breathed a sigh of relief, and her hanging heart also let go.

Omega looked at the direction in which the necromancer was escaping, hesitated, picked up Li Ruoyue and turned back.

Bringing Li Ruoyue back safely was the purpose of this chase. Now that the person has been found, so as to avoid extraneous branches, it is better to go back early to prevent everyone from worrying. As for the necromancer, the future is long, and there will be opportunities in the future.

This wave of necromancers is not the same as the last time the necromancers appeared in Cuiping Town. It seems that the necromancers have a tendency to recover again. This matter must be told to Master Yang Bing, and there is still a chance. Send the news back to Longdao and let everyone take precautions.

The old undead magician secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and it seemed that he had made the right bet, and the other party rushed to the girl. Although it is a pity for him to give up that girl, he also knows that if he is caught up, he will probably have no good end. Although no one was caught, if this incident were reflected, it would definitely be a great achievement.

Li Zhenbang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Omega returning with Li Ruoyue. Li Ruoxing rushed over and looked at Li Ruoyue, then at Omega.

"Don't worry, she's fine, she just passed out in a coma and should wake up in a while." Omega handed Li Ruoyue to Li Ruoxing and explained.

"Thank you Senior Omega."

"Don't be so polite, Zhenbang calls me big brother, and you just call me big brother with him."

"Uncle Omega, believe it or not, I'll go back and tell Godmother that you hooked up the little girl." Seeing that everyone was fine, Long Miaomiao returned to her ghostly and clever appearance.

Hearing Long Miaomiao's words, Omega gave her a fierce look, but helplessly, the others also swept away the previous haze and laughed.

At this time, Li Ruoyue woke up and saw that everyone was laughing, and asked a little unclearly: "What are you laughing at? Did I miss something?"


After the four mutant warriors escaped from the Necromancer, their combat power was greatly reduced, and they were quickly resolved by six. But after all, he was a former comrade in arms, and everyone was still in conflict with killing his own comrade in arms. Of the four dead, two belonged to the Royal Mercenary Group, one belonged to the Tulip Family, and one was a mercenary.

The four of them have become monsters, and there is no human appearance for a long time, so it is obviously not appropriate to take them out directly. Finally, after discussing, they collected their belongings, the corpses were cremated, and the ashes were collected separately.

Under Li Zhenbang's suggestion, the group followed Li Zhenbang and moved closer to the Red Maple Leaf family. Under the current circumstances, the Red Maple Leaf family is obviously a good place to rely on, not to mention the super strong Omega, everyone's safety is more guaranteed.

Li Xuanmiao frowned when he saw Li Zhenbang coming with a group of people, but when he saw that the team was basically all members of the Royal Mercenary Corps, his heart settled down instead.

As long as there are people from the Royal Mercenary Group, all those who want to do something against the Red Maple Leaf Family will have to weigh it. Although these people in the Royal Mercenary Group are not particularly high-level, there is only one Golden Warrior, but their identity is different after all. , The cooperation between the two sides is mutually beneficial, not to mention Li Ruoyue and Li Ruoxing in the team.

Li Zhenbang briefly told him about the situation, and he couldn't help but feel a little scared. If it hadn't been for Li Zhenbang to arrive in time, I'm afraid Li Ruoyue and Li Ruoxing would both be more fierce. Although they were surnamed Li, they had half royal blood in their bodies.

It is understandable that the two girls are inadequate and have casualties, but if they meet and stand by, then this matter is a big deal. If the king angered the Red Maple Leaf family because of this incident, he would be the sinner of the family. You must know that the king loves his sister very much and loves the two girls. The attitude of the national teacher to the two girls That is obvious to all.

Li Xuanmiao called the two girls to his side and told them not to leave his sight.

Along the way, I met some people one after another, there were small groups, some individuals, and even several members of the Holly family. But now is not the time for conflicts, and the previous men in black were not appointed by the family, but privately seeking revenge. Of course, this matter won't just leave it alone, but now that necromancers have appeared, everyone is united instead.

People gathered more and more, and finally encountered the team of Poison Sect. In Li Xuanmiao's surprised eyes, a golden soldier who had been following Li Zhenbang unexpectedly left the team and walked into the Poison Sect team.

He is still very clear about the relationship between Li Zhenbang and the Poison Sect. The two sides are almost at the same level. If it weren't for the internal turmoil in the Poison Sect, I am afraid that Li Zhenbang would have had a head-to-head confrontation with the Poison Sect. Although he wondered why one of the golden warriors of the Poison Sect would be called Master Li Zhenbang, as a superior, the city government still had this point, so it did not show any abnormality.

After Li Zhenbang's sneak attack, the people of the Poison Sect were obviously not doing well, and even a silver puppet had completely lost contact with Li Zhenbang, which meant that he had completely died. Although Li Zhenbang regretted, he was helpless.

One was to prevent the Poison Sect from being unfavorable to Li Zhenbang, and the other was to avoid unnecessary troubles, so Li Xuanmiao did not accept the Poison Sect.

The people of the Poison Sect also have self-knowledge, and their deterrence in the aristocratic circle is far greater than their influence. Now that he and others are injured, if there is any conflict, it is not impossible for so many people on the opposite side to want to leave all of them and others. Therefore, they didn't join the Red Maple Leaf family's team either, and the two sides marched separately at a distance.

Li Xuanmiao deliberately slowed down and chose another direction, so the distance between the two teams gradually opened up, and the two sides gradually disappeared from each other.

After the people of the Poison Sect disappeared, Li Zhenbang, Omega and Wuming also quietly left the team, disappeared, and Long Miaomiao did not follow them.

Li Xuanmiao saw it but didn’t stop it. With Omega here, Li Zhenbang shouldn’t be in danger. He could faintly guess some things, and he was a little worried, but with so many people watching, many of them are not yet popular. A member of the Maple Leaf family, so he can't say anything.

The three of Li Zhenbang left the team naturally to find a way to clean up the people from the Poison Sect.

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