Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 337: Teacher Deli Leka

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned when they saw this old man. The old man's reputation was so great that even if he hadn't seen him himself, he would have seen his portrait.

This red-haired, red-bearded old man is no one else, it is Delileka, the national teacher of the Carlo Empire!

Bai Yongnian looked at Deli Leka in confusion, he really couldn't understand why at this time, in this place, Deli Leka appeared?

In fact, it's a coincidence that the graduates of Carlo Royal College will postpone their graduation this year and will host a competition between the East and West mainland colleges.

King Zhao Tianlong attached great importance to this matter, and specially sent Deli Leka to the Carlo Royal Academy to systematically guide the students in the competition. After all, he is the Honorary Vice President of Carlo Royal Academy.

At the same time, Deli Leica also protects the students throughout the entire process to avoid injuries and deaths caused by the competition and accidents.

Deli Laika chose the route to Dragon City, which happened to pass through Luoye Town. As soon as he entered the city, he felt some familiar auras and traces of battle in Luzhai. As a national teacher, how could he just take a look when he encountered such things in this small Luoye Town. That's why I rushed over, just when Bai Yongnian was attacking the Red Maple Leaf family.

"Teacher..." After Li Zhenbang called the teacher, he spouted a mouthful of blood. This mouthful of blood was not injured by vomiting blood, but was forced out by Li Zhenbang himself.

Deli Leka saw Li Zhenbang spit out a mouthful of blood, his face changed, and he hurriedly walked to Li Zhenbang's side and checked with concern. Finally found that Li Zhenbang's internal injuries were not minor, but not fatal, and he was relieved.

Hearing Li Zhenbang's name, Bai Zeming and others' eyes widened unexpectedly. When did this Fire Element Saint Magister accept a summoned beast mage as his apprentice? This is incredible!

However, Bai Zeming thought about it again. This Deli Laika is the honorary vice-president of Carlo Royal Academy, and he has also lectured for the students. Perhaps Li Zhenbang is from this point. Thinking of this, I felt a little relieved. If it's just the relationship between the academy's teachers and students, it's probably not difficult to solve it, it's just a lot of effort.

"Master Deli Laika, this is a personal grievance between our Poison Sect and Li Zhenbang. You are a national teacher. Please don't intervene easily. If it causes unnecessary misunderstanding, it is my fault." Bai Zeming He hurriedly bowed to Deli Leka and said respectfully.

This kind of thing Bai Yongnian is inconvenient. Although his magician level is not as good as Deli Laika, he is also a semi-holy person after all, and he is also worshipped by the Poison Sect. What he represents is the face of the Poison Sect. Easily lower status.

"Poison Sect is really brave, even my disciple dared to fight, and he said it was a personal grievance. Tsk! Since you all said it was a personal grievance, then I will put aside the status of the national teacher for the time being to be bullied by the disciple. His teacher status is chatting with you!" Deli Leka looked at Bai Zeming with his eyes rounded, and the aura of the Holy Magister on his body was directly pressed up.

Bai Yongnian hurriedly stood in front of Bai Zeming, blocking the rushing momentum for him. Although he is not a holy magister, he is also a semi-holy magister after all. Although it is a bit difficult to block this momentum, he still barely blocks it.

"Master Deli Laika, please don't be kidding me? How could you, a magnificent saint magister, be a disciple of a summoned beast mage!" Bai Zeming's face turned pale and asked inconceivably.

"Don't I have to report to your Poison Sect as a disciple of Deli Leka? Even if I accept a disciple, His Majesty the King will not ask anything. You Poison Sect thinks too highly of yourself, right?" Deli Leka snorted coldly. .

Bai Zeming heard Deli Leka's words and knew that he had lost his speech for a while, and Deli Leka had such a high hat. Doesn't this mean that the scope of the Poison Sect is above His Majesty the King? His heart can be condemned, but he can do nothing.

"Master Deli Laika, you are misunderstood! I'm just a little puzzled. Why would you choose a...a...unbearable summoned beast mage as a disciple for you, a superior holy mage?" Bai Zeming hurriedly defended. , But when talking about the summoned beast mage, he still hesitated to use the words.

"Do I still need you to tell me what I want to do?" Deli Laika frowned, and a cold light flashed from the bottom of his eyes. Bai Zeming couldn't help but took a big step back, and then stabilized his mind, but his face was already pale, and he was panting heavily.

In fact, Li Zhenbang’s becoming a summoned beast mage has always been a pain in Deli Leka’s heart. He has not yet understood why a five-element magical physique might even have a chance to become a man of the magic **** in the future, but in the end he became a man. A tasteless summoned beast mage. In fact, he still has some self-blame in his heart. He always thinks that all this is inseparable from himself, so he cares for Li Zhenbang more than his other disciples.

You must know that the summoned beast mage has no relationship with the magic element, but Li Zhenbang can still manipulate the five element magic elements. After Li Zhenbang awakened, Deli Leka and Yang Bing would often read ancient books and even entrust friends to search the ancient books to find similar events. They have always had a glimmer of fantasy in their hearts, hoping that one day they can help Li Zhenbang return to the path of a magician.

"Deli Leka, don't deceive people too much." Seeing Bai Zeming being mentally attacked, a trace of anger flashed in Bai Yongnian's eyes, and the anger in his voice did not cover up.

"Unexpectedly, you old guy is still alive, and there are rumors outside that you are dead. But...what can you do if you are alive? I don't mind letting the rumors come true." Deli Leka's eyes widened, subconsciously releasing an invisible wave Murderous.

Feeling Deli Leka's murderous aura, Bai Yongnian snorted disdainfully. Speaking of killing, Bai Yongnian might not have killed more of the ten Deli Laika, but his fame was the result of murder.

A gray murderous intent like the essence radiated from Bai Yongnian and rolled back. Deli Leka was taken aback, immediately aware of his mistake, and hurriedly merged his aura into his murderous aura, which blocked Bai Yongnian's gray murderous aura.

Deli Laika was originally a hot temper. At this moment, he suffered a dark loss, so he would naturally not be reconciled. The fire magic elements instantly surrounded his body, and the whole person's momentum suddenly rose to the limit.

People in the Poison Sect feel as if they are in an active volcanic crater, and they may be swallowed by surging magma at any time. The black iron warriors of the lowest rank felt the most appropriate. They all did not dare to move, as if they would fall into the magma if they moved, and the lava would become part of the magma.

Bai Yongnian's aura is a bit messy, and wood magic of the same level will suffer a bit when he encounters a fire magician, not to mention that he is facing a higher-level holy magician.

Now Bai Yongnian's heart was inexplicably horrified. He always thought that he was very close to the Holy Magister. When he became the Holy Magister, which Holy Magister would be in his eyes. Unexpectedly, Deli Leka gave him a blow at the moment. The half-holy magister and the holy magister were only half a step away, but they were different from each other.

Bai Yongnian is not only physically uncomfortable at this moment, but also has a strong sense of frustration psychologically. I thought that even if he lost to Delileka, he would not lose tragically, but now he knew that if Delileka attacked with all his strength, he might have nothing to fight back. Even if it can cause some trouble to Deli Leka, it is definitely not a trouble.

Without the heart to fight in his heart, his aura naturally became low. Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Deli Leka didn't push him further, but slowly withdrew his momentum.

When Deli Laika completely regained his momentum, all the Black Iron Warriors of the Poison Sect weakened and sat on the ground, and even the Silver Warriors had their legs trembling.

With the help of Bai Yongnian, Bai Shangwu finally did not make a fool of himself. With the help of Bai Hanwen, he did not fall to the ground after all, but his face was pale and his clothes were already soaked.

Bai Zeming himself was a golden warrior, and under the protection of Bai Yongnian, he was least affected, but he had already experienced the horror of the Holy Magister, and he did not dare to speak for a while, for fear of angering Deli Leka again.

"What are you staying here for? Waiting for me to invite you to dinner?" Deli Leka said with an unkind expression.

"Uh..." Everyone in the Poison Sect looked at Bai Yongnian in unison.

"Deli Leka, I have written down your kindness, Bai Yongnian, and I will definitely ask for advice again in the future!" Bai Yongnian put down a ruthless word, his body rose into the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Bai Zeming glared at Li Zhenbang fiercely, and then at Bai Nianxue unwillingly. Bai Nianxue's words seemed to be in her ears, she was a slave and a maid, without complaints.

How could he be willing to leave such a lovely person away from him, and the female silver soldier who followed Li Zhenbang was also a rare stunner.

But he didn't have any choice. He even left to worship Bai Yongnian, what can he do? He waved his hand and left unwillingly. When Old Jiang left, he arranged for someone to take the dead bodies with him.

Under Bai Hanwen's support, Bai Shangwu didn't make any stop, and left with his men.

"Master Deli Leka, thank you very much this time!" Li Xiangyang said gratefully.

People don't want to live well. Although a crisis passes through safely, everyone has a feeling of being left behind.

"Teacher, did you come like this?" Li Zhenbang also changed his depressed state just now, as if he was a okay person.

"It's a long story. What are you going to do next? I'm going to Dragon City. There is no way to **** you back. I am afraid that your way back will not be peaceful." Delileka said with some worry.

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