Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 339: Deli Leka's idea

Li Zhenbang didn't hesitate to take out a red crystal staff from the space bracelet. This staff was exquisitely crafted and translucent. It was obviously made by a master and was made of top fuchsia crystal.

In fact, this staff was bought by Li Zhenbang a long time ago and prepared to honor Delileka, but he has never encountered a suitable opportunity. Even if Delileka has no good way, Li Zhenbang will give him the staff.

"Oh, boy, why don't you have such a good thing to show me earlier?" Deli Leka said with some dissatisfaction. He just has some dissatisfaction on his face, in fact, his heart has already blossomed.

"Teacher, you have wronged me. How long have we not seen each other! I got this by accident too. I wanted to give it to your old man a long time ago, but I have never met a suitable opportunity! Even if you don't give it. I have an idea, if I meet you, I will give it to you too!" Li Zhenbang cried out wronged.

" seems we haven't seen it in years, but this is nothing we can do!" Delilika thought of the changes in the Carlo Empire over the past few years, and couldn't help sighing.

Li Zhenbang didn't ask in detail. It's better for him to ask less about this kind of national event. He didn't wait for Delileka's idea, so he took the initiative to respectfully deliver the red crystal staff to Delileka's hands.

Delilika took the red crystal staff and nodded in satisfaction. Although Li Zhenbang really hurt him for a long time when he first took him as his apprentice, but Li Zhenbang's filial piety to him afterwards far outweighed his contribution.

Deli Leica likes Li Zhenbang not because he gives gifts every Chinese New Year, nor because of the value of the things he sent. In fact, Li Zhenbang seldom gave him anything during the holidays, and rarely gave him particularly expensive things. Li Zhenbang only occasionally sends someone to give him some interesting little things, and these little things always please him.

This time, the things Li Zhenbang gave were much more expensive than the things sent over the years, but Delileka did not show surprise, but accepted it with peace of mind. Not many people know about the relationship between Li Zhenbang and Jucaiyuan, but Deli Laika is one of the insiders. It is not alarmist that the wealth in Li Zhenbang's hands is now a rich and enemy country.

"Teacher, you..." Li Zhenbang looked at Deli Laika with a smile, and did not continue.

"Zhenbang, you seem to have forgotten that the Wizards' Guild has a business?" Deli Laika played with the red crystal staff in her hand, and never left the staff when she spoke.

"Business?" Li Zhenbang's mind flashed, and he understood what Deli Leka meant.

The Wizards’ Union provides a kind of business, which is similar to security. The specific charging standard depends on the degree of risk of the business. The price of the Mage Union is much higher than the price of the mercenary group, so the general chamber of commerce cannot afford to hire, and there are opportunities for talents with special identities and status and strong strength.

This security service is not for everyone, and some people may not be able to enjoy this service even if they have money. Moreover, the Wizards’ Union will abandon some missions with particularly high risk factors, as well as some businesses that will affect the stability of the Carlo Empire.

But even so, the security business of the wizards' union is in short supply, because the security of the wizards' union has hardly been accidental.

One is because the magician union is powerful, and it is not just magicians that are sent. A powerful magician usually has a few warriors and his own disciples. Another enemy of the security magician is the enemy of the entire magician guild. Unless one of the security personnel is killed, the magician’s guild will definitely pay for it!

Someone once organized a group to intercept and kill the security magician. Although they succeeded, they failed to kill everyone. Finally, they fled to Fredham City.

I thought it would be fine to escape to Friedham City, but within a week, these people's heads were all on the street outside the moat of Friedham City.

From then on, almost no one dared to easily use the security mission of the Wizards’ Guild. Unless they did not leave any clues, they would definitely be excavated at the ends of the world. Unless they fled to the Eastern Continent, there would be a chance of life.

However, the Eastern Continent is not very friendly to the people of the Western Continent. Unless you are strong, you can only be bullied after you go. Where can you be free and happy in the Western Continent.

"Chairman Martin, this matter is about to trouble you!" Li Zhenbang breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, with the magic union escorting him, presumably Luzhai should not be a problem.

"I need to report this matter to the General Assembly. If the security mission is issued in the name of the Red Maple Leaf family, there should be no problem. It is necessary to calculate the specific cost. With the support of Elder Yang Bing, it should be possible. Here is a very favorable price." Martin said with a smile.

"Chairman Martin, you don’t have to worry about the cost. I have one request. A powerful magician must be stationed to protect the house. There can be no difference in the house!" Li Zhenbang took out a full white crystal card and handed it to Martin .

Martin took the white crystal card, and he was a little puzzled. If it was considered as a deposit, it would be a little bit less. After all, his opponent was Poison Sect.

Unless the Red Maple Leaf family grows to the point where the Poison Sect does not dare to act rashly, or the Poison Sect destroys the sect, this task is bound to be long-term. Even with a discount, I am afraid that the price will not be lower than one hundred thousand gold coins every month. The white crystal card of 10,000 gold coins is indeed not enough to see.

"President Martin, don’t get me wrong. This is for you and President Owen. I hope you will help Luzhai more in the future! They are just a group of craftsmen and don’t have much combat effectiveness. I will definitely trouble you in the future. !"

"This can't be done!" Martin hurriedly declined, but he didn't really push the white crystal card out.

Ten thousand gold coins are just a drop in the bucket for the Magic Guild, but it is a lot of money for him. Even if they are divided equally with Owen, one person has five thousand gold coins.

"What's wrong with this! Just accept it with peace of mind! There will be a lot of trouble for you in the future!" Li Zhenbang pushed Martin's hand, and Martin took the opportunity to put the crystal card into his pocket.

"Then I’ll be more respectful than fate! Look at the trouble, I will definitely help you with a good word, and I will definitely let the Association send a good job. But this security work is not a day or two, you have to pay the price There is a psychological preparation." Martin reminded kindly.

"President Martin, don't worry, I just want to be good, not afraid of expensive! You'd better report this matter to Teacher Yang Bing, he should arrange it."

Yang Bing...Teacher..., Martin stared at the boss when he heard Li Zhenbang's name.

This teacher is not easy to call, Yang Bing is not a teacher at Carlo Royal Academy. It seems that Li Zhenbang is not a simple character. Master Deli Laika is his teacher, and Master Yang Bing is also his teacher. If you can seize this line, you will surely rise up!

Thinking of this, the smile on Martin's face became more sincere, and his attitude toward Li Zhenbang became more cordial.

I don't know why, Li Xiangyang and Li Hongjun did not make any remarks on this matter. Both of them looked at Li Zhenbang with weird expressions, as if they were thinking about something.

"Since the matter here has been resolved, shall we go to the Wizards' Guild?" Martin kindly invited the Red Maple Leaf Family and his party.

"Sorry, President Martin, please wait a minute!" Li Zhenbang stopped aloud.

Martin was not dissatisfied with Li Zhenbang's prevention. He still had an enthusiastic smile on his face and said, "It's okay, let's not worry. If you have something, you should do it first."

Li Zhenbang cast a grateful look at Martin, and then said to Liu Lin: "Liu Lin, do you have anything to clean up? And you should also need to say goodbye to everyone! I don't want to leave you here, But it is too dangerous for you to stay here, and it will also bring danger to your teachers and seniors. So now..." Li Zhenbang still wanted to explain, but Liu Lin interrupted him.

"Master, I am now your slave and maidservant, and I will definitely execute what you say. Don't worry, I will definitely say that I can do it. Then I will pack my bags first." Liu Lin lowered her head, her eyes were a little hairy Red, tears rolling in the eyes. After speaking, Liu Lin turned and ran away without waiting for Li Zhenbang to reply.

Looking at Liu Lin's back, Li Zhenbang felt a pain in his heart, shaking his head and sighing.

"Master Lu Lianggong, I didn't want Liu Lin to be a slave to me, this..." Li Zhenbang looked at Lu Lianggong somewhat for help.

"Lin'er is a child with a serious mind. I have no good way to admit death. I can see that you are a good person. I hope you treat her well in the future. If you really like her, I hope you can give her a name. If you just want to save her, I will trouble you to enlighten her in the future." Lu Lianggong shook his head, a little helpless.

Seeing Lu Lianggong's appearance, Li Zhenbang didn't know what to say. Looking up at the wounded in Lu's house in the courtyard, Li Zhenbang took out a jade bottle and handed it to Lu Lianggong.

"This is the water of life. Drink half of it to Scar, and the other half into the water. Let's share it with everyone! Although you can't give birth to broken arms and limbs, there should be no problem with life preservation."

"The water of life... Are you really willing to use it to treat them?" Lu Lianggong was excited to receive the jade bottle, his voice trembling, he really did not expect Li Zhenbang to bring out such a precious thing.

"In my eyes, your life is more important than the water of life." Li Zhenbang looked at Lu Lianggong's eyes and said seriously.

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