Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 250: Yuanjia Road is narrow

Everyone's heart mentioned their throat, especially the magicians, they were about to collapse.

Without magic to protect him, the soldiers around him seem to be no longer reliable. Even the companions of magicians around him don't know whether they are reliable, and the two silver warriors who disappeared can easily slaughter them.

Li Zhenbang seemed to have not seen what was happening here, and still stood there smiling and watching everyone. Although Li Zhenbang was smiling, everyone looked at him as if they were looking at the devil.

"I guess who you will die next? Is it you, you, or you?" Li Zhenbang casually pointed his finger at the opposite group of people, the smile on his face grew stronger, as if he was inviting a friend We eat as casually.

All the magicians are evading Li Zhenbang's fingers like a plague, and the faces of the two golden and silver warriors are also very ugly.

The magician without the power to bind the chicken naturally did not dare to rush forward. The two silver warriors were injured in their thighs and were inconvenient to move. Moreover, the previous silver warrior was a lesson for warning. Although Li Zhenbang seemed harmless to humans and animals, he was unambiguous when he shot hard.

A golden warrior was Li Zhenbang's own person, so naturally he would not rush out. The golden warrior of Poison Sect did not dare to take it lightly, and the two silver warriors shot at his own, making him very scrupulous about the other golden warrior.

"This topic seems to be a little harsher, or let's change the topic. Guess who is the next one of you who will do something with your own person?" The smile on Li Zhenbang's face became even brighter.

The faces of the Poison Sect's people became more ugly. They all knew that Li Zhenbang was playing tricks on them, but they were helpless. The magicians no longer gather together. Although a fourth-level magician was stunned just now, they are obviously more concerned about stabbing a knife in the back.

If things continue to develop in this way, it seems to be the dead end of the stalemate. Of course, Li Zhenbang does not want to see such a result, so the nameless appears in a timely manner.

The appearance of the nameless is quite special. It is experience in the eyes of Li Zhenbang, but it is more frightening in the eyes of the people of the Poison Sect, because the cost of appearing without name is the lives of two silver fighters.

Although the two silver fighters had been injured, they were killed without even reacting, making the people of the Poison Sect fear Wuming. If they knew that there was still a dragon on top of their heads gazing at them, I am afraid they would have collapsed a long time ago. The fourth-level magician who was headed by the lords just now is Omega's masterpiece.

In fact, Li Zhenbang could completely kill them with his strength after trapping them. The reason why they played and tortured them in this way was because they created the group of zombies after entering the Robe Forest, and killed them all inhumanly for their own benefit.

Li Zhenbang is not a saint, he will not condemn those wicked people, nor will he try to persuade those wicked people to abandon evil and do good, he will use his own way to explain that he will pay it back sooner or later! Maybe one day he will die like these people, but he will not regret what he did today.

When the nameless appears, everything is over. Under the horrified gaze of the magicians, the golden puppet warriors attacked the golden warrior together with Wuming. The magicians without the power to bind chickens have undoubtedly become the delicacy of Li Zhenbang's monsters, of course, including that one. Golden warrior.

The soul of the Golden Warrior was seized by the ghost and stored, and now he is not suitable for absorbing the soul of the Golden Warrior.

When all the dust settled, Li Zhenbang didn't feel excited, all he felt was a kind of emptiness and sadness.

The strong in this world have the privilege of killing at will. Behind the seeming freedom, what is exposed is the helplessness and desolation of the weak.

The golden puppet warrior and the two silver puppet warriors did not continue to follow Li Zhenbang back to the team, but under the guidance of Li Zhenbang, they joined the other two silver puppet warriors.

After killing these people, Li Zhenbang no longer had the mood to continue slaughtering the remaining Poison Sect members, and if these people were dead, it would be difficult for these puppet soldiers to go back and explain.

If the entire army of the Poison Sect is annihilated and the Poison Sect becomes crazy, then he is really sinful...

The growing team of the Red Maple Leaf Family was advancing, and suddenly a group of people appeared not far away. The equipment of this group of people seems to be very valuable, and their strength is not weaker than their own improvised team.

When Yu Chen saw this group of people, his pupils suddenly shrank, his eyes were red, his eyes were round, his eyes were burning with flames, his lips were bitten, his breathing became rapid, and his fists clenched.

"Brothers, see who I found? The little mess that was chased all the way by us, was captured by the undead magic, and he is still alive!" A silver warrior among the group suddenly cried out. The group of people I met was not someone else, but Yuchen's enemy, the group of Jin Guangcheng.

Seeing Yuchen in this group, the group of people came over with a grin and stretched out their hands to block the way of everyone.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" A silver warrior wearing the Red Maple Leaf family crest stepped out and asked harshly.

"Who am I? I turned out to be from the Red Maple Leaf Family! The Red Maple Leaf Family members are different. They are really domineering! Haha!" The silver warrior who had spoken before laughed loudly, obviously not taking the silver in front of him. Warriors take it seriously.

"You're looking for death!" The silver warrior of the Red Maple Leaf family was naturally unwilling to show weakness, and drew a weapon from his waist, preparing to teach the unconscious fellow in front of him a lesson.

"Why? Want to fight? Even your broken weapon is ashamed to show it off?" Jin Guangcheng's silver warrior slowly drew out his weapon to show off.

The weapon of the silver warrior of Jinguangcheng is a stick, which is made of 100 steel. There are two tiger heads on both ends of the stick, and the eyes of both tiger heads are inlaid with magic cores. This stick is obviously a magic weapon.

On the other hand, the silver warriors of the Red Maple Leaf family were only holding two ordinary axes made of profound iron, which was a bit shabby in comparison.

However, the silver warriors of the Red Maple Leaf family did not show weakness, and the battle between the two sides was also on the verge.

"Stop! Niu Bold, what are you doing? You are really brave to call Bold. This is a member of the Red Maple Leaf family. Please be honest!" A middle-aged man in a magic robe came out of the opposite team and faced Niu Bold. He scolded, but there was no trace of anger in his eyes.

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