Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 280: Shady

Li Zhenbang hurriedly prevented her from continuing to move. If she did so twice, his arms would be useless.

"Grandma, grandma, I was wrong, please don't move!"

The red-clothed girl was also obedient, with tears in her eyes, her legs separated by Li Zhenbang's body, and she sat upright on Li Zhenbang's straddle, motionless. This posture must be indecent and indecent, ambiguous and ambiguous.

The audience watched the field motionlessly in amazement, like two people like **** pictures. It is hard to imagine that the two of them were still fighting for life and death, and now they are in this position under the public.

Jin Wannian's face became weird, he cleared his throat, and said loudly, "Binger, can you come down?"

"Grandpa Jin, no! He said not to let me move!" The girl in red said with a cry.

"Uh, grandma, I mean you don’t want to move your fingers, just go down. If you don’t go down, I will be crushed to death by you!" Li Zhenbang said in a rough dress. Although he was injured, his body's perception was still Now, he knew very well that the girl in red and his current posture were very indecent.

"Asshole! I'm not that heavy!" The girl in red sat down fiercely after speaking.

Although Li Zhenbang is young, people in this world are very precocious, not to mention his actual age is not as simple as his physical age, so he already has some physiological reactions.

The red-clothed girl herself was sitting on his lower abdomen. When she pushed down, her body naturally slid down a bit, and the hips naturally touched Li Zhenbang's embarrassment. The red-clothed girl froze for a moment, and quickly reacted, like a cat with its tail stepped on, screaming and jumping up.

Li Zhenbang hurriedly sat up and concealed his embarrassment in his lower body. Although there were two finger tigers stuck in his shoulders, this kind of injury was not a big deal in this world. As long as the medicine was used properly, even scars would not be left behind. Of course the pain is unavoidable. Li Zhenbang's face became flushed with sweat. I don't know if it was the pain or other reasons...

The host glanced at a small piece of incense left, hesitated and walked onto the arena. The host is naturally not a mortal, and he also saw Li Zhenbang's last sword.

If the incense has burned out, he can say that the two are tied, but the incense is still burning. Judging from the current results, the winner is naturally the team of the girl in red, Murong Bing. But if Murong Bing's team were to be declared victory, it would be too unfair to Li Zhenbang.

However, the game always has a result. The host stood on the field, looked at the audience, and turned to Jin Wannian for help.

Jin Wannian hesitated and said loudly: "After my observation and careful consideration, I declare that the result of this game is a draw!"

The audience was in an uproar. It was clear that Li Zhenbang was seriously injured and fell to the ground, and the incense was not burned out. The result should be that they lost. In particular, how can those who bet be willing? A draw means that Li Zhenbang and the others have succeeded, and their investment will all be lost.

Although Jin Wannian is the dean, the deputy head of the royal mercenary group, and a gold-type holy magister, this does not affect their justice. Some people started clamoring, shouting for shady.

To everyone's surprise, Murong Bing yelled quietly before Jin Wannian spoke. The voice contained the power of fighting spirit, which overwhelmed everyone's voices, and the audience became quiet.

Everyone looked at the girl in red with weird eyes. They felt that the girl in red should also be dissatisfied with Jin Wannian's decision, so they all looked good at the show.

"Grandpa Jin, thank you for your kindness. But if you lose, you lose. There is nothing you can't afford to lose. If you don't dare to admit losing, how can I improve in the future? If you really do it for my good, you Just judge it normally!" Murong Bing looked at Jin Wannian stubbornly.

"Binger, I didn't misunderstand you! Okay, then I will declare it directly." A smile appeared on Jin Wannian's face. He was afraid that Murong Bing could not think about it, so he announced that the two were tied. Murong Bing is not his granddaughter, but the granddaughter of his old friend, but he has always treated her as his granddaughter.

Jin Wannian glanced at the audience with a serious face. The audience didn't even dare to show the atmosphere, especially the students of Carlo Royal Academy who were still clamoring just now. They all buried their heads deeply, for fear of annoying them. Master dean, each of them felt that Jin Wannian seemed to be looking at him.

"You just yelled for shady. The reason why I didn't speak is because there is indeed shady." Although Jin Wannian said so, there was no sense of apology in his tone, as if it were a sparse and ordinary thing.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar. They just yelled casually and vented their dissatisfaction. They didn't expect Jin Wannian to admit it.

"But this shady scene is different from what you think. I have selfish intentions, so I will say a tie. In fact, the real winner of this game should be Li Zhenbang! You heard it right, that is, there is still a pointing tiger in this body. Little guy!" Jin Wannian pointed at Li Zhenbang and smiled apologetically at him.

Li Zhenbang responded with a smile, expressing understanding. Looking at Murong Bing's name for Jin Wannian, he knew that the relationship between the two was very close, and Jin Wannian was a well-known guardian.

He used to remove all Poison Sect students for himself. Of course, it was not all because of himself, but he did benefit from it. Protecting the calf also has to separate relatives and estrangements, this time if he is him, I am afraid he will protect even more.

The audience at the scene became even more puzzled, but they did not continue to shout, they believed that Dean Jin Wannian would give them an explanation.

"I can tell you clearly, if this little guy hadn't kept his hands at the last moment, then Murong Bing would have been a dead body! If he hadn't kept his hands, Murong Bing would not stab him. I believe Murong Bing is coming. Even if the attack before death can hurt him, it can't kill him. I firmly believe that the final winner must be him! So I solemnly announce that the winner of the final game is this team of ten little guys. !"

After Dean Jin Wannian finished speaking, he turned and left the field. Li Zhenbang was also taken away by medical staff for treatment. The audience at the scene stared wide-eyed, all stupid.

No one noticed that in the auditorium, a young man in his twenties with blond hair and blue eyes was staring viciously at the back of Li Zhenbang's departure...

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