Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 332: Long Miaomiao's true strength

"Get out of here!" Li Zhenbang shouted sharply.

Li Zhenbang was in a state of confusion now, his eyes flushed and looked at the four silver soldiers in front of him.

The four silver warriors felt a little nervous, and couldn't help taking a step back. They felt that they were not facing a single person, but a terrifying beast that chose people and devoured them.

Each of the four silver warriors is holding a shield and holding a simple sword in his hand. They seem to be very good at defense.

Li Zhenbang knew that Bai Shangwu was using the tactics of attrition, and he was about to capture himself alive after he was consumed.

These four silver warriors pay attention to defense, and their attack power will be relatively weaker, which is exactly what Li Zhenbang has in mind. He was wearing the armor of a giant rhinoceros metamorphosis with an iron armor, and there was also a soft armor of the emperor silkworm inside. Even if they stood here and let the four people chop, it would not be so easy to cause harm to him.

Li Zhenbang simply gave up the defense and went all out to use it on offense. After the four silver fighters attacked Li Zhenbang several times, they found that their attacks had no effect on Li Zhenbang, so they devoted themselves to defense and gave up the attack. One silver warrior even put on a shield that was as high as a person.

Their original purpose was to consume Li Zhenbang's stamina. Li Zhenbang was a summoned beast mage, but he was different from the general summoned beast mage, and he was considered an excellent fighter himself. Although Li Zhenbang did not have a grudge, his speed and the sharpness of his weapons made ordinary soldiers a headache.

The four silver warriors kept shrinking the encirclement, constantly compressing the scope of Li Zhenbang's activities. Whenever Li Zhenbang wanted to break through their encirclement, there was always a silver warrior holding a shield and coming into close contact with Li Zhenbang's body, knocking him back.

At this time, Li Zhenbang fully understood that Bai Shangwu had obviously done his homework and knew himself very well. Although the attack power of these four silver fighters is not strong, the defense is very high and the speed is very fast. Obviously they are very targeted...

It's not that Long Miaomiao has not fought with the Golden Warrior. She has practiced against Wuming, and even she has competed with Godmother Alpha.

This Bai Hanwen and Wuming's attack methods are not the same way at all, but they are somewhat similar to himself and Godmother Alpha.

Alpha and Long Miaomiao didn't use all their strength when they practiced against each other, they just suppressed their strength at the silver warrior level. Now Bai Hanwen's strength is far above the silver warrior-level Alpha, this is still the situation where he has already consumed most of it.

If Bai Hanwen was still in the state before fighting with Wuming, I am afraid that five Long Miaomiao would have nothing to do with him at the same time. This is the gap between the Silver Warrior and the Golden Warrior.

The bronze warrior defeated the brass warrior is not without a chance, the brass warrior also has a certain chance to defeat the black iron warrior, as long as the foundation is solid, and there is a powerful technique, there is still a certain possibility in unexpected circumstances.

The difference between the silver warrior and the golden warrior is not even a little bit. Even though Long Miaomiao is strong and has a first glimpse of the golden warrior’s doorway and the help of Titan gloves, he is still only a silver warrior. One of the hundreds of silver warriors can appear. The Golden Warrior is already rare.

Bai Hanwen was not soft-hearted than Long Miaomiao was a beautiful girl.

Long Miaomiao couldn't avoid it a few times, so she had to head-on with Bai Hanwen's axe. After every collision, she would be knocked out, and her hands were numb.

You know, the warcraft fur in the Titan glove has a very good shock absorption effect, even if it hits the refined iron with all its strength, it is just a slight vibration. The material of this yin and yang funeral axe seems to be much higher than that of the refined iron, which is also evident in the power of Bai Hanwen.

Long Miaomiao was not discouraged. After fighting for such a while, Long Miaomiao could feel that Bai Hanwen was extremely powerful, but his speed was relatively weak. However, it is only relatively speaking, because the opponent's speed is comparable to the current one, if he continues to fight like this, he will undoubtedly lose.

After repelling Long Miaomiao again, Bai Hanwen looked at Long Miaomiao in surprise, but he didn't expect this beautiful little girl to be so strong. In his impression, only a few of the Silver Warriors were able to cope with their two attacks, and it was unique that they were able to cope with their own attacks several times and even retreat. Although his strength was not in his heyday, his opponent was nothing more than a silver warrior.

Surprise is astonishment, appreciation is appreciation, but Bai Hanwen will not be merciful. He is not the master of pitying and cherishing jade, his hobby is not women. His biggest hobby is to fight with different strong men, to defeat the strong ones as his greatest pleasure.

Although Bai Hanwen was born in the Poison Sect, he never disdains the use of various poisons, and the battle is considered open and honest. After Bai Hanwen won the victory, whether to kill the loser depends entirely on his mood.

However, those who deceive the world and thief are the ones he disdains the most, and have never left alive since defeat. In his words, those people caused him to waste time and affection, but he was so vulnerable. To live is the greatest luxury and a great humiliation to himself.

Long Miaomiao rolled a few times in the air, and after removing Bai Hanwen's power, he landed gently. Long Miaomiao slowly stood up, looking at Bai Hanwen with complicated eyes, and did not continue to attack.

"Why didn't you attack? Give up? You have taken me several attacks without getting hurt. If you kneel down and beg me for mercy, I can let you go!" Standing on the ground, said proudly.

Long Miaomiao didn't speak. First, he untied the wristband from his hand and put it in the space ring, then squatted down, took off the two wristbands at the ankle, and put it in the space ring.

When the two bracers were taken down, Long Miaomiao's aura instantly changed. The fighting spirit that was still silver turned into gold in an instant, and the golden fighting spirit surging out.

Everyone looked at Long Miaomiao in astonishment. They had never heard of such a miraculous thing. They had only taken off two sets of bracers and jumped from a silver warrior to a golden warrior.

Others don't know what is going on, but Long Miaomiao is very clear. These two sets of bracers are not ordinary bracers, they are sealed bracers. In fact, Long Miaomiao could have become a golden warrior long ago, but he used this method to suppress the increase in strength.

Of course, this suppression is not meaningless. Long Miaomiao's strength has improved too quickly. Although his foundation is solid, his use of grudge is always worse.

In order to allow Long Miaomiao to better adapt to his own strength, Alpha deliberately exchanged this set of Sealed Bracers to suppress Long Miaomiao's soaring strength.

Although his strength was limited to the level of a silver warrior when he was first brought on, the vindictiveness was not not growing, but all storage was compressed, making Long Miaomiao's vindictiveness more intense. When the bracer was taken off, Long Miaomiao's vindictive energy that had been compressed and stored instantly sublimated, and his true strength exploded.

Long Miaomiao felt the most direct. She felt that her body was full of unprecedented power. She now desperately hopes that the power will be vented, and this venting mouth is undoubtedly Bai Hanwen.

When Bai Hanwen discovered that Long Miaomiao turned from a silver warrior to a golden warrior, he was curious, but what made him more excited was that Long Miaomiao had become a warrior equal to him. He could let go of his hands and feet and wantonly. And in order to.

Long Miaomiao still cannot fully control his power. Every step forward, the hard Huanggangyan floor tiles will leave a footprint. With Long Miaomiao's progress, the footprints became lighter and lighter, proving that Long Miaomiao had begun to adapt to this force little by little.

Bai Hanwen naturally saw that Long Miaomiao could not control his own power, but he was not prepared to give Long Miaomiao familiar opportunities.

The yin and yang funeral axe flew towards Long Miaomiao like a meteor, followed by Bai Hanwen and flew towards Long Miaomiao.

Long Miaomiao didn't do any dodge. She couldn't control her own power now, and she couldn't do it even if she wanted to dodge. She directly threw a fist at the yin and yang funeral axe that was flying over.

With a "crouch", the Titan glove and the Yin-Yang slamming axe fought together, sparks shooting everywhere. The yin and yang funeral axe flew back, Bai Hanwen stretched out his hand to catch the axe, and after a round on his head, he jumped up high, holding the handle of the axe with both hands, his whole body was like a bow.

The best way to deal with it now is naturally to step aside and wait for the opportunity. However, Long Miaomiao didn't dodge, instead, he stared at Bai Hanwen in the air. His eyes were like two stars, shining brightly. The lower plate was in a lunge, and his fists were closed at the sides of his waist.

Just as Bai Hanwen's axe was slashing down, Long Miaomiao suddenly stepped forward, and at the same time raised his fists high, slamming toward the center of the long axe handle.

The weapons of both sides fought fiercely again, and the loud sound made people's heads hum.

Bai Hanwen didn't land. Instead, he flew back due to the anti-shock force. After landing, he stepped back and licked his dry lips, his eyes filled with excitement.

In the area where Long Miaomiao was located, a large pit with a diameter of at least five meters appeared on the ground, and the center of the pit was Long Miaomiao who raised his fists high. A trace of blood flowed from the corner of Long Miaomiao's mouth, and his raised arms trembled slightly. But her eyes were still full of brilliance like stars.

"Miaomiao!" Li Zhenbang exclaimed. His eyes were full of madness, and he could no longer hide himself...

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