Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 292: Demolition and reconstruction

"I have my own solution to this problem, but I can't say it. If I have to say it, I can only tell Dean Jin alone." Li Zhenbang hesitated and said.

Old Yan frowned, and everyone looked at Jin Wannian.

"Zhenbang, here are the leaders of the academy, what can't you say?" Jin Wannian asked suspiciously.

"Dean Jin, although they are all the leaders of the college, it is difficult to guarantee that no one will be involved in the demolition and reconstruction. If my method is spread, it will not work. I will not be able to take the responsibility for delaying the project at that time." Li Zhenbang said worriedly.

"Li Zhenbang, you have made it clear, who will leak the secret?" Moud asked sternly. Li Zhenbang's words passed into his ears and he could no longer be silent. No matter how he heard it, he felt that Li Zhenbang was targeting himself.

"This leader, how can I know who will leak the secrets! I am just for the benefit of the college. The less people know about certain things, the better. If you can guarantee that you will be fully responsible for the problem, then I can be honest and open. Tell everyone about it." Li Zhenbang replied in a respectful tone.

"You...huh!" Mord snorted coldly and stopped speaking. He can't afford this responsibility, because he has long been determined in his heart, as long as Dean Jin agrees, he will send someone to make trouble.

"Come here!" Jin Wannian beckoned to Li Zhenbang, Li Zhenbang picked up the drawing on the table and walked over.

A golden mask enveloped the two of them. No one could see what was happening in the mask, and no one could hear the sound inside the mask.

The crowd didn't wait long before the golden mask dissipated. Li Zhenbang smiled, and Jin Wannian nodded.

"Your method may be really useful, but there are no absolutes in the world, good luck!"

Jin Wannian's words are already a certainty, and this is what happened!

Although Old Yan had some doubts in his heart, since Jin Wannian had already decided, he must have agreed to Li Zhenbang's method. Although he was also curious, he did not stop it. Mord looked at Li Zhenbang with twinkling eyes, he already had care...

The college has agreed that the civilian committee has the right to demolish, rebuild and rebuild. The approval and declaration of the noble students who want to rebuild is not so complicated, and does not require family authorization.

A small number of wealthy and powerful noble students have already started activities, especially female students, who have long been envious of Capecchi's villa. Many aristocratic students have received the authorization to rebuild, but the college did not manage when the rebuild started, because these were the responsibility of the civilian committee. However, the college has made repeated orders to rebuild it without authorization. After the civilian committee has issued a certificate, the civilian committee is solely responsible for the reconstruction.

Mord had already arranged everything. He had already discussed privately with several aristocratic students with a lot of background and influence, that they would not allow the civilian committee to demolish and resolutely not rebuild their houses. He has seen Li Zhenbang's design drawings. These noble students are all key positions on the design drawings and must be rebuilt.

But to everyone's surprise, the Civilian Committee did not immediately start the demolition and reconstruction with great fanfare. Instead, it died down without making a sound. It didn't say a word about it, as if the demolition and reconstruction were a legend.

Although Mede felt a little uneasy, the inaction of the civilian committee still made him very happy. He wished that they would not do anything! When the time comes, I have a reason to clean up Li Zhenbang.

Many noble students who want to rebuild run to the civilian committee every day, hoping that they can rebuild as soon as possible. When they get out of school every day, when they see Capec’s eye-catching villa, they always complain about the civilian committee, why Demolition and reconstruction have not yet begun.

I don’t know when, the noble students began to circulate a news that the civilian committee has not done anything because they are screening potential, background, capable, and wealthy people and start to rebuild first, and not all Everyone has the opportunity to be demolished and rebuilt.

Hearing such news, the noble practitioners all exploded. Many noble practitioners who wanted to rebuild went to the civilian committee to protest, asking them to start work immediately and rebuild houses for themselves. The members of the Civilian Committee naturally did not admit such remarks, and they also claimed to catch this person who spread the rumors and must deal with it seriously.

However, it seemed that the protests of the noble students had some effect, and the civilian committee soon began demolition and reconstruction. It seems to be to tell everyone that the rumors are false, so the owners of the three houses they rebuilt first were ordinary noble families.

However, after the reconstruction of these three houses, the demolition and reconstruction work was suspended again. The civilian committee declared to the public that the civilian students should not delay their studies by helping others build houses. However, this reason is simply untenable, because other daily operations of the civilian committee are still operating as usual.

Another news spread quickly among the noble students. The so-called rumor by the civilian committee was true. Why did they only demolish and rebuild three ordinary aristocratic students’ houses? It was just for everyone to see. Under pressure. In fact, they will only rebuild for noble students with potential, background, strength, and money. Those who are not rebuilt in the end are because they have no potential or their strength is not recognized by the civilian committee!

It seems that to verify this news, the civilian committee has started work again. This time it is a group of aristocratic students with strong wealth and background who have submitted a request before, and even some powerful aristocratic students who have not submitted an application have become civilians. The target of the committee's reconstruction.

This time, the noble students who had submitted their applications and had not been rebuilt went to the civilian committee to discuss their explanations. The argument was that there was a shortage of manpower. They had to select a group of noble students to rebuild first. This reason cannot be refuted, because this time the civilian committee started the renovation of six houses at the same time.

When the renovation of these six houses was completed, the civilian committee stopped again. Now, except for the little nobles who can't afford to rebuild their houses, and a few people arranged by Mod, everyone has submitted their application for renovation.

At this time, the rumors rose again, and the civilian committee was still selecting the target, and still giving priority to those noble students with strength and potential. And the rumors also say that why the houses of the three little nobles were first rebuilt in the first place, because they did not ask for an explanation.

In this way, no one of the noble students came to ask for an explanation, because the previous six noble students were indeed distinguished people, and the three little nobles were indeed people who did not ask for an explanation.

All the nobles who have not been remodeled faintly hope that the next batch of remodeled personnel will have themselves in the list, because this is not only as simple as house reconstruction, but also a symbol of status!

Mord can no longer persuade the aristocrats who conspired. All of the aristocrats have strong backgrounds. Although they are different from the six students who rebuilt houses in the previous batch, they are different from others. In comparison, they are still very confident.

If this time the civilian committee did not take the initiative to invite them as Maud said, then they would really lose face! You must know that it is rumored everywhere that only aristocratic students with a strong background are eligible to rebuild.

When another group of houses were erected around them, they could no longer sit still and had to send entourages to inquire about the news. The final news was that they had not submitted an application, so they were not in the scope of reconstruction.

When their entourage raised objections, the person in charge of the Civilian Committee told him that among the last batch of people who had been renovated did they actually submit an application and they came to the door actively because they were too busy to submit the application, but they had communicated in advance. .

When the news came back, these nobles all threw dishes, bowls and vases in the house, cursing Mod. If it weren't for Mord, they can be sure that they will definitely appear in this batch of remodeling lists.

When this happened, Mede obviously couldn't sit still. Although he was the leader of Carlo Royal Academy, he could not easily offend the nobles. After he got the news, he hurried to the civilian committee.

"Wang Peng, Li Zhenbang, you two have to explain to me, why don't you give Charles and the others a few houses to demolish and rebuild." Mould asked angrily.

"Excuse me, are you here to inquire about the crime or come to supervise and guide our work?" Li Zhenbang smiled and looked at Mod, without any dissatisfaction because of his tone.

"I..." Mord was stunned for a moment. He didn't have the authority to supervise and guide. Xingshi couldn't have his turn to ask questions. Those people had no relationship with him.

"I just came to ask for them. They asked me to complain, saying that you have not arranged for them. They suspect that you have misunderstood them. They want me to help them speak." Moud hesitated, his tone softened.

"Teacher Mord, they didn't hand in the letter of intent in accordance with the rules and procedures, and we can't force it! Otherwise, don't you have a reason to clean up me!" Li Zhenbang smiled and looked at Mord, as if jokingly said.

"Li Zhenbang, it's a joke! What do you plan to do with their house? They are your core position. And there are rumors outside, you can't ignore their feelings!"

"Teacher Mord, since you know them so well, then you should tell them and ask them to hand in the letter of intent for demolition as soon as possible. Let's make arrangements for them as soon as possible! According to the current situation, we should wait for two or three batches. It's their turn." Li Zhenbang thought for a while and said very seriously.

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