Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 329: Unpredictable

Wuming hurriedly stopped the forward footsteps and quickly backed away, avoiding the poisonous fog in front of him. The four elders also got a breath, and hurriedly continued to strengthen the protection for themselves, and at the same time quickly rendezvous with Bai Zeming.

The best way for a magician to face a powerful warrior is to stay with the same powerful warrior. If you face it alone, you must ensure enough distance. If you can't guarantee enough distance, you must have enough defense, otherwise, the magician can only be left with tragedy.

Seeing the four elders and Bai Zeming get together again, Wuming did not rush forward. Although Bai Zeming was kicked by himself, it was not serious, and the impact on combat power was not particularly large. You must know that the strongest of the Poison Sect is not the combat effectiveness, but the poison that people can't defend against.

The reason why Wuming didn't choose a quick fight is because he had to be distracted to guard against the poison of the Poison Sect, otherwise he would have been defeated long ago by Bai Zeming's strength that is not in his best condition.

For a while, the two sides fell into a stalemate again, but this stalemate was only Bai Zeming, the Fourth Elder, and the unnamed three people, and the Dark Iron Warriors had already shivered and dared not move. Sometimes death is not terrible, what is terrible is the process of waiting for death.

Li Zhenbang walked to Liu Lin's side and looked at her carefully. His eyes were full of weirdness and nostalgia, and his eyes were a little lost, as if he was reminiscing something.

Seeing Li Zhenbang's fiery eyes, Liu Lin frowned and lowered her head. Li Zhenbang is still very grateful for being able to come to save everyone, but this does not mean that she will choose to reciprocate her by her body. Li Zhenbang was still too strange to her, and she was still a little dissatisfied with being stared at by a strange man.

"Huh huh!" Lu Lianggong cleared his throat, interrupting Li Zhenbang's memory.

Li Zhenbang resisted the excitement in his heart, smiled awkwardly, and said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, you look so much like an old friend of mine."

"Are you talking to other girls like this?" Liu Lin could tell from Li Zhenbang's eyes that he and Bai Zeming's eyes were different, and they didn't have the desire to be naked, and after all, Li Zhenbang was still considered I saved everyone, so I endured a trace of dissatisfaction in my heart and responded with a smile.

" misunderstood, what I said is true!" Li Zhenbang was a little speechless when asked.

"Well! If what you said is true, I really hope to have the opportunity to meet this girl who looks like me." Liu Lin stared at Li Zhenbang and said expectantly.

"This..." Li Zhenbang saw a sly in Liu Lin's eyes, and knew that she didn't believe in herself, but the problem was that although what she said was true, how could she bring Liu Lin in front of her. If there was a way, I would have gone back long ago.

Long Miaomiao kept watching without saying a word. He was in a slightly better mood and became very bad. But she didn't show it. She just looked at Liu Lin hostilely, and Liu Lin glanced at Long Miaomiao with feeling.

"Let's take these for everyone first! These are healing magic potions, and they will definitely help everyone's injuries." Li Zhenbang hurriedly changed the subject, took out some bottles from the space bracelet and gave them to Liu Lynn.

When Liu Lin saw these magic potions, she didn't continue to struggle with Li Zhenbang, and hurriedly distributed these magic potions to everyone.

The scars and small stones that were the most injured were naturally taken care of. After taking the magic potion, the scars closed their eyes and their breathing became even. At least for a short time, there is no need to worry about it. The bones on the chin of the little stone had been broken into many pieces, and it was almost impossible to fully recover with magic potions.

Li Zhenbang personally used internal force to splice the relatively complete bones on the small stone chin, and then asked Liu Lin to pour the magic potion into the small stone. Knowing that the magic potion worked, and after fixing the chin of Little Stone, Li Zhenbang recovered his internal strength.

After all, internal force is not a panacea. Especially in this situation, Li Zhenbang can't treat it wholeheartedly. Now it is the best result. At least Xiaoshitou's jaw can recover normal chewing function after a period of rest.

Seeing that Xiao Shishi's chin barely returned to normal, everyone gratefully glanced at Li Zhenbang, even Liu Lin's eyes when looking at Li Zhenbang changed a bit.

The five black iron warriors sighed with relief when they saw that Long Miaomiao ignored them. However, the fact that Li Zhenbang and others do not pursue it does not mean that others will not pursue it.

Liu Zhengde saw that the juniors were properly arranged and treated, especially the severely wounded scars and small stones have improved a bit, so he slowly stood up and looked at the remaining five black iron fighters. To be precise, he looked at the old **** who kicked the small stone.

The remaining four Black Iron Warriors quietly distanced themselves from Lao Jiang, and now they are all in a certain position, and there is a sharpshooter in the distance staring at him, where they dare to be arrogant. Although their strength is not high, they are all human beings. When should they behave and when should they be quietly reminded by others.

Old Jiang saw Liu Zhengde being forced towards him step by step, and Yu Guang saw the four black iron warriors around him dodge far away, and he couldn't help but become angry. This group of people is too unreasonable. They usually hang on their shoulders and call them brothers and sisters. At the critical moment, they all look like they are hanging up high.

"What do you want to do?" Old Jiang glanced nervously at Yuchen on the roof. Seeing that he didn't move or even glanced at himself, he calmed down.

"What do I want to do? What do you think I want to do?" Liu Zhengde casually picked up a spear from the ground, and stared at Jiang.

Although Liu Zhengde was a silver warrior, Jiang didn't feel embarrassed. Liu Zhengde's combat effectiveness was not very good when he fought before. If there is no external force to obstruct him, Jiang is sure to fight him equally.

"So, you guys from Lu Zhai are ready to come in again?" Old Jiang held a big knife in one hand and calmly looked at Liu Zhengde threateningly. Old Jiang is arrogant, but he is definitely not a simple-minded person, otherwise how could he be appreciated by Bai Zeming!

"I only represent me personally, and have nothing to do with Lu Zhai." Liu Zhengde glared at Old Jiang. He can't say that he hates Old Jiang too much now.

"Do you think you believe this yourself?" Old Jiang raised his brows and said disdainfully.

"Since you have said so, Zhengde, you represent Lu Zhai! You can do anything!" Lu Lianggong's voice suddenly spread to everyone's ears.

"Teacher..." Liu Zhengde stared at Lu Lianggong with wide eyes. He was really unbelievable. Why did the teacher say that.

"Do you think that even if you don't represent Lu Zhai, can Lu Zhai survive the disaster? Under the cover of the nest, there will be no eggs!" Lu Lianggong sighed.

Before Li Zhenbang appeared, maybe they still had room, but after Li Zhenbang appeared, they had to be tied to the big ship of the Red Maple Leaf family, at least to Li Zhenbang's ship. But no matter what, the current result is still good, at least no one has died in front of him, the serious injury is temporarily stabilized, and the disabled at least saved one life.

Liu Zhengde groaned a little when he heard Lu Lianggong's words, and sighed.

"Be careful!" Lu Lianggong exclaimed.

While Liu Zhengde was still sighing, Jiang was already moving. Since fighting is unavoidable, it is natural to strike first. Lao Jiang is not a decent gentleman, and a gentleman cannot survive in the Poison Sect.

Old Jiang's knife was violently pushed towards Liu Zhengde's body from bottom to top. This time, I had to say that it was extremely damaging. Attacking directly in front and on the head is often easy to be spotted at the first time, while attacking from the bottom up is in a blind spot of vision, which is relatively difficult to spot.

Liu Zhengde was already alert when he heard Lu Lianggong's exclamation, and hurriedly withdrew, at the same time the spear in his hand dropped out and stabs at Lao Jiang.

However, Liu Zhengde was still a step late after all. Jiang's knife slipped across Liu Zhengde's chest. Liu Zhengde's clothes were split in half. Liu Zhengde also flew out under the horrified eyes of everyone.

The long spear that Liu Zhengde threw out in a hurry did not stab Lao Jiang's vitals, but stab him in the shoulder. Old Jiang couldn't help it either. He didn't expect that Liu Zhengde would choose to throw the spear out. If he dodges this shot, he will fail this sneak attack, so he has to take it.

Everyone was in a daze facing this scene, and none of them could have imagined that a silver warrior was attacked to death by a black iron warrior.

The hesitation spear was thrown out in a hurry, so the penetration was not very deep. Old Jiang gritted his teeth and pulled out the spear. Excited gleams in his eyes, with the strength of a black iron warrior, to kill a silver warrior head-on, this is something to brag about.

When Lu Lianggong and others came back to their senses, and were about to see Liu Zhengde lying on the ground, Liu Zhengde slowly stood up amidst everyone's surprise and joy.

It turned out that after Liu Zhengde found that he could no longer evade, at the last moment, he mobilized all the fighting energy to gather on his chest for defense. This purely using fighting energy for large-scale defense consumes a lot of fighting energy, but it can be used at critical moment Save life.

Although the knife used by Lao Jiang is not a magic weapon, it can be regarded as a good knife for cutting iron like mud. In the end, it only cut a wound on Liu Zhengde's chest. The wound was not particularly deep and the blood did not flow out much, but Liu Zhengde's vindictiveness was also consumed by this.

"Yeah! It's so lively here! Brother, why didn't you notice Li Zhenbang? Why didn't this make brothers feel so embarrassed!"

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