Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 298: I am a doctor

"It's you!" Li Zhenbang cried out in surprise when he heard someone talking behind him, and when he turned around, he saw the person coming.

"You...know?" Zhang Dayou looked at Li Zhenbang and the people who had just walked into the yard in confusion.

"I have seen it, but I don't know it." Li Zhenbang and the man said at the same time. They both looked at each other and laughed.

Seeing Zhang Dayou's doubts, Li Zhenbang smiled and told them about the two. It turned out that the person who came in was not someone else, and it was the Zhou Li that he met in the morning market.

After listening to Li Zhenbang’s explanation, Zhang Dayou laughed, “This is how Big Brother Zhou is. He always likes to be helpful and has a sense of justice.”

"Zhou...Big Brother..." Li Zhenbang looked suspiciously at some creases on his face, looking close to forty-year-old Zhou Li.

"Zhenbang, you are very puzzled! Haha! Actually, Big Brother Zhou is less than 30 years old, but he does look a little anxious." Zhang Dayou teased and said, obviously his relationship with Zhou Li is still good.

"Zhenbang? You are the good brother Li Zhenbang that Dayou often tells me?" Zhou Li looked at Li Zhenbang with a wry smile. Zhang Dayou was also very helpless when he ridiculed him, but what he said is true. , Less than 30 years old, but with a face of more than 40 years old.

"Hello... Brother Zhou, if you only know one person named Li Zhenbang, then I think it should be me." Li Zhenbang scratched his head awkwardly, trying to ease the atmosphere, jokingly. But obviously it did not achieve the desired effect. This humor is indeed a bit cold.

"Dayou, how is your father? Is it better after taking my medicine?" Zhou Li looked at Zhang Dayou and asked cautiously.

"Your medicine?" Li Zhenbang looked at Zhou Li suspiciously.

"Did you not tell your friend? I am not only a silver warrior, but also a doctor. It is my duty to save the dead and heal the wounded. If it weren't for the wife of Lu Deming, the leader of the poisonous crocodile mercenary group, and I have never treated Less members of their group, do you think people from the Crocodile Mercenary Group would be so polite to me?" Zhou Li shrugged his shoulders and said with a mockery.

"It turns out that Dayou and I said that you are always treating his father! Thank you for your hard work." Li Zhenbang did not underestimate Zhou Li because he could heal Zhang Dayou's father. On the contrary, if it were not for Zhou Li's treatment, I am afraid that Zhang Dayu's father would be more ill.

"Big Brother Zhou, Zhenbang has a way to heal my father, so I asked him to help. After a day of treatment yesterday, my father is much better today." Zhang Dayou lowered his head in embarrassment. After all, Zhou Li had always been treating his father, and he had hired other people to treat him without saying hello. If there is no improvement, it is obviously better now, which is obviously hitting Zhou Li's face.

However, Zhang Dayou quickly raised his head and looked at Zhou Li guiltily. There is no way. Whoever makes that his father, he will try it even if he has one in ten thousand hopes.

Who knows that Zhou Li didn't look at Zhang Dayu, but at Li Zhenbang with blazing eyes, not hostile, but a little surprised.

"What kind of medication did you use?" Zhou Li was a little short of breath, and Li Zhenbang was surprised that Zhang Dayu's father could get better. In fact, Zhang Dayou is completely worried. For a real doctor, whether they can treat patients is what they care about most. No matter who it is, as long as there is a way to solve their own troublesome patients, it is worth asking for advice. .

"I didn't use drugs." Li Zhenbang said awkwardly. When treating others, it is embarrassing to meet the other's attending physician, and this is a mess.

"Oh, okay! The prescription for this kind of intractable disease must be very precious, how can it be easily shown to others!" Zhou Li glanced at Li Zhenbang with disappointment, shook his head, and turned to leave.

"Brother Zhou, you misunderstood, I really didn't use any drugs." Li Zhenbang hurriedly grabbed Zhou Li's hand. Although he and Zhou Li only met twice, he still admired Zhou Li very much. He didn't want it. Zhou Li misunderstood himself.

Zhou Li turned his head and saw the sincerity in Li Zhenbang's eyes. He could feel that Li Zhenbang was not lying. Zhou Li hesitated and asked, "Are you a light magician?"

Li Zhenbang shook his head and looked at Zhou Li in a puzzled way. He was uneasy why Zhou Li would ask such a question. Light Element Magic has obvious effects on external injuries, but it is not obvious on this disease.

"Then you are a wood magician?" Zhou Li ignored Li Zhenbang's doubts and continued to ask.

Li Zhenbang shook his head again, he understood what Zhou Li meant. But even light magicians and wood magicians can't cure this disease. Wood magicians can also stimulate people's life potential and vitality, and have some effects on healing, but light magicians do not have this ability at all!

Zhou Li frowned, and he could feel that Li Zhenbang had not lied to him, but this was not justified. He didn't use drugs or magic. Based on his knowledge, there seemed to be no other way.

"Big Brother Zhou, why did you ask me if I was a light magician or a wood magician? According to my knowledge, neither of these two magicians helped Uncle Zhang’s disease much, especially the light magician. It can be said that it is of no use." Li Zhenbang asked his doubts.

"I can feel that there are stones and other things in Uncle Zhang’s waist. I once dared to speculate that if the speed is fast enough, I will cut Uncle Zhang’s waist and take out the stones inside, and then use light magic. With the help of a magician or a wood magician, heal the wound and stimulate the vitality of the internal organs, and maybe he can cure Uncle Zhang’s disease. But you are neither a light magician nor a wood magician, and you have not Taking medication, this makes me very confused." Zhou Li looked at Li Zhenbang inexplicably.

After listening to Zhou Li’s analysis, Li Zhenbang’s forehead was covered with cold sweats. People in this world are still limited to magic therapy or medical treatment by doctors. Even if the king is sick, it is nothing more than these two methods. Thinking of surgical treatment, it can be said to be unprecedented in this world.

Li Zhenbang can imagine that if he is given the right opportunity, he will definitely create a precedent in the surgical industry, but it is also likely that he will be charged with murder. Although he is a silver warrior, he must not understand the structure of the human body, especially the structure of the internal organs. If he starts blindly, he will definitely have big problems.

If this operation allows a necromancer to take charge of the sword, and is assisted by a light magician or a wood magician, then the success rate must be far greater than Zhou Li, because the necromancer has far more research on human body structure and internal organs. Higher than other occupations.

"Big Brother Zhou, stretch your hand over, don't resist, you will understand when you feel it." Li Zhenbang docked a palm with Zhou Li's palm, and slowly mobilized a trace of internal force to be transmitted to Zhou Li's body through the palm.

At first Zhou Li wanted to resist instinctively, but out of trust in Li Zhenbang, he suppressed this instinct. After Li Zhenbang's internal force entered his arm smoothly. Zhou Li's body was shocked, and he looked at Li Zhenbang incredible, he could feel the energy coming in from Li Zhenbang was soft and upright, which was of great benefit to the body. Li Zhenbang retracted his internal strength and looked at Zhou Li with a smile.

"It's incredible, I'm sure you should be able to cure Uncle Zhang now." Zhou Li looked at Li Zhenbang with disbelief, and felt in his heart that if he had this ability, he might be able to cure many diseases again.

"Big Brother Zhou, you come over tomorrow and I will give you a gift, maybe you will need it later." Li Zhenbang blinked at Zhou Li.

Although Zhou Li didn't know what medicine Li Zhenbang sold in the gourd, he nodded. Although he has only seen Li Zhenbang on both sides, he does not know why he trusts Li Zhenbang so much and believes that he will not aimlessly.

The group of people did not enter the house. Zhang Dayu's father finally had a good night's sleep. None of them wanted to disturb, and the treatment was not bad at this moment.

Zhou Li's ideas gave Li Zhenbang a good inspiration. With Omega's cooperation, the recovery time can definitely be shortened, but he must not use it blindly. After all, Li Zhenbang is not a professional surgeon. Although his mental power can detect the subtle levels of capillaries, he still dare not act easily.

They didn't wait long before Zhang Dayu's father woke up. After simply eating something, Li Zhenbang began to use his internal force to nurture his kidneys and body.

This time it is much easier than yesterday. What was needed yesterday was gravel, but today I just need to nourish. However, because Zhang Dayu’s father had been ill for some time, Li Zhenbang did not just nourish the kidneys. After several weeks of internal force running in Zhang Dayu’s father’s body, he concentrated all his efforts on the kidneys on both sides.

Li Zhenbang's mental power was carefully observed. The kidneys on both sides of Zhang Dayu's father were nourished by his internal power. The kidneys, which were like rotten flesh, were slowly recovering. However, Li Zhenbang's internal power was not strong after all, and the recovery speed was not Soon, but this little improvement will relieve Zhang Dayu's father a lot of pain.

When the internal strength was about to dry up, Li Zhenbang slowly recovered his strength and let out a sigh of relief. Today is much stronger than yesterday, at least today he has no symptoms of collapse.

Some toxins in Zhang Dayu’s father’s body were excreted, and a layer of pungent black dirt was applied to the skin...

Li Zhenbang and Omega walked out of the room, but Zhang Dayou still protected the law for them outside the room. After seeing Li Zhenbang, he did not speak, just smiled and nodded, and then walked into the room. Because of yesterday’s experience, he had already boiled the water and prepared to help his father take a bath.

Li Zhenbang stretched his waist tiredly, and his body joints made a burst of noise.

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