Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 295: Surprise

Although Zhang Dayou’s home lives in the town, their house is in the northernmost part of the town, where the poor live.

Zhang Dayou led the three Omegas to the front of his house with a twisted expression. My home is relatively simple and I don't know how to entertain Omega.

"My friend, you're back!" A woman who looked close to forty years old opened the door of the room with a basin of dirty water and was about to go out to pour water. She was surprised to see Zhang Dayou standing outside the courtyard.

"Mom, I'm back. How's Dad?" Zhang Dayou opened the courtyard door and walked in by himself, taking the water basin from the woman's hand.

"Your dad is getting better. The doctor has already said that you don't need to take medicine and you will be fine. You must never borrow money again. Don't worry, mom will definitely find a way to help you pay back the money even after fighting this old bone. You are already a student of Carlo Royal College, and everything should focus on your studies!" The woman's eyes were flushed and she smacked her face with her apron.

Li Zhenbang and Omega looked at each other and walked into the yard.

"You are?" Zhang Dayu's mother asked suspiciously when seeing three strangers walking into the yard.

"Mom, those are my classmates and his friends. They heard that my dad was sick, so they stopped by to visit."

Zhang Dayu did not say that they were here to treat his father, because his father's illness had been seen by many doctors, and they had no good solutions, and now they can only use money to continue their lives. He was afraid that in case he gave his mother hope, Li Zhenbang and Omega couldn't heal his father, and the mother could not bear the blow.

Zhang Dayu’s mother is actually less than 30 years old. Since her father was ill, her mother’s head has appeared a lot of white hair, and she looks more haggard. Otherwise, she would not be in her twenties. Forty years old.

"Ah! Are you here to see Dayou's father? I'm sorry. After Dayou's father became seriously ill, he sold all the valuable things at home. Now there is nothing to entertain. Please forgive me! Come in, come in. Room! I will ask my big friend to buy some food for a while, and there is nothing to entertain you in the house. I'm really embarrassed!" Zhang Dayou's mother said a little cramped.

"Auntie, you are too far-sighted. Your big friend is my roommate and my brother. How embarrassed are you like this? We came in a hurry this time and didn’t prepare any gifts. It’s the younger generations who are not us. I am ashamed!" Li Zhenbang hurriedly greeted him with comfort.

"By the way, Auntie. Where is Uncle Zhang? Let's go see Uncle Zhang first!" Li Zhenbang was also anxious, he wanted to see Zhang Dayou's father quickly, whether there is any possibility of cure.

"His dad is in the house! Since he was sick, he didn't dare to be too active and was lying on the bed! I'll take you over to see, the house is messy, don't mind!" Zhang Dayu's mother wiped it with her apron Hand, opened the door of the house, and let the three of Li Zhenbang in.

The house is not big, but it is very tidy. It was not as crowded as the three people walked into the house like Zhang Dayu’s mother said. Entering the back room, Zhang Dayou's father has already sat up. It is estimated that he heard a guest coming and was about to put on his shoes and go to the ground!

Zhang Dayou's father was a little thin, his face was pale and gray, and he seemed very weak. Seeing everyone entering the house, a smile appeared on his tired faces, "Are you the classmates and friends of Dayou? My body made you laugh."

Li Zhenbang rushed over and helped Zhang Dayu's father. Zhang Dayou's father is full of calluses, which shows that he was once a diligent farmer.

Li Zhenbang said with concern: "Uncle Zhang, you should rest more, we are here to see you. That's not bad, but you went to the ground to greet you, why do you make us feel bad!"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, the doctor said I have to exercise properly, and I can't always lie in bed." Zhang Dayou's father smiled and said, but his eyes were full of decline.

"Dad, how is your health? Is it better? Have you taken medicine on time and treated on time?" Zhang Dayou asked with some worry, holding on to the other side of his father.

"It's okay. The doctor said I'm much better. I don't need to take medicine anymore. You don't need to borrow money in the future. Man husband, we can't do illegal things, and we can't live humbly." Zhang Dayou's father looked at Zhang. Otomo, his eyes are full of guilt.

"Dad..." Zhang Dayou looked at his thin father with a bit of sobs. The once strong father who was once a mountain is now tortured by the illness, but as a son, there is nothing he can do. Zhang Dayu's heart is like a knife.

"Uncle, let's take a look at your disease, maybe we have a way to cure it." Li Zhenbang looked at Zhang Dayu's father confidently.

Zhang Dayou's father looked at Li Zhenbang and wanted to refuse, but he couldn't bear to hit Li Zhenbang. After all, they had seen countless doctors and there was almost no good way. However, he still had a glimmer of hope for a cure, and no one wanted to be sick every day.

Li Zhenbang looked at Zhang Dayou’s father once again. When chatting just now, he smelled his heavy tone and some ammonia smell, his complexion was yellow, his parotid glands were a bit swollen, and his body was thin, but it looked different. Some edema, shortness of breath, weakness, occasionally scratching the body, as if it is itchy.

"Uncle, after you got sick, did you have loss of appetite, frequent nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and even blood in your urine?" Li Zhenbang asked for a moment.

"Yes, all of these things are happening. Dayou told you?" Zhang Dayou's father looked at Li Zhenbang suspiciously.

Li Zhenbang smiled and shook his head. When he saw Li Zhenbang's appearance, Zhang Dayu's father's eyes lightened a bit, and he could see his problem only by observation. Maybe he could really cure himself!

"Do you often feel itchy skin, tired body, difficulty concentrating, occasional insomnia, and sometimes muscle twitching."

"Yes, what you said is correct, and sometimes I feel severe pain here and I dare not move." Zhang Dayou's father pointed to his waist and said with excitement.

Li Zhenbang nodded and put his hand on Zhang Dayu's father's wrist. Li Zhenbang was already aware of the condition.

Zhang Dayou's father had uremia and kidney stones. If you only have dialysis and kidney transplantation in your own world, it is a bit difficult for you to heal in this world. It is a different matter to have Omega assistance, but it takes a long time to completely cure and requires good care.

"Uncle, don't worry, we have a way to heal you, but you need your cooperation." Li Zhenbang said confidently.

"What you said is true? I can really recover from this disease?" Zhang Dayu's father couldn't believe his ears.

Both Zhang Dayou and his mother looked at Li Zhenbang in surprise. Zhang Dayou was thinking of giving it a try, but Li Zhenbang actually had a way. At first, Zhang Dayou thought that Li Zhenbang was just comforting his father, but seeing Li Zhenbang's self-confidence, Zhang Dayou had to believe that all this was true.

"Uncle, rest assured, I won't lie to you. But there are some precautions I want to tell you." Li Zhenbang said all the uremia diet needs to pay attention to. Li Zhenbang's mother said nothing about Li Zhenbang. Record it down...

"Zhenbang, do you really have a way to heal my father?" Zhang Dayou grabbed Li Zhenbang's hand and asked tremblingly. Although he believed in Li Zhenbang, he still hoped that Li Zhenbang would confirm it again.

"Friends, don’t worry, I have a solution for my uncle’s illness. It will take a longer time, and it will take a long time to recuperate. After the uncle is fully recovered, it’s better not to do heavy work. Don't do it well." Li Zhenbang patted Dayou Zhang on the shoulder, looking at him with clear eyes, without any deception or concealment.

The three of Li Zhenbang bid farewell to Zhang Dayu’s family and returned to the hotel. It’s not that Li Zhenbang didn’t want to treat Zhang Dayu’s father right away, but his current state is not the best, and some details need to be discussed with Omega, so he To be on the safe side, be prepared to rest overnight.

After Li Zhenbang and Omega discussed the plan, in order to be energetic the next day, he didn't practice any more, but rarely chose to sleep.

Li Zhenbang hadn't slept for a long time, and spent every night in meditation, but this time he slept and found something unusual. The internal force that used to be only meditation can be cultivated, but now just lying there, the internal force is also running slowly in the body, but it is much slower than meditation.

Li Zhenbang stood up excitedly, feeling carefully, and found that the internal force was also running slowly while standing, only slower than lying down. But this means that no matter what he does, his internal strength will increase a little bit, and the most obvious benefit of this is that he can restore his internal strength little by little in battle. He believes that with the improvement of his internal strength, this effect will become more and more obvious.

Li Zhenbang calmed down, lay on the bed again, and slowly closed his eyes. There are still important things to do tomorrow. He must make sure that he is full of energy.

As soon as the sky fell, Li Zhenbang suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed by, his mental power actually broke through the intermediate level at this moment, even though it had just broken through, it was equivalent to the level of mental power of a sixth-level magician.

The most important thing is that after breaking through the intermediate mental power, he can learn a spiritual skill-spiritual sharing.

Spirit sharing is not as simple as sharing spiritual power with others. For Li Zhenbang, he can completely superimpose part of the spiritual power of any summoned beast on himself to increase his spiritual power. With the strength of Li Zhenbang Increased, the more mental power will stack up...

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