Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 312: Poisonous comeback

Bai Zeming has been in a very happy mood recently. It has been a long time since Bai Yanlang, his most competitive brother, Bai Yanlang, died at the Carlo Royal Academy.

Because his father Bai Feiyu and the elders of the sect finally made a decision, the Poison Sect officially returned. Since the last civil turmoil of the Poison Sect, the Poison Sect has chosen to retreat and develop quietly, and it has been fifteen years.

During these fifteen years, the Zongmen Mountain Gate was closed, and no one was allowed to go out without permission. If there is a violation, it will range from whipping to the wall, or abolishing the cultivation base, breaking the tendons and hamstrings, expelling from the mountain gate, or even directly killing him, even the person who is most hopeful of inheriting the next lord is no exception.

For people like Bai Zeming, who has a romantic nature, these fifteen years are simply not as good as death. The maid by his side has long been unable to satisfy his appetite, but he has nothing to do.

However, Bai Zeming was not overwhelmed by the opening of the mountain gate. He knew very well that although his father’s health is not very good now, there is no big problem in living for another 20 to 30 years. He is still early from the upper position, not to mention whether he can do it. Just a word from my father.

Although he has the advantage now, there are two younger brothers who are not good at all, always ready to destroy himself and take over his position.

Bai Zeming was able to sit firmly in this position of prince, one is because he is the boss, and the other is also because of his strength. In his early thirties, he was already a formidable golden warrior, which proved his talent for cultivation.

The younger brother Bai Yanlang who was struck to death by thunder had good aptitude and great potential at a young age, and he was even loved by his father, so he was a big threat to him. Fortunately, he died.

When the sect was first opened, Bai Zeming was still very relaxed. He had tolerated it for fifteen years, so naturally he would not care about forbearing for a while.

The hard work paid off, and the opportunity finally made him wait. After the gate was opened, the first thing to do was two things.

One thing is to kill Li Zhenbang, who had caused the internal turmoil of the Poison Sect, to come to Liwei. They already knew that Li Zhenbang was a member of the Red Maple Leaf family. The closed mountain gate does not mean that the news is blocked. As long as this Li Zhenbang is not Zhao Tianlong's son, they will not let him go. As long as this kind of thing is done secretly, no one will know that they did it, and Li Zhenbang's enemies are not only theirs.

Another thing is to look for the hidden remnants of the great elder Bai An. Bai An has a son and a daughter. His son Bai Wei is dead. Although the remaining daughter lives with his mother, he has already severed his father-daughter relationship with Bai An. , But she is a kind of white anger after all, who knows whether she will secretly avenge her father.

The Poison Sect reopened the gate, but he didn't want to have another civil disturbance. Their current strength doesn't care if there is another rebellion, but this is equivalent to a face-slap in public, which damages the reputation of the Poison Sect, so all possibilities must be strangled in the cradle as much as possible.

Of course, Bai Zeming would not take both tasks in a big way, he only chose the task of finding the daughter of Bai Wrath. It's not because this task is simple, on the contrary, how easy is it to find one person on the entire continent. However, this task can travel the whole continent. After fifteen years in the sect, how can you be worthy of yourself if you don't come out and stroll around.

And Bai Zeming didn't take Bai Anger's daughter seriously. What can a yellow-haired girl in her early twenties do? The old Bai Anger has fallen, and who else would dare to stand on the opposite side of the Poison Sect.

After more than ten years of rest and recuperation, my father didn’t know how to win over a group of strong men. This has not counted those strong men who helped out in times of crisis. After the poisonous sect experienced that rebellion, not only didn’t. Weakened, but now it is several times stronger than before.

These powerhouses have a high status in the clan, and they are simple to understand. They are not under their control at all. The heir to the suzerain does not even have the opportunity to contact them. But Bai Zeming saw it very openly. These people couldn't get in touch with them, and naturally their two younger brothers couldn't get in touch with them. If they didn't get in touch, there was nothing to worry about.

Looking for someone is not completely clueless. The girl was only three or four years old when she left the sect. The changes must have been not small, but her mother should have not changed much.

"Young Sect Master, there is news, but..." a dark iron warrior said hesitantly, holding his fists in both hands and kneeling on one knee.

"But what?" Bai Zeming asked with a frown, riding a tall tall horse.

"That woman is dead."

"Dead? Bai Anger's daughter is dead?" Bai Zeming raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect the matter to be solved so simply.

"Young Sect Master, it is not the daughter who died, but the angry wife who died."

"Wife died? When did they die? Where is their daughter?" Bai Zeming asked eagerly. He can come out to play, but it doesn't mean that he can leave the business behind.

His two younger brothers cooperated on the task of assaulting Li Zhenbang. If they succeeded, it would be bad if they failed. Although a failure of a mission is not a problem, it will affect his prestige in the hearts of his two younger brothers. If one's deterrence against them is reduced, who knows if there will be any accidents in the future.

"Since his wife Bainu died two years ago, his daughter has left here, and now no one knows her whereabouts."

"Is there a portrait of his daughter?" Bai Zeming asked nervously. If there were no portrait of Bainu's daughter, they would have no chance at all.

"The people we brought are already drawing, but they are not ideal. The descriptions of the few people interviewed are too far apart, and the final portraits they saw don't seem to be the same." The Dark Iron Warrior said embarrassedly.

"Trash! Even a portrait can't be drawn well. What's the use of you? Tell them, if you can't draw even a portrait well, don't blame me to deal with it. You don't have real skills, but you take it for nothing. The salary of the sect for many years, how I told them to take, then how to vomit it out to me." Bai Zeming said with a green face and gritted his teeth.

"This..." The Dark Iron Warrior hesitated. He knew that the painter was not to blame. All they asked were the neighbors and people around the white-angered wife.

This group of people has never seen anything in the world. In their eyes, the Bai Anger wife is like a fairy, and the Bai Anger daughter seems to be very beautiful and more beautiful than her mother, so everyone will inevitably be exaggerated. .

They have all seen this pair of children, mother and daughter, but each of them will add some of their own subjective consciousness when describing them, and they will add some things that they think are beautiful. This is going to be life.

"Why? Do you want to disobey the order?" Bai Zeming's tone was cold, he now has the heart to kill.

When I came out this time, I was accompanied by a mysterious man in black robe sent by his father. Since I came out, he has been acting fairly and well, just wanting to make a good impression on this mysterious man in black robe. But at this time, his subordinates put on eye drops to himself, how could he not make him angry.

"No, Young Sect Master, the younger one has a lot of affection." The Black Iron Warrior said bitterly. If it was someone else, it would be fine. There was a good brother of his among the painters, and he had to try his best to fight for it. .

"Say!" Bai Zeming's expression eased a little. Although he is arrogant, he is actually very good with his subordinates. As long as his subordinates are loyal to him and take things seriously for him, he will not treat him badly.

"This group of untouchables didn't put the door on their mouths, they exaggerated all kinds of words, and everyone said it was different. We simply couldn't draw accurate portraits of people based on the information they provided." The Black Iron Warrior said angrily.

Bai Zeming's brows wrinkled again, and now he has some claws. According to the explanation of the black iron warrior in front of him, it is really troublesome. Without an accurate description, even a **** cannot prepare to draw a portrait!

"Master, do you have a good idea?" Bai Zeming looked at the mysterious man in black robe beside him and asked respectfully. This is not what Bai Zeming deliberately did. When he encounters an unsolvable problem, he asks an expert. This is originally his character. Of course he didn't think there was any good way for the mysterious black robe, it was just a habit of him.

"What's the problem with this, take me there!" The mysterious man in the black robe gave Bai Zeming a glance and ordered the black iron warrior in front of him.

The Black Iron Warrior looked at the mysterious man in the black robe in doubt, and then at Bai Zeming for instructions. Bai Zeming waved his hand, motioning him to do what the mysterious man in black robe meant. The black iron warrior got up and left with the mysterious man in black robe.

"Old Jiang, you're back, what did the Young Master say?" A brawny man with dark skin, his face was full of pain.

"Lao Fan, this is the master recommended by the young master. The master said he has a way." The black iron warrior who was called to be the old **** stretched out his right hand and introduced respectfully.

"Hello Master! I don't know how you need our help?" Lao Fan also looked at the mysterious black robe with a look of admiration. The people recommended by the Young Sect Master can't be wrong, they are a hundred rest assured.

"Take them all to that house." The mysterious man in the black robe pointed to a wooden house not far away.

Although everyone didn't know what the mysterious person in black robes meant, out of trust in him, they brought these civilians into the houses. The houses didn't even have glass windows. Although it was daytime, the inside looked extremely dim.

"Master, what are we going to do next?" Lao Fan asked respectfully.

"You all go out! Do not come in if there is any sound, I will go out in a while." The mysterious man in the black robe said impatiently.

Old Jiang and several painters were stunned. How to draw portraits of people without a painter? However, they didn't ask questions, instead they walked out of the residence and closed the door.


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