Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 285: Ten Thousand Beasts Atlas

"It's just a skin wound, haha! Zhenbang, the old man didn't misunderstand you! You kowtow to me, and I saved your master. You would rather be injured than severely injured Binger, even if we are even. But I can't Take advantage of you. This book was given to me by a friend of mine after years of sorting it out. I will give it to you!"

Although Murong Rui didn't know the severity of Li Zhenbang's injuries, looking at his current expression, even if his shoulder injuries were not serious, his internal injuries were definitely not minor.

"Senior Murong, this is absolutely impossible!" Li Zhenbang leaned back and hurriedly waved his hand.

"You haven't read what book it is, so you can't do anything about it?"

"No matter what book it is, since it was given to you by your friend for so many years, it must not be ordinary. Although I am not a gentleman, I will not be loved by others." Li Zhenbang smiled.

"Oh, gentleman. Haha! Zhenbang, this book is a reading for me, and I have memorized it backwards. You are a summoned beast mage, this book should be more useful to you." Murong Rui Laughed heartily.

Since meeting this Li Zhenbang, his smile has been unconsciously increased. This situation only appeared when he was alone with his granddaughter Murong Bing.

Although Li Zhenbang still wanted to refuse, his curiosity drove him to look at the book in Murong Rui's hand. The book seems to be different from ordinary books, it is thicker. If you read it correctly, the cover of the book is not ordinary paper, but pure gold. The cover of the book is engraved with four majestic characters, the Atlas of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Naturally, Murong Bing knew about the "Atlas of Ten Thousand Beasts." This book was used by her grandfather for enlightenment. She could say that the content in the book was thoroughly familiar.

Seeing that grandpa took out such a precious book to Li Zhenbang, she was moved in her heart. It seemed that her own life was very important in grandpa's heart, and her sense of guilt towards Li Zhenbang was lessened.

"Senior Murong, what book is this? Why have I never heard of it?" Li Zhenbang asked suspiciously.

"Naturally, you have never heard of it. This book is unique. There is only one in the world. Take it and take a look! I believe that after you finish reading it, even if you want it, you are not willing to return it to me. "Murong Rui slid the book into Li Zhenbang's hands with some pride.

Li Zhenbang took the book and found that this book is much heavier than ordinary books. The cover of the book is really made of pure gold. Turning over the "Atlas of Ten Thousand Beasts", the pages of the book are actually made of gold leaf, which is much more refined than the book on Capecchi's desk. Just this luxury is worthy of being unique. When Li Zhenbang saw the contents of the book, a huge wave was already in his heart.

The Ten Thousand Beasts Atlas, as the name suggests, is a book dedicated to recording all kinds of beasts. The book records in detail the living habits, origin, likes and dislikes, weaknesses, strengths, skills, etc. of various known and even legendary beasts.

What is even more incredible is that this book is blessed by magic. Every time you turn to a kind of beast, the image of this beast is projected from the pages of the book, lifelike, and every beast is displayed in a flash. Own skills.

No matter who this book reaches, it will let him know all about the beasts in this world. This book is even more precious to the summoned beast mage. The deeper the understanding of beasts, the more handy the summoned beast mage can control the beasts.

"Senior Murong, this book is too precious, I can't accept it." Li Zhenbang said in fear.

Murong Rui was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Li Zhenbang to be willing to return the book. He clearly saw that Li Zhenbang had not read all of the book, but simply turned a few pages. When he first saw the book, the shock on his face did not seem to be fake. When he returned the book, although his eyes were reluctant, he was not greedy and clear.

"The old man's words are spitting and nailing, there is no reason to take it back." Murong Rui scowled, showing an unhappy expression.

"Senior Murong, although I am reluctant to return it to you, this book is too precious, I am ashamed to accept it! The value of this book is no less than an artifact for our summoned beast mage. You have a great kindness to me, how can I accept such valuable things from you?" Li Zhenbang closed his eyes and handed the book back to Murong Rui.

"Zhenbang, just accept it! You have to know that in his heart, even a hundred thousand beasts atlas is not as important as a single hair of his granddaughter." Jin Wannian promptly persuaded.

"Haha, after so many years, you still know me so well!"

"Cut, what does it mean to know you? Everyone in the world knows your short-term care." Jin Wannian curled his lips.

"What's wrong with protecting my shortcomings? I am protecting my granddaughter, and I am justified in saying that I am going to break the sky. Do I have you to protect my shortcomings? I don't know who it is. Just to protect a certain student, I will treat all the students of a certain family. Qing retired." Murong Rui coldly snorted.

"I have a reason...I..." Jin Wannian looked at Li Zhenbang, and suddenly stopped.

Li Zhenbang was in a cold sweat. Why did they lie down while they were chatting? He didn't dare to blend in with these gods fighting.

"Master Dean, Senior Murong, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave first!" Li Zhenbang said tremblingly.

Jin Wannian waved his hand at Li Zhenbang. Li Zhenbang was amnesty and fled without hesitation in embarrassment. As soon as he escaped from the teacher's office, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Murong Bing who came from behind stopped Li Zhenbang.

"Li Zhenbang, you must not tell anyone about my grandpa." Murong Bing stared at Li Zhenbang viciously. She didn't want everyone in the academy to know that she was Murong Rui's granddaughter. She had to rely on her own strength to create a world, rather than relying on grandpa's remaining power.

"Your grandfather? Who is your grandfather? I haven't heard of it! I don't know!" Li Zhenbang pretended to be stupid.

Murong Bing nodded, smiled slightly, showing two deep dimples on her face, obviously she was very satisfied with Li Zhenbang's performance.

"One more thing, when you get better, you take your contract beast, and I want to fight you again!" Murong Bing stared at Li Zhenbang with scorching eyes. The last loss to Li Zhenbang made her feel uncomfortable. Convinced.

"Come on! Senior Sister Murongbing, don't play with me. You are a black iron warrior. I am just a small summoned beast mage. How could I have beaten you? The last time was pure coincidence!" Li Zhenbang hurriedly Defended.

Just kidding, he didn't think he could **** her when he only used the giant rhinoceros, even if he had watched "The Atlas of Ten Thousand Beasts". If it were an ordinary black iron warrior, he still had the power to fight against Murong Bing, but he was not sure at all.

Murong Bing gritted his teeth and stared at Li Zhenbang with breathlessness, and Li Zhenbang stepped back unconsciously.

"Sister Bing, I... I'm a summoned beast mage, and I'm not glorious if you win. And I'm only seven years old, you can't bully children!" Li Zhenbang said nervously.

Before, Murong Bing had always treated Li Zhenbang as an opponent of the same level, and had not considered the others. Now Li Zhenbang has moved out of age to say things, making her a little bit dumbfounded.

Age is not important in many cases, but when Li Zhenbang brought it up, she noticed that she was more than twice his age. Although Murong Bing had a good talent, she was already in her early twenties when she trained as a Black Iron Warrior.

If you are fighting between a thirty-year-old and fifty-year-old, you may be able to ignore the age, but an adult in his twenties and a child less than ten years old singled out, it would really make people laugh out loud. And even if she wins, her face is not glorious, let alone if she loses, she really has no face to stay in the academy.

"If you are really uncomfortable, I will let you have a good fight. But I can declare that you are not allowed to hit your face!" Li Zhenbang squatted on the ground with his head in his hands, looking like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

"" Seeing what Li Zhenbang looks like now, I remembered how Li Zhenbang would have been injured but didn't hurt himself. Murong Bing couldn't combine the two people together, so he stomped his feet in shame, his eyes flushed, and turned around. left.

Li Zhenbang let out a sigh of relief, and finally confuses Murong Bing. Knowing that Murong Bing has such a powerful grandfather, even if he can beat her, he dare not fight her! What's more, he couldn't beat her again.

Li Zhenbang can be sure that if the public agrees to fight her, he will definitely be beaten badly. He is not a masochist, so he will not look for excitement. He is a big man, and his face is very important.

"Zhenbang! It's a coincidence that I can meet you here. I heard that a team of ten of you successfully joined the Royal Mercenary Corps and defeated the strongest team. Congratulations!" Wang passing by here Peng exclaimed excitedly when he saw Li Zhenbang.

"Brother Wang, you are not busy with the civilian committee, why come here free?" Li Zhenbang was also a little surprised when he saw Wang Peng.

"Unfortunately, you still remember the civilian committee! When you came back from a holiday, you never showed up again except for taking your salary a few days ago!" Wang Peng smiled and hammered Li Zhenbang on the shoulder.

Li Zhenbang grinned and hissed twice.

"Sorry, I forgot your shoulder injury! Are you okay?" Wang Peng's face changed a lot when he saw Li Zhenbang's appearance, and he felt regretful in his heart. He had seen the fight between Li Zhenbang and Murong Bing in the audience, so he knew that Li Zhenbang had an injury on his shoulder, but he was so excited just now that he forgot about it.

"It's okay, just a minor injury, it's almost healed." Li Zhenbang comforted.

"Why don't I help you to take a rest?"

"Go and go, I'm not a big girl, I need your courtesy! What's the matter with you? Hurry up!" Li Zhenbang scolded with a smile.

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