Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 334: From the Red Maple Family

Others also noticed the abnormality of the two, and they all looked in the direction of the door somehow. However, there are no special circumstances in the direction of the gate, and it is still empty.

When everyone looked at Bai Zeming and Bai Hanwen suspiciously, two people suddenly appeared at the gate. One was dressed in gorgeous seven-level gold magician robes, and the other was plainly dressed. Both were in their fifties. Both of them wore red maple leaf-style badges on their chests, representing their identity as members of the Red Maple Leaf family.

After the Poison Sect and his party saw the two people appear, their expressions became nervous. People from the Red Maple Leaf family appeared here, and their strength was not low. It seemed that it was not easy for Li Zhenbang to take them away today.

After seeing the two, Li Zhenbang took a sigh of relief. These two are not others. The person wearing the robes of the seventh-level gold magician is Li Xiangyang, the fourth elder of the Red Maple Leaf family, and the other is the sixth-elder golden warrior Li Hongjun.

The reason why Li Zhenbang came late was because of these two elders. The two elders and their entourage blocked Li Zhenbang, and wanted to take him away. Li Zhenbang took a lot of effort to escape. Unexpectedly, the two elders appeared at this critical moment.

After the two entered Lu's house, some people wearing the red maple leaf family emblem came in one after another. The number was not large, and most of them were bronze and brass warriors. There was one black iron warrior and one silver warrior.

Li Hongjun saw Li Zhenbang lying on the ground at a glance, and walked towards Li Zhenbang. At a distance of tens of meters, it seemed that he had only taken two steps. After a simple check, it was confirmed that Li Zhenbang was not in a serious condition, and then he was relieved and gave Li Zhenbang a threatening look. Li Zhenbang smirked, stuck out his tongue and lowered his head.

"Poison Sect is so powerful! You can move the members of the Red Maple Leaf Family?" Li Hongjun stood up and glanced at the people of Poison Sect. Feng Rui finally stopped on Bai Zeming and Bai Hanwen.

"Who are you?" Bai Zeming frowned and looked at Li Hongjun. Li Hongjun's words were very rude and did not put Poison Sect in his eyes.

"Who am I? Huh! You a junior is not qualified to know this uncle's name, so it’s almost the same to ask your white anger to come out and ask. Oh! Look at my memory, Bai anger has been rebellious, you should be Bai Feiyu now in charge "Li Hongjun said poisonously.

"You..." Bai Zeming raised his eyebrows, his eyes open as big as a copper bell.

The old guy on the opposite side really didn't open the pot or lift the pot. He even satirized the Poison Sect in front of so many people. As the saying goes, the old man is rushing to fight.

Bai Shangwu didn't say a word, and watched with cold eyes. As the young master of the Poison Sect and his future successor, if he didn't handle this matter well, he would naturally be discounted in his father Bai Feiyu's heart. Opportunity.

I tolerated it for many years, and it was only after that incident that I dared to step out and stand on the opposite side of Bai Zeming. With the secret support of those people, Poison Sect will be his own sooner or later. Even if his father Bai Feiyu surrendered his seat to Bai Zeming, he would end up in his own hands. Thinking of those people, a sneer appeared at the corner of Bai Shangwu's mouth, but that was the person whose father was afraid of three points.

"Why? Not convinced? If you are not convinced, I will teach you a lesson for your suzerain!" Li Hongjun moved his wrist and said defiantly.

Although Li Hongjun didn't know the details of the two golden fighters, he obviously felt that the two of them were too exhausted and weak. Even if two people went together, he could deal with it calmly. If these people weren't from the Poison Sect, Li Hongjun would have been talking nonsense with them, he would have rushed forward.

Bai Zeming gritted his teeth and creaked, and now he dare not act rashly. If Li Zhenbang is solved secretly, as long as the hands and feet are clean and no traces are left, the Red Maple Leaf family can only suffer a dumb loss. Now this matter has risen to the level of the Poison Sect and the Red Maple Leaf family. A little carelessness will be very troublesome.

The Red Maple Leaf Family is not a small workshop like Luzhai, but it represents the official of the Carlo Empire. No matter how strong the Poison Sect is, it represents only a sect. If the conflict between the two parties intensifies, it is not in the interests of the drug sect. But if you admit it, the reputation of the Poison Sect will become a laughing stock, and it will not be easy for your father to explain it.

"Big Brother, someone is provoking the authority of your Young Sect Master! If it were me, I couldn't bear it." Bai Shangwu whispered.

Bai Zeming glared fiercely at Bai Shangwu, he was really hard to get off now.

"Is Li Zhenbang here?" someone suddenly asked outside the gate.

Everyone looked in the direction of the door, and everyone had a question in their hearts, what is the situation with Li Zhenbang, and why so many people are looking for him.

Two magicians wearing magic robes appeared outside the door, followed by several silver warriors and dark iron warriors.

The level of the two magicians is not high, one is level five and one is level four, but everyone dare not despise it. Because the two men are wearing the badges of the president and vice president of the Fallen Town branch of the Magician Union. They represent not themselves, but the entire wizarding union.

"President Martin, President Owen!" Seeing the people coming, Lu Lianggong hurriedly bowed his salute. He couldn't think of how the two most distinguished people in Luoye Town had come, and he still came to Li Zhenbang.

After Martin and Owen entered the door, they happened to see Li Xiangyang, who was wearing a seven-level gold magician robe from the Red Maple Leaf family.

"Hello! Martin, the president of the Magician Branch of the Fallen Leaf Town, this is the vice president Owen." The two Martin greeted Li Xiangyang with their hands.

In fact, as two people, there is no need to be too polite to magicians below the magician level. After all, the identity of the branch president of the magician guild represents the entire magician guild, its status in the magician guild, and the status of the magician. Same status.

However, this person is a member of the Red Maple Leaf Family, and they were ordered to protect Li Zhenbang of the Red Maple Leaf Family. This was ordered by Elder Yang Bing himself, so they would naturally show a good impression of the members of the Red Maple Leaf Family.

"The two presidents are really polite!" Feeling the goodwill of the two, Li Xiangyang smiled back.

"I don't know who Li Zhenbang is? We were ordered by Elder Yang Bing to welcome Li Zhenbang to the Magician Branch of Fallen Leaf Town." President Martin asked loudly on purpose.

Hearing that the two were under Yang Bing's order, the members of the Red Maple Leaf Family settled down. Li Xiangyang stretched out his hand and sat on the ground, holding Long Miaomiao in his arms and Li Zhenbang with a wry smile on his face.

Li Zhenbang had already discovered that Long Miaomiao was not in any serious trouble, except that his body was weakened, and the muscle damage caused by excessive exertion, but he did not dare to put Long Miaomiao down. At first he thought about putting Long Miaomiao down, but Long Miaomiao gritted his teeth and then stopped threatening him. He could only hold on helplessly.

Li Zhenbang also suffered serious internal injuries now, and it took a short time to stand up, let alone stand up holding Long Miaomiao, so he could only sit on the ground holding her.

Martin nodded and walked directly with Irving.

"Are you Li Zhenbang?" Martin seemed to ignore Li Zhenbang's embarrassment at this time, his eyes were very clear and innocent, but Li Zhenbang still saw a hint of playful smile deep in his eyes.

"Ah...Chairman Martin, this is Li Zhenbang." Li Zhenbang deliberately coughed slightly, saying that he is injured now, not what he wanted.

"Then can you stand up now?" Martin handed Li Zhenbang an expression of understanding, and the smile in his eyes became stronger.

"I'm afraid it's impossible for the time being!" Li Zhenbang tried it, and finally shook his head helplessly.

Before the fourth and sixth elders appeared, Li Zhenbang had already collected all the summoned beasts, and even the severely injured iron-clad rhino king was taken into the acquired bag.

Although the Acquired Pouch has no healing power, there are countless precious medicinal materials, magic cores and magic potions in the Acquired Pouch. The Elf Rat Duoduo is now the administrator in the acquired bag. With it, there will be nothing unless it is seriously injured and died.

Yuchen stepped forward to support Li Zhenbang, who still held Long Miaomiao in his arms. Originally, Li Zhenbang wanted to put Long Miaomiao down, but Long Miaomiao directly hugged his neck with a painful expression on his face. How could Li Zhenbang dare to let go again.

Two bronze soldiers of the Red Maple Leaf family put Wuming on a stretcher and lifted it up.

"Li Zhenbang, shall we go?" Martin asked while looking at Li Zhenbang.

"President Martin, we still need to bring someone." Li Zhenbang looked at Martin with a smile and whispered.

When Long Miaomiao heard Li Zhenbang's words, he gave a cold snort, released his hands, and jumped directly to the ground. But her body hadn't recovered yet, all of a sudden, she knelt on one knee and her face was very painful.

Li Zhenbang's expression changed, and he wanted to reach out to hold Long Miaomiao, but Long Miaomiao didn't appreciate it at all, and turned his face to the side instead.

Li Zhenbang had no choice but to turn to the sixth elders for help. Li Hongjun looked at Li Zhenbang and shook his head helplessly and smiled. This Li Zhenbang's own matter has not been resolved yet, and he still thinks of other people. But still waved, the two brass soldiers put Long Miaomiao on the stretcher and carried away.

Martin frowned. Although he did not speak to the Poison Sect, he knew that the person opposite was Poison Sect.

The reason why he didn't say hello to the Poison Sect was to avoid embarrassment on both sides. I have already moved out the name of Elder Yang Bing, and the members of the Red Maple Leaf family are here in the town. The Poison Sect is already riding a tiger, and he has given them a step in disguise.

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