Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 304: Canopy curse

Li Zhenbang saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart. Without any hesitation or pause, he continued to chant: "Tianding Lishi, Weinan Yuxie, Tianmo fierce, Weibei Yufeng..."

"Why? Why! What did you do to me?" Nightmare stopped attacking and snarled frantically at Li Zhenbang.

Li Zhenbang ignored her intentions and continued to sing: "Three hundred thousand soldiers, guard me ninefold, and corpses thousands of miles away, but it is ominous, dare to have a kid, want to see it..."

"I can't kill you, I'll kill them!" Nightmare gave up Li Zhenbang, roared and flew towards the five people.

Li Zhenbang was shocked in his heart and hurriedly chased the nightmare's figure. Now the strength of the nightmare has dropped drastically, and the speed has also become much slower. Li Zhenbang has surpassed the nightmare in a blink of an eye, but he did not stop singing.

"The big axe, kill ghosts in five shapes..."

When Li Zhenbang blocked the nightmare's figure, he unexpectedly found that the corner of the nightmare's mouth was smiling, and her pale skin turned blood red. Li Zhenbang's heart jumped, and a chill came to his heart. But he still didn't stop singing.

"The Emperor Yan's blood, the Big Dipper burns bones..."

The blood in the blood pool in the hall had disappeared at some point, and countless bones were exposed at the bottom of the blood pool, including humans, beasts, and some unknown strange-shaped bones.

These bones were all alive, and they all jumped out of the blood pool, rushing towards Li Zhenbang and the others, and countless resentful spirits in the air flew towards Li Zhenbang and others.

If Li Zhenbang hadn't been in contact with the Undead Mage a long time ago, and he had a ghost of the Undead system, I am afraid this scene would be enough to scare the nerves.

In this situation, he has no retreat. He has the opportunity to crush and transport the jade pendant to escape alone, but if he does that, he will only have a dead end, how can he leave his brothers and escape alone.

Although Li Zhenbang's body was already trembling slightly, he didn't know if it was due to excitement or fear, but his voice was still firm and powerful.

"Siming breaks the corpse, the heaven and the extinction class..."

"Go to hell!" Nightmare stretched out his blood-red hands and grabbed Li Zhenbang's neck.

The blood-red nails fought against the golden mask. They didn't turn into blue smoke as they did at the beginning. Instead, they made a harsh rubbing sound. Although the nails became shorter and close to the fingers again, the golden mask began to dent.

The blood red on Nightmare's body all converged towards the nails, and the body was regained to be sickly white, but the nails had changed from blood red to black.

The black nails did not continue to shorten this time, but violently confronted the golden mask. Cracks began to appear on the surface of the golden mask, and the color of the black nails gradually faded towards blood red.

"The magic knife... one... ten thousand... ghosts... self... collapse..." Li Zhenbang continued with difficulty, and the pressure the nightmare brought to him had already made him a little bit open.

"Crack, wow!" As if the sound of glass shattering, the golden mask finally couldn't hold on to shatter, and Li Zhenbang also spouted blood. Nightmare's hands returned to the initial whiteness, and her face became paler, but this did not affect the palm of her hand that pinched Li Zhenbang's neck.

Li Zhenbang has nowhere to go. Standing behind him is Lin Qiushan. If he dodges, Lin Qiushan will directly face the oncoming nightmare. If Nightmare's hand touched the defenseless Lin Qiushan, the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable.

In the critical moment, instead of backing up, Li Zhenbang squatted down with his legs curled up, leaning forward. Pushing his legs back with full force, the whole person rushed towards the nightmare's body like an arrow.

Even though Nightmare didn't expect Li Zhenbang to dared to rush towards her, her speed was no worse than Li Zhenbang, especially after the golden mask was broken, her speed recovered a bit. Small steps backed up, and at the same time the nails on both palms swelled up again and grabbed Li Zhenbang's head.

Li Zhenbang's leaning body instantly leaned back, and it was able to avoid the palms that had come in front of him. At the same time, his body rolled on the spot and rolled behind the nightmare. However, he forcibly twisted his body during high-speed movement and made Li Zhenbang spout another blood .

This time Li Zhenbang's situation was even more dangerous, with a powerful nightmare in front of him, bones and resentful spirits flooding behind him.

Nightmare didn't attack Li Zhenbang's teammates in front of him, but instead pursued Li Zhenbang. She didn't want to give Li Zhenbang any chance.

Li Zhenbang’s spell just now put too much pressure on her, the golden mask was broken, Li Zhenbang spouted a bit of blood, and her abilities recovered a bit, which also reduced her alertness and became murderous towards Li Zhenbang. Heavier.

Nightmare was not going to give Li Zhenbang a chance to chant a spell again. This spell was too terrifying. Before the spell was sung, he already had a strong sense of crisis, and he even used all the power of the blood pool to barely break through his golden mask.

If he were given another opportunity to chant a spell, he would be really in danger. There was no second blood pool for him to use.

Li Zhenbang had just stood up, and Nightmare's long nails had been inserted toward his chest. A trace of panic flashed in Li Zhenbang's eyes, and he barely passed the position of his heart, and Nightmare's long nails had been heavily inserted into his chest.

However, the scene of blood flying in the nightmare's anticipation did not appear. Instead, Li Zhenbang flew out in the opposite direction of the nightmare due to this blow, crashing into the bones with a bang, and there was a sound of crackling bones.

The nightmare's heart suddenly throbbed, and hurriedly chased Li Zhenbang, but the two sides had already opened a part of the distance, and Li Zhenbang also crashed into the corpse group, which became an obstacle to the nightmare.

"Anxious as the Northern Emperor Mingwei's oral edict!" Li Zhenbang's weak and firm voice suddenly came from the group of bones. Although the nightmare could not be understood, it could be heard from the accent that Li Zhenbang had not said before. of.

Nightmare's face changed drastically, which meant that although the golden mask was broken just now, it did not affect the spell. In other words, the singing was not interrupted, and Li Zhenbang continued to sing. Nightmare smashed a large piece of bones in front of him with a punch, but Li Zhenbang was still not seen.

After Li Zhenbang said the sentence just now, there was no sound. Nightmare prayed in his heart, hoping that Li Zhenbang would be swallowed by the bones and wraiths before he finished singing the spell.

But soon, Nightmare found out that she had worshiped the wrong god, because she was unable to move, and even her mental energy was compressed back into her body. What's more terrifying is that her body was already burning, and she was a little bit Disappear.

The resentful spirits in their soul state were even more embarrassed, their screams turned into a plume of smoke, and disappeared. Those bones without souls looked around blankly. The nightmare summoned them, but now they have lost contact with the nightmare. The bones without spiritual guidance all stood in a daze, turning a blind eye to Li Zhenbang, who was already severely injured and unable to resist.

Without the control of the nightmare, the five Zhang Dayou had already begun to show signs of waking up, and Sha Hanshan, with the strongest mental power, had already begun to work hard to open his eyes.

"Asshole, what did you do to me?" Nightmare looked at Li Zhenbang in horror. She really couldn't figure out why the situation in which she was dominant had suddenly changed the direction of the wind, and the identities of the inmates were interchanged in the blink of an eye.

What made the nightmare even more terrifying was that she felt the threat of death again, this time it was a complete extinction, and the soul and body would be wiped out. For a person who has died, and is unwilling to die, he would rather live without freedom as he is now than to die vigorously, not to mention the unclear death now!

"Asshole, let me go! If you have the ability, let's fight it honestly!" Nightmare squirmed and roared frantically.

Li Zhenbang rubbed his chest with his left hand, and limped out of the bones, full of gratitude for the silkworm soft armor. The silkworm soft armor had already rescued himself several times. If it weren't for it, his grave would be full of weeds.

"Sorry, I really don't know how to let you go. I use "Canopy Curse", which is specially used to deal with you monsters. I can only use it, but I can't understand it. I didn't want to do this. But... alas!" Li Zhenbang looked at the nightmare with pity, and sighed helplessly.

"You must save me, I don't want to die! You must have a way! Please!" Nightmare shook his head and cried, blood-red tears wet the clothes, and his face was full of regret and love for life. Nostalgia.

Li Zhenbang walked to the side of Nightmare, and just about to speak, he saw that there was regret and nostalgia on Nightmare's face. He was shocked and wanted to retreat, but the nightmare would give him a chance, and his pale fingers stuck in Li Zhenbang's head. If this one is inserted, Li Zhenbang will inevitably break his brain.

Seeing that Nightmare's fingers were less than a finger away from Li Zhenbang's head, suddenly a khaki light curtain appeared in front of Li Zhenbang, blocking the front of Nightmare's fingers.

Although the khaki light curtain shattered after just resisting it, it was enough for Li Zhenbang. Li Zhenbang had an iron bridge and stretched out one leg at the same time, kicking it on the leg of the nightmare, using the force of recoil Jumped out.

This attack of Nightmare had already used all of her power. She had originally thought that she would have to pull her back when she died, but she did not expect to be avoided by Li Zhenbang.

The attack power of "Canopy Curse" has been fully exerted, and the nightmare has no defensive power left, so it turned into blue smoke in an instant, and disappeared without even the howling sound...

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