Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 269: Start of trials

"Nervous? Why are you nervous? I'm extremely excited now!" Chu Linfei exclaimed excitedly, raising the pair of male and female axes in his hands.

This pair of male and female double axes is a double-attribute magic weapon, which Li Zhenbang gave him. As the name suggests, this male and female double axe is a double-edged axe.

The male axe is a fire attribute. Each attack will not only make the opponent feel hot, but also a burst attack with a fire attribute. If it hits a person, there will be continuous burning damage, which makes people miserable.

The female axe is not water attribute, but ice attribute. Each attack will be accompanied by a frost attack, which not only makes the opponent feel cold, but also affects the opponent's speed. If it hits the opponent's body, it will freeze the attacked place and affect the efficiency of the action.

This pair of male and female double axes is much better than the previous steel axe made of steel. Chu Linfei loves this pair of axes, and he does not leave his hands every day, even when he sleeps.

The others didn't feel nervous either, everyone caressed their weapons, looking eager to try. During this time, they not only trained their tacit understanding with each other, but also trained their closeness with weapons. A qualified soldier will also cherish his own weapons, which is comparable to his own second life.

It has been a long time since no one has challenged the team. The choice of Li Zhenbang and his group this time made them the focus of public opinion. Some students even opened a gambling game, betting that they can last a few rounds, a few minutes.

The ratio of betting they won has reached 1:1000, but no one has chosen. The odds of betting that they can enter the Royal Mercenary Group have reached 1:100, and the odds of betting that they will lose have reached 1:0.01. Even so, many people still choose a gambling game with only 0.01 profit, which shows that everyone is not optimistic about them.

Everyone knew a little about this gambling game, and they even participated in the gambling game, but they were all masked and did not reveal their identities, and the gambling was not large, they were all pressured to enter the royal mercenary group.

Zhang Dayou and Li Zhenbang discussed for a long time, and finally pressed a hundred gold coins to bet on entering the mercenary group. In the past few days, Li Zhenbang went to the civilian committee and took out his salary, leaving more than two hundred gold coins. The rest were given to Zhang Dayu.

Li Zhenbang used two hundred gold coins to bet that his team would win. For him, two hundred gold coins are no different from two copper coins. It doesn't matter if he loses. In case if he wins by luck, it will be 200,000. He is not short of 200,000, but it can solve many urgent needs in a short time. Moreover, if the two hundred thousand are given to Dayou Zhang, he is also more receptive in his heart.

To everyone’s surprise, the game for joining the Royal Mercenary Corps this year was hosted by Dean Jin Wannian himself. This shows that he attaches great importance to this year’s game. You must know that in previous years, a vice-principal hosted it. Jin Wannian The dean didn't even show his face.

Dean Jin Wannian is obviously not a person who likes nonsense. The opening ceremony is very simple. He did not make any long speeches, but simply encouraged everyone, hoping that everyone will play well and achieve good results.

After Dean Jin Wannian finished speaking, a deputy head of the Royal Mercenary Corps also delivered a speech. The main idea is to hope that everyone will work hard to achieve good results. Even if there is no success, there is no need to be discouraged. There will be opportunities next year.

After the two people finished their speeches, the contestants began to draw lots to compete. The lottery is very simple. People of the same grade are randomly divided into two batches. Each person draws a card from the transparent lottery box. The card will have a number written on it. Those with the same number in the two batches are opponents.

If there is a difference in the number of both sides by one, one person will have a lucky bye and go directly to the next round. After determining the opponent, a special person in charge will arrange the players to enter a certain venue for competition. Regardless of occupation, the competition is 1V1, with a total of ten venues, each of which is a 50*50 meter square area.

Under normal circumstances, the summoned beast mage does not take advantage of 1V1, so there are not many summoned beast mages in the royal mercenary group. Among the few summoned beast wizards, most of them went through the back door.

Summoned beast mages are very excluded from the royal mercenary group, but the summoned beast mages also know their strengths, so they are also very low-key. Even if the summoned beast mage in the mercenary group has been in the fifth grade, they will sullenly when they meet the third-grade fighters. This is true in the college, let alone the outside world!

The summoned beast mage has to keep his breath down even when facing a magician apprentice. Who knows if the opponent will become a powerful magician! But the summoned beast mage is always the summoned beast mage.

Li Zhenbang saw that some of the summoned beast wizards who came to the stage to compete would bring contract beasts with a high level to the field. Those who choose to summon monsters on the field are basically the children of civilians. They don't have the strength and money to grab high-level monsters as contract beasts, so they have to fight on the field.

The future of the summoned beast mage lies not in how powerful the summoned beast is, but in the strength of the contract beast, which has to be said to be the sadness of this profession.

Although Li Zhenbang also relied on contract beasts, after all, these contract beasts were summoned by other means, so he was somewhat different from those summoned beast wizards. However, it seemed to outsiders that he was also a summoned beast mage who promoted himself through contract beasts.

The battle on the arena went on very quickly. During the period, several summoned beast wizards were lucky and summoned a powerful monster, which established the victory of the game.

But there are always exceptions, one of the third-grade summoning beast mage actually summoned a **** dog with one head. Although it was only a **** dog with a head, it was also a powerful seventh-order beast.

But it was a pity that he didn't win the victory, because the moment he was summoned, he was stunned because of exhaustion of mental power, and the summoned beast had to regretfully disappear.

The third grade competition is relatively fierce. Some people deliberately did not advance to the fourth grade because the third grade is relatively lower and the chance of winning is greater.

The number of matches in the fourth and fifth grades was much smaller, so the game was over in only half of the day.

There is only Li Zhenbang in the team competition, and it is also a team that everyone is looking forward to, but most people expect Li Zhenbang when they will lose.

There are a total of seven teams on the opposite side. Li Zhenbang’s two sisters’ teams have five people. One of their friends’ teams has six people and one team has four people. Their opponent’s team and the soy sauce team both have five people, and there is one. There were only three people in the team, and the last team was seven people.

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