Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 278: Final showdown

Although Holly blocked the frontal attack for Chu Linfei, the strength of the black-clothed boy was really too great, and both Chu Linfei and Holly were smashed out.

The basalt shield had also flown in front of the black-clothed boy at this time. Although the black-clothed boy stooped and dodged the basalt shield, his back was still cut by the basalt shield. The basalt shield was not exhausted, and continued to fly, deeply inserted into a stone pillar near the arena.

Zhang Dayu hurried to Chu Linfei and Holly. Holly's arms were already hanging softly, and Stanley's shield was slightly sunken. It was unexpected that the sword of the young man in black was so powerful.

Chu Linfei had two broken ribs and was unable to continue fighting. Although Chu Linfei insisted on continuing to fight, for his safety, the teacher forcibly took him and Holly off the court.

The audience has long stopped cursing and chattering, and even some people have begun to cheer for Li Zhenbang and the others. Li Zhenbang and his group have already conquered them with their own strength and will.

The battle was still going on, when Li Zhenbang put the Qingfeng sword on the blue girl's neck, the battle here finally ended. The only ones who could stand on the court were Zhang Dayu, whose legs trembled and was unsteady and seriously injured, Li Zhenbang who was panting violently, and the girl in blue with tears in her eyes while biting her lips.

The blue-clothed girl didn't want to admit defeat, and even when the Qingfeng Sword was already on her slender neck, she was still staring at Li Zhenbang and singing spells. Li Zhenbang shook his head helplessly, stretched his hand across her neck and knocked her out.

The battle here is over, and the battle on the girl in red is almost at the same time. The iron-clad rhinoceros is already lying on the ground. Although it is still trying to stand up, its legs are no longer obedient and unable to use it. With strength, there are countless wounds on its body, and blood has already flowed into the ground beside it.

The contracted summoned beast and the summoner are one body, and naturally they cannot be killed easily, so the girl in red did not kill the iron armored rhinoceros, but made it lose its fighting ability. Of course, if the bleeding is not stopped in time, I am afraid it will be very dangerous.

Li Zhenbang was also shocked when he saw the giant rhinoceros. He had no energy to take care of the giant rhinoceros, but he could also perceive through the contract that the giant rhinoceros was not life-threatening.

The teachers saw that the giant rhinoceros had lost the ability to fight, and hurriedly sent a few people to carry the giant rhinoceros for treatment.

Zhang Dayou looked at Li Zhenbang, shook his head, smiled apologetically, and fell on his back. Although he didn't pass out of a coma, it doesn't mean that his injury is light. His physical strength has reached the limit, and he doesn't even have the strength to speak.

The intensity of the battle this time was no less than that of the attack on Dragon City, and the injury he suffered was more severe than that of Dragon City.

Li Zhenbang took a few deep breaths, he was already exhausted at the moment, and now it was only half a time past.

Although the silkworm soft armor can protect the body, it does not have sleeves, so Li Zhenbang's arm is already scarred, and even the flesh of one place has been turned out.

The silkworm soft armor cannot defend against impact and internal injuries. At this moment, Li Zhenbang's injuries can only be described as a mess. Some meridians have been slightly misplaced, and some have even been blocked. There have been multiple congestion in the body, and some internal organs have also slightly bleeds.

The red-clothed girl was also not easy. After the iron-clad rhinoceros was dealt with, she also suffered serious injuries. Although she had already overestimated the iron-clad rhinoceros, she finally found that she still underestimated it. And more deadly, she overestimated her teammates.

When she found that her teammates were in danger, she wanted to go back to rescue, but the armored rhinoceros desperately stopped her. If it hadn't been for the iron armored rhinoceros desperately to stop her, it wouldn't be so badly injured. In the end, the armored rhinoceros fell down, but the teammates also lay down.

Seeing that only Li Zhenbang stood there in the end, the girl in red was not surprised, because Li Zhenbang gave her a dangerous aura from the beginning. Li Zhenbang's agile skills and flowing steps are not like a summoned beast mage at all, but more like an agile warrior.

The girl in red could feel that there was no trace of grudge in Li Zhenbang's body. The strength he burst out was entirely due to the strength of his body and the sharp weapon in his hand.

Under normal circumstances, she has countless ways to defeat or even kill Li Zhenbang, but now her left leg was kicked by a giant rhinoceros in the previous battle. Although it was only the iron-clad giant rhinoceros swept randomly, the knee of her left leg was completely swollen and she did not dare to work too hard. Facing the agile Li Zhenbang, she really didn't dare to say that she would be able to eat it.

The current situation has changed from two teams to a two-person duel, and no one thought of the result. You should know that the Red Girls team is recognized as the strongest team, and the worst are brass fighters with rich combat experience. What's more, there are also two dark iron fighters in the team, a third-level magician and a fourth-level magician. Grade magician.

No one can believe that such a strong team would capsize in the gutter and be maimed by a group of teams without a brass warrior and a third-level magician. Although there are ten of them, there are seven people in the red-clothed girl's team. If you talk about strength alone, the seven of them are more than twice as high as the other ten.

Now this situation has exceeded everyone's cognition. Li Zhenbang's team can be said to be a big dark horse. Even if Li Zhenbang loses to the girl in red, they are still proud of their defeat. However, a thought emerged from the bottom of everyone's heart, and they faintly hope that Li Zhenbang can defeat the girl in red. It seems impossible, but they have created an impossible one. Who knows if they can create another one!

New students defeated old students, or when they met the first strong team in a team battle, this is a rare thing in a century. If it comes true, this can also become everyone's future talk, so they have some expectations in their hearts.

The red-clothed girl's heart pressure at this moment is not uncommon, but the opposite is a summoned beast mage, if she loses, she will lose her face. Even if he wins, his face is lost in this situation. The first team in the third grade has this record. In the future, there is no face to say that she is the first team in the third grade. She even began to wonder if the goal she insisted on is really unrealistic.

"Let's score the winner with one blow!" The girl in red looked at Li Zhenbang, her eyes full of loneliness.

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