Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 300: Zhou Li's inspiration

Following them was the box, and then I heard a scream from someone below, not knowing which hapless guy was hit by that box.

It was not Li Zhenbang who shot, but Omega. Although Li Zhenbang had strong mental power, he was far from the strength that could easily knock a silver warrior and two black iron warriors into the air.

Omega had already folded her fists and stood at the door of Long Miaomiao's room, with her hands on her back, looking at the big hole in the wall, her face full of disdain. If you dare to **** his wife from him, you are just looking for death! It's useless even if the King is majestic, he dares to fly him. If a man can't protect his own woman, is he still worthy of being a man? What's more, he is a giant dragon. He didn't beat those three people into a pool of flesh, and he was already saving face for the so-called Wanhuazong.

Long Miaomiao glanced at Li Zhenbang's room with disappointment, his eye circles were a little red, because Li Zhenbang never came out of the room from beginning to end.

What Long Miaomiao didn't know was that the reason Omega arrived in time was precisely because Li Zhenbang reminded him with Ni Lin. In fact, Wuming has been arranged by Li Zhenbang to lurch nearby, and he can take action at any time. Li Zhenbang's order to Wuming is that if you make a move, life or death will matter.

When Omega appeared, everything was resolved easily. Now that it was resolved, Li Zhenbang felt that he would naturally not need to appear.

Long Miaomiao's feelings for him made him want to escape, and he found that his feelings for Long Miaomiao were getting more and more wrong. If you continue, there will definitely be problems. In his heart, he still could not erase Liu Lin's figure.

I have to say that the gifts brought by the three people are still very rich. The boxes are not souvenirs, but two sets of phoenix crowns and hazels studded with pearls, and two sets of jewelry boxes with various gold ornaments, coded below Gold bars one by one. If it is replaced by two ordinary people, it is estimated that the tired vomiting blood may not be able to lift.

The box fell on the street, and gold bars of pearl jewellery were scattered all over the place, but no one went up to **** it wildly. It's not because they are of high quality, but because people with so many treasures can't afford to offend them. If they were snatched wildly, they would be killed on the spot. You must know that gathering a crowd to rob the nobles' property is dead in vain.

There was a lot of movement on the street, and Xue Lao naturally saw the three people who broke through the wall and the jewellery scattered on the ground. Old Xue's face was pale, he could not have imagined that someone would be so rude to beat Wanhuazong's NPC. This was not a beating, but a face. He had never thought about whether he was so rash to send someone to send a betrothal gift to him, whether it was unreasonable, whether it was a face slap.

There was a smile on the corner of the son's mouth, and he was surprised that the other party made a sudden move, but he also became excited because of it. If it is too easy to get a hand, he is not interested.

Proud, he has begun to fantasize about the other party kneeling in front of him, praying for his forgiveness, and then becoming his own impunity under unwillingness and shame. Thinking of the helpless and compelling expressions on the faces of the two beauties, he felt a burst of joy and satisfaction in his heart.

Old Xue stood up, preparing to take his men to teach the opposite person, but he was stopped by the son.

Old Xue looked at the son in doubt, he really couldn't figure out why the son would stop him. From his point of view, if the person on the other side doesn't know each other, just rob them directly. With the strength of Wanhuazong, this matter can still be easily handled.

"Send two people down and tidy up the things. What kind of appearance is this? Money is used for spending, not for wasting. Some things are not anxious. If it is too easy, won't it be fun?" Smiled and said meaningfully.

Old Xue was stunned for a moment. The son at this moment made him feel a little strange and familiar. The unfamiliarity was because the son was not the same as usual, and the familiarity was because he seemed to see the shadow of the lord on the son.

"By the way, Mr. Xue, send two people to investigate their details, the more detailed the better." The young man's face flushed slightly, obviously he is a little excited now.

"Okay, son." Xue Lao nodded, and instructed the people around him...

The matter was resolved, but Li Zhenbang did not continue to practice. At this moment, he was preparing gifts for Zhou Li in the room.

Alpha and Long Miaomiao returned to the room, but Omega did not leave, but also entered Long Miaomiao's room to prevent further disturbances.

The people in the hotel saw the big hole in the wall, with cold sweat in their hearts. The person who was beaten was from the Wanhuazong. The guests in the room were still the same as the okay people, so depending on the situation, it was not easy to mess with. The owner of the hotel kept shaking his head and sighing, not knowing which **** he had provoke, so he had to send someone to repair the wall, praying in his heart, sending someone to the county to make a relationship, and at the same time, he took his family and hid quietly.

However, everyone was obviously overly worried. Not only did the people of Wanhuazong not come to the door with an open fire, but quietly, which made everyone feel very strange. However, there are two saint-level powerhouses and a golden warrior, and they have nothing to worry about.

Li Zhenbang collected the gift for Zhou Li, called Yuchen to the room, and sent Omega to his room through the counter-scale.

"Zhenbang, why don't you go to Miaomiao's room and ask me to come here, Miaomiao misses you." Omega raised her eyebrows and laughed.

Li Zhenbang's face flushed, and he didn't make a difference at all. He hurriedly said, "I called you because I was inspired by Zhou Li and thought of a way to heal my big friend's father."

"Zhou Li's inspiration? You're not really going to open his stomach to his father, are you?" Omega stared at Li Zhenbang with an unbelievable look.

"Where did I want to go! I don't dare to try it easily." Li Zhenbang shook his head, he wouldn't dare to perform operations easily without perfect preparation. And to be honest, he might be able to kill, but he was still a little hairy in his heart for surgery.

"Then what are you going to do?" Omega asked suspiciously.

"Brother Omega, wait a moment I will use spiritual sharing with you. Don't resist, you will see what I see." Li Zhenbang reminded.

Li Zhenbang's mental power slowly merged with Omega's mental power. Omega is 100% assured of Li Zhenbang, and naturally will not resist. The integration went smoothly, and Omega only felt that the world in front of him had become slow.

Mental power exploration is not difficult for Omega, but he was shocked by the scene in front of him. Because after Li Zhenbang shared his spiritual power, the scene that Omega saw was very different from what he saw through his spiritual power exploration.

If Omega's mental power is probed, it can only detect how many people there are, how many meters, and so on. Now Omega can actually see Yuchen's internal organs and even see the blood flow in his body.

"Brother, if this is the case, can you let the wood element reach the kidneys directly through the skin, and directly nourish the kidneys." Li Zhenbang mentally guided Omega to look at the position of Yuchen's two kidneys.

Omega immediately understood Li Zhenbang’s intentions. He thought about it and said, “If you use magic, it’s not easy to handle, but if you can directly let a small amount of magic elements pass through the skin to the kidneys to stimulate the vitality of the kidneys. Not difficult."

Li Zhenbang slowly withdrew his mental power sharing. Sharing with Omega's mental power consumed him too much. Only for this moment, he had already consumed almost one-third of his mental power.

"How long will it take?" Li Zhenbang asked nervously. This is what he cares about most. If he shares his mental power with Omega, at most he can keep Omega for less than five minutes. To be completely exhausted.

Of course, this is also related to the first time he uses mental power sharing with others. He still can't control this skill well, and it will inevitably cause a certain degree of waste. If used proficiently, it should be extended by one or two minutes.

"It shouldn't take more than five minutes." Omega frowned and said in thought.

"Five minutes... If the time is less than five minutes, will these wood elements entering the body have an adverse effect on the body." Li Zhenbang felt a big head, he didn't dare to take the risk.

"If it takes less than five minutes, I can only treat the kidney on one side. After all, the structure of the kidney is quite complicated. I can only activate each area carefully. But don't worry, I have refined the wood elements. It is only good for the body and will not have any side effects. Even if it stays in the body, it will only be absorbed and assimilated a little bit to increase the vitality of the body." Omega said cautiously.

"What? Cure? Brother, are you sure you are talking about cure?" This time it was Li Zhenbang's turn to be shocked.

He thought that Omega just infiltrated the wood element into the kidneys to activate the function and activity of the kidneys. How could he know that what Omega said was actually good treatment? He even couldn't believe his ears.

"Why? You don't believe in my strength? With your shared mental power, I can see the details of every internal organ, not to mention the kidneys you said, even if the heart has a hole, I can be at five. Fix it for him within minutes." Omega gave Li Zhenbang a dissatisfied look.

Li Zhenbang was overjoyed. If Omega can really heal Zhang Dayu's father's kidneys within five minutes, he can definitely try it...

"Big Brother Zhou, I'm afraid that the treatment will be too expensive for a while, so let me give you a gift first!" Li Zhenbang smiled and handed a scroll to Zhou Li's hands, and then walked into the room with Omega.

Zhang Da leaned forward friendly and curiously, Zhou Li opened the scroll in doubt, and both of them were stunned when they saw the contents of the scroll. Zhang Dayou's expression was a bit horrified, but Zhou Li's expression seemed to have obtained a rare treasure.

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