Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 283: Little people change the world

"Old Murong, are you sure?" Yang Bing was completely sleepy and looked at Murong Rui with excitement. Although he knew that this event would happen sooner or later, but the long wait was about to exhaust his patience.

"I secretly followed a few saint-level powerhouses for a long time before coming back. It seems that Mei Xiangrong has succeeded." Murong Rui said with a weird expression.

Regarding Mei Xiangrong, Yang Bing had long told Murong Rui that only Omega was still in the dark.

It turned out that before Mei Xiangrong left, what Li Zhenbang confessed to Mei Xiangrong was to do everything possible to intensify the contradiction between the Muye Federation and the Alliance of Gods and Blessings.

The Twilight Federation and the Alliance of Gods and Blessings were originally alliances, but since the establishment of the Freedom City, Fredham City, the Carlo Empire has hardly any threat to them, and the contradictions between the two sides have intensified a little bit.

The Twilight Federation is formed by a group of non-human races, including orcs, dwarves, elves, dark elves and many other races. No matter what race they are, there is no human race among them.

However, the Alliance of Gods Blessing is made up of humans. Whether it is in the Eastern Continent or the Western Continent, humans are born to look down on other races, and in their bones, they all hope that they can enslave other races.

The God Bless Alliance and the Twilight Federation are adjacent and are allies, so slave trades dare not be blatant, but privately, the God Bless Alliance is indeed the largest slave trade land, all the slaves of the Twiye Federation in the Carlo Empire are added together. There are not as many slaves as the Divine Blessing Alliance.

It has become a fashion for the wealthy and clergy of the God Bless Alliance to secretly raise the female slaves of the Evening Federation. Whose slaves are numerous, whose slaves are obedient, and whose job is good are all their capital to show off each other.

The most valuable female slaves are the female slaves of the elves and the female slaves of the dark elves. Of course, the beautiful and handsome male slaves of the elves and the dark elves are also valuable, because male style is also the hobby of some nobles, and some noble women Elf male slaves are also salivating.

The elves have always been a weak group in the Twilight Federation. The biggest race in Twiye Federation is the orcs. Of course, the orcs are not a race, but a collective name for multiple races. Even all the hot products of the orcs, such as catwoman, foxwoman, and snake woman, are small tribes in the orcs, so they have not attracted much attention.

However, we do not pay attention to it, but we still need to do it. Every time the Twilight Federation will condemn the actions of the God Blessing Alliance and ask them to return the enslaved Twilight Federation members.

The God Bless Alliance will symbolically hand over some female or male slaves who have been disabled or seriously ill to officials of the Twilight Federation, and claim that these have nothing to do with them, and are the work of the slave capture group of the Carlo Empire. They snatched it from the slave trap group. At the same time, a large sum of money will be given to the Twilight Federation as funding.

The Twilight Federation accepted all these slaves, but did not release them. Instead, they were centralized in Fengtian City under the name of treatment for unified management. No one was allowed to visit, and most people did not receive good treatment. The few people who did not die were also disabled for life and were not allowed to step out of Fengtian City.

During the recent period, the conflict between the two sides has escalated, because the soldiers in the border areas of the two sides always disappeared inexplicably, some soldiers disappeared completely, and some soldiers were crazy after being found, all yelling that the other party did it.

The soldiers on the side of the Divine Blessing Alliance said it was done by the people of the Chameleon Legion, and the soldiers of the Twilight Federation all said it was done by the humans on the side of the Divine Blessing Alliance. You must know that the chameleon family is one of the royal families of the orcs. As long as the orcs with the dragon or dragon blood line, they all have the royal treatment. When it comes to the chameleon clan, things are naturally not simple, even the current leader of the Twilight Federation, the patriarch of the tiger clan, dare not easily draw conclusions.

In the end, the two sides couldn't help but quarrel, and several small-scale armed fights took place, and even later a few large-scale battles were triggered. The casualties on both sides were not small.

The parade began in the Twilight Federation, especially those small groups that had been devastated, roaring, and petitioned in front of the Twiye Federation government, to lead the Twilight Federation’s army and the God Bless Alliance to settle the old accounts together. The Alliance of Gods Blessed was also in a mess, because an elder's son was killed while patrolling the border.

The battle between the two sides was about to start. The Pope of the Alliance of Gods and Blessings has recently disappeared strangely, so the presbytery presides over the overall situation. When an elder's son is killed, everyone will naturally not let it go. Even if the elder who has hatred with that elder is happy in his heart, he must fully support it because this is a naked provocation to the Gods and Bless Alliance!

The Altland Mountains have been searched for more than half, so some people have been transferred to the front line. As the Twilight Federation forces were deployed to the front line, the Alliance of Gods and Blessings also had to continue to increase its manpower, so the number of search personnel in the Altland Mountains continued to decrease.

If Sophia escaped, the Pope would be furious at best if he came back, but the site was robbed. If the Pope returns without taking off a few people’s heads, things will definitely not go away. No one wants to be the hapless one whose heads were removed. .

And Mei Xiangrong, the initiator of all this, has now left the Continent of Marina and will soon return to the Continent of Carlo...

The masters were all removed, Sophia and Alpha found out immediately, and the seriously injured finally had a chance to take a breath. If you continue to search, they will be discovered within three days, and they are all ready to fly over the Altland Mountains to the sea. Although the sea is more dangerous than land, it is better than those who fall into the hands of the Holy See.

Yang Bing and the three quietly touched into the Altland Mountains and rendezvoused with Sophia and Alpha without any danger, thanks to Omega. Soon after Yang Bing and the three entered the encirclement of the Holy See, Omega sensed the existence of Alpha. The distance between the dragon and the dragon was relatively long, and the intimacy between Omega and Alpha made them feel that each other more It's easier.

After the five people gathered, under Yang Bing's suggestion, everyone boldly returned to the city of Polya. The Holy See's holy powers finally sensed their existence, but Yang Bing had already planned the retreat route. With the assistance of the Jucaiyuan Chamber of Commerce, they successfully escaped from Polya City.

Although they encountered some siege and interception along the way, they all broke through. Five holy-level powerhouses are together, unless the other party sends more than ten holy-level powerhouses at the same time, it is simply a dream to want to keep them...

After defeating Murong Bing's team, Li Zhenbang's ten-man team successfully joined the Royal Mercenary Corps.

However, Li Zhenbang and the others were not in a hurry to take on the mission of the Royal Mercenary Corps. In this battle, each of them suffered different degrees of injury. Even the least injured Lan Leshui and Lin Wan'er needed a few days of training.

Naturally, Li Zhenbang would not forget the bet before the game. When he took the betting ticket and took the black hat to get the betting money, the opponent still wanted to deny it. Finally, after he showed his true face helplessly, the other party had to give him all the gambling funds.

A person who can kill Murong Bing, the dark iron warrior, still dare not offend him easily, not to mention the fact that the betting ticket is real. If things really make a big deal, they won't have to mess around in the academy in the future.

In fact, their losses were not as great as imagined. After all, too many people participated in gambling, and the number of people who won gambling funds was after all.

When Li Zhenbang handed over this expensive bet to Zhang Dayu, Zhang Dayu looked at Li Zhenbang and said nothing for a long time. In the end, Li Zhenbang and Zhang Dayou met. The time was right to see his parents. Maybe he could heal his father. Li Zhenbang has already created too many miracles, so Zhang Dayou does not doubt Li Zhenbang's words at all. What he hopes most now is that this day will come soon...

"Zhenbang, come to the villa after school and we are all back." After Omega returned to Dragon City, he immediately sent a message to Li Zhenbang through Nilin.

Li Zhenbang was not vague either. Although he was still in class, he took leave of absence and rushed to the villa. He was still in the mood to wait until school was over.

Seeing that Li Zhenbang rushed over soon, Omega did not appear to be surprised. With his understanding of Li Zhenbang, it is estimated that he would come right away even if he skipped class.

"Brother Omega, how is it? Are you all right?" Li Zhenbang hurriedly asked when he saw Omega.

"What can be the problem with me? Although Sophia and Alpha have suffered a certain degree of injury, they are not serious. I have treated them and they are now recuperating. This time we should really thank Murong Rui for that. Old man, if it hadn't been for him to use the forbidden technique at the critical moment, it would be really not easy for us to escape from the Marina Continent." When Omega said here, his face was a little pale.

Li Zhenbang's face changed, and he could force a Saint-level powerhouse to perform a forbidden technique, presumably things were definitely not as easy as Omega said. It should be known that the use of forbidden techniques can hurt your muscles and bones, while in severe cases, you will worry about your life. The higher the level, the greater the damage of the prohibited technique.

"How is Senior Murong?" Li Zhenbang asked worriedly.

He also has forbidden techniques, but it's not Frida's trick of blood retrograde, this forbidden technique is recorded in the practice book by Lu Chunfeng.

This forbidden technique is called the Overlord Surgery, which forces all of your internal forces to the body surface in a short time, forming a strong shield under the skin, and at the same time enhancing all your abilities, whether it is speed, strength, defense, or reaction. Power and so on, but the price is complete exhaustion of internal power.

With his current strength, he could no longer cultivate his internal strength within two days, and he would occasionally experience meridian spasms and body twitches within two days. If his strength is stronger, this time will be extended and the meridian spasm will be more intense. If the tyrant body is used for too long, it may even cause the meridians to rupture and even cause permanent damage.

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