Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 264: Dumplings

Li Zhenbang wandered casually on the street, stopping in front of the stalls, curiously watching what the vendors were selling.

Li Zhenbang, who was strolling around, suddenly discovered that a stall sold dumplings, and they were still eating freshly packed dumplings. There were several large pots on the stall. Inside the pots were all kinds of fillings, including pure meat, pure vegetables, and mixed meat and vegetables. Li Zhenbang couldn't help but move his index finger.

Li Zhenbang ordered a plate of pure meat, a plate of mixed meat and vegetables. The proprietress held the dumplings skillfully, and the boss boiled the water and cooked the dumplings. In a short while, two plates of steaming dumplings were served, along with a large bowl of dumpling soup.

Li Zhenbang couldn't care about whether the dumplings were hot or not, so he gobbled them up and ate them.

"Baby, eat slowly, and be careful to burn." The proprietress who appeared to be in her forties reminded her with a smile.

"It's okay, I haven't eaten dumplings for a long time." Li Zhenbang said with a few dumplings stuffed in his mouth.

The lady boss couldn't help laughing when she saw Li Zhenbang's eating.

"You and my dog's baby are too much like when you were young. Every time you have a few dumplings stuffed in your mouth, you always call for me to cook more."

"Auntie, is the dog baby your son?" Li Zhenbang swallowed the dumplings in his mouth and asked with a smile.

"Yeah! The dog is my son, but he is filial, but now rarely goes home, always busy outside to make money. Finally came back once, can not wait for two days, then left." The proprietress sighed He took a sigh of relief, and his eyes were full of longing.

"Old lady, do you miss the dog baby again? I count the days every day! The dog baby should be back no more than a week at most." The boss with some gray hair said with a smile.

"Old man, you said that this time when the dog comes back, let's give him something to eat!" the lady boss asked urgently.

"What else can he do? He loved to eat dumplings since he was a child."

"Then you can't make dumplings every time!"

"What's the matter? Our dumplings, even if he travels across the continent, he can't find a second one that tastes so good." The boss curled his lips and said with an arrogant expression.

But then the boss said excitedly: "But you're right. The dumplings should be whole, but there must be something else. I don't know what the little bunny likes to eat now, or if he still likes that bite."

Although there is still a week or so for the boss and the boss’s wife’s son to come back, their discussions are in full swing, as if the son has already returned. Seeing them arguing, Li Zhenbang's eyes couldn't help but feel a little wet.

"Wazi, why are you crying? Isn't it delicious?"

"No, it's so delicious." Li Zhenbang smiled and looked at the two, his voice choked.

"Look at you, baby, what is delicious and crying, I was shocked, thinking you don't like eating! If you like to eat, you will come often later." The proprietress said with a smile.

Li Zhenbang nodded, and put the last dumpling on the plate into his mouth.

"Miss, how much is it?"

"Two plates of dumplings, a total of seven copper coins." The lady boss wiped her hands with her apron and said with a smile.

"Huh? Seven copper coins?" Li Zhenbang widened his eyes and looked at the proprietress. It seems that he hasn't seen any copper coins for a long time. Every time he goes out to eat, the worst is calculated by silver coins.

"Do you think the baby is expensive? Is this your first time to eat? My dumplings have always been at this price, absolutely no lies!"

"Auntie, you are misunderstood. It's not expensive, but too cheap. Here is the money." Li Zhenbang handed over a silver coin.

"My son, this is just opening, so I don't have so much change to find you, or you can send it to me when you have dinner tomorrow!" The proprietress returned the silver coin to Li Zhenbang.

Li Zhenbang did not answer, and said with a smile: "Auntie, how about it! I still have a few friends who have not eaten, you cook the remaining money into dumplings, I will bring them back."

"How many friends are you?" the lady boss asked suspiciously.

"three people."

"You baby, how can three people eat so many dumplings! Money can't be wasted, and food can't be wasted." The proprietress shook her head and persuaded Li Zhenbang.

"It's okay, ma'am, don't you know that they are all especially good for eating, one person can eat the amount of three or four people, maybe these dumplings are not enough!" Li Zhenbang said with a smile.

"You baby, you're just talking nonsense, if there is anyone who can eat three or four people's appetite, that won't be enough."

"Madam, don't worry, I won't waste food and money, you can do it with confidence!"

The proprietress still looked at Li Zhenbang suspiciously, but he didn't seem to be telling lies, so she started to make dumplings again...

"Master? Why did you come back from outside?" Yuchen asked, looking at Li Zhenbang, who had just walked into the yard from outside, in confusion. He just got up and was about to tidy up and prepare breakfast for everyone. He didn't expect to encounter Li Zhenbang coming over with a few brown paper bags from outside.

"I got up early and went out for breakfast. The dumplings I brought to you, eat while it is hot." Li Zhenbang smiled and handed the kraft paper package to Yuchen.

"By the way, isn't Miaomiao up yet?"

"Should not! I haven't seen her yet."

Li Zhenbang nodded and walked into the villa.

Long Miaomiao was lying on the bed, annoyed. Why did he fall asleep in a daze yesterday? He hasn't made the pesky guy apologize! He even disliked his low level, saying as if he was very strong, he must be beaten when he finds an opportunity to let him know who is the weakest.

"Boom boom boom."

"Who is it? In the morning, it will not make people clean and clean." Long Miaomiao said in an angry tone.

"Miaomiao, you're awake! I'm here to ask you to eat." Li Zhenbang heard Long Miaomiao's angry voice and said with a smile.

"If you don't eat, if I don't cultivate to become a saint-level powerhouse, I won't leave this house and won't eat!"

Hearing Li Zhenbang's voice, Long Miaomiao suddenly sat up from the bed, but soon lay down again, pouting his mouth in a puff.

"Well, Miaomiao. I was wrong yesterday. Forgive me!" Li Zhenbang smiled bitterly.

"Where are you wrong?"

"Uh..." Li Zhenbang's head was full of black lines. This question is a proposition for any man.

While Li Zhenbang was still considering how to answer, Long Miaomiao saw the wound on Li Zhenbang's head, and all the problems were solved...

After breakfast, Li Zhenbang bid farewell to everyone and returned to the college alone. Standing in front of the dormitory, Li Zhenbang was surprised to find that the dormitory had already opened, and it seemed that someone had already returned.

Li Zhenbang was very curious, who came back so early and hurriedly pushed the door in...

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