Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 502: Li Zhenbang's Summoning Technique

"I..." Xiao Keduo was very entangled in his heart, but he had no choice but to explain, but he couldn't speak when he reached his mouth.

"I understand you. In fact, the first and second place in this competition doesn't matter to me, but like you, I am in the rivers and lakes and cannot help myself!" Li Zhenbang shook his head and sighed.

"People are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves..." When he heard Li Zhenbang's words, Xiao Keduo's eyes lit up, and he repeated it silently. He believed Li Zhenbang could understand his difficulties.

"Shockdor, hurry down! Since I have promised them, I will fulfill my promise." Ryan stood outside the ring and shouted to Shocked on the ring.

But Xiaokduo couldn't hear him at all, because the one-way protective cover on the ring had already isolated the noise from the outside world.

"Zhenbang, I didn't expect you to defeat the two-headed ghost wolf. I won't say anything else, I will do my best!" Xiao Keduo looked at Li Zhenbang firmly, despite his guilt, he was facing Li Zhenbang. Said, he is involuntarily in the rivers and lakes.

"Old Xiao, we won't be merciful. Don't think too much. After the fight, call Lao Hei, and we will have a drink together at night. Haha!" Li Zhenbang smiled heartily, his injuries had already been changed. The physique of the state is restored, but the internal force and strength that have been consumed are not so easy to recover.

Xiao Keduo has recovered a bit, and now he is able to display about 70% of his strength. As for Li Zhenbang and his party, even though there are a lot of people who can stand, there are not many who have combat effectiveness.

Lin Wan'er's earth magic power still has surplus, but the mental power has no less. In the last wave of attacks, Liu Yishuang had exhausted all the magic power stored in his body, and his mental power was still rich, but he could only control the water magic elements in the air. Not to mention the high consumption, the power will be much smaller, so it is almost useless.

Murong Bing was the second person to be taken care of by the two-headed ghost wolf, so she was not injured lightly. Li Zhenbang and Haonan are the only ones who have real fighting power in the ring. Chu Linfei had already suffered from sequelae due to his excessive madness. Although he was relieved of his madness, he still needed help while standing.

Just now everyone stood up and stood in front of Liu Yishuang and Lin Wan'er, it was because of the soldiers' glory and unwillingness. Now that the two-headed ghost wolf was repulsed, the qi vented.

Li Zhenbang was not ready to continue using the contract summoned beasts. They had experienced the battle just now, and now they are very tired. Especially the water elves and gold elves, their bodies have become illusory, which is a manifestation of severe over-consumption.

"Zhenbang, I am the main attacker, and you assist me." Hao Nan placed the ground **** across his chest, ready to fight.

"Ho Nan, I want to fight him once. If I lose you and go back, you will take advantage of this time to take a good rest." Li Zhenbang looked at Hao Nan apologetically.

Haonan looked at Li Zhenbang in surprise, and then looked at Xiao Keduo. He knew very well that Li Zhenbang, who was taken care of by the two-headed ghost wolf, was in absolutely terrible physical condition, and he might not even be able to display one-third of his usual strength.

He didn't understand how Li Zhenbang was going to contend with this Shaukdo. He had to know that Shaukdo didn't consume much and still maintained absolute combat power. Even if he went all out, it would be difficult to win. This is why he asked Li Zhenbang to assist him and attack with all his strength.

"Zhenbang, you... are you sure... you want to come by yourself?" Hao Nan pointed at Xiao Keduo, his eyes widened, and he looked at Li Zhenbang in disbelief, and he stammered.

Li Zhenbang nodded firmly, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes looking at Xiao Keduo.

"Okay! Then you be careful. If I find that you can't do it, I will definitely take action as soon as possible." Hao Nan took a deep breath and nodded, but he still warned with some worry.

It's not that Haonan wants to show off, but now that the critical moment has come, he has to be cautious. He was originally a very sensible person, and he seldom gets angry. Although he did not understand Li Zhenbang's purpose for doing this, and he could not stop it, he could choose to take action at a critical moment.

It's the last critical moment. Li Zhenbang can't care about the first or second place, but he has to care about it. He came from a civilian family. If he could get the first place this time, he would be able to avoid many detours in the future.

Li Zhenbang did not refuse Hao Nan, but nodded seriously. He may not care about this victory, but it does not mean that others do not care. The reason why he kept Zhang Dayou participating in the competition was actually to pave the way for Zhang Dayou in the future. He also understood that after returning to the Carlo Empire, the treatment of the first and second place was absolutely different.

It's a matter of the future of the other students, so it's not careless. The future of killing is no less than killing your parents, and you will be sacked and beaten up.

With Li Zhenbang's consent, Haonan breathed a sigh of relief. Although he had guessed that Li Zhenbang would agree, he would still be a little worried when he didn't get a positive answer, fearing that Li Zhenbang would get angry.

Li Zhenbang stood at a distance of about 20 meters from Shocked, and said helplessly: "Let me first solemnly declare that I am a serious summoning beast mage. Instead, it was caused by your sacrificial summoning technique. Embarrassed."

Xiao Keduo curled his lips and said in his heart: You are ashamed to say that you are a summoned beast mage, you are a strange flower among the summoned beast mage. The spirit is strong but he never uses summoning, his body is as strong as a silver warrior, and there are as many contracted beasts as feathers.

"To be honest, I'm a bit unwilling. After I carefully considered it, I decided to use summoning to deal with you!" Li Zhenbang looked eager to try. He hasn't used summoning for a long time, and the spells are about to be strange. If the Summoning Beast God knows that he has such a disciple of inheritance, I am afraid he will jump and scold, mother.

"Come on! To be honest, I am also looking forward to the summoning technique you have never used. Don't worry, when you use the summoning technique, I will not attack you." Xiaokeduo said in a deep voice. This is already the maximum he can move, otherwise he can choose to attack when Li Zhenbang is singing a spell, so that he can't successfully complete the spell.

Li Zhenbang rolled his eyes and thought for a while, and he sang a mantra in a full-hearted voice: "Summon the beast, the **** is on top, the disciple looks down with pity, use my spirit as the medium, open the door to the beast! "

As Li Zhenbang finished speaking the spell, a blue teleportation formation appeared on the ring, and a long-lost intimacy flashed in his heart.

Everyone looked at this blue teleportation formation curiously, and they were also looking forward to seeing what kind of summoned beast Li Zhenbang would summon to fight.

"Moo!" A low voice sounded from the teleportation array.

Everyone stared at the teleportation array, and no one noticed that Li Zhenbang's face became a little embarrassed. He may not know what is coming out of the teleportation array, but he knows the strength of what is coming out best.

Before anything in the teleportation array came out, Li Zhenbang forcibly closed the teleportation array. He also has no choice. The things that will come out of this teleportation formation are not even a Tier 1 monster, at best it is a beast. If you really let it come out, then he will be laughed at.

Seeing that the teleportation array had been closed, but nothing came out of it, the audience was puzzled.

Li Zhenbang actually discovered this ability accidentally. It was the teleportation array he opened. If the monsters that will come out do not meet the standards of Tier 3 monsters, he can completely rely on strong mental power to forcibly turn them off, but it will cost more. Some mental power is nothing, this ability is not available in other summoned beast wizards.

The abilities that other Summoned Beast Mage didn't understand were even more difficult for those audiences to understand. They just thought that Li Zhenbang was not good at learning, and as a summoned beast mage, even a summoned beast teleportation array could not be opened well, and they had some contempt for him in their hearts.

Seeing Li Zhenbang's teleportation formation somehow shut down, Xiao Keduo frowned and looked at Li Zhenbang suspiciously. Li Zhenbang just smiled awkwardly at him, and then continued to sing again.

Seeing Li Zhenbang started singing again, Xiao Keduo did not interrupt him, but continued to wait. Xiaokduo didn't move much, but Ryan under the ring couldn't sit still. Just now Xiao Keduo did not attack while Li Zhenbang was singing, which made him quite dissatisfied.

He didn't expect that Xiao Keduo hadn't attacked yet, and he was still waiting for Li Zhenbang to sing the summoning technique, and the thunder that was already angry in his heart rolled.

But he had no way, who made him look so righteous just now under the ring. Now if Xiao Keduo seize the time to attack again, the good impression he left on everyone will be lost.

What's more, Xiao Keduo couldn't hear him at all, and even if Xiao Keduo heard it, he would probably not be obedient. Xiao Keduo's ability to continue fighting on stage has already given him great face. The dwarves attach great importance to promises. Although Shockdor did not say that he would not fight, there is no difference between being like this and breaking promises.

Li Zhenbang sang again, and a blue teleportation array appeared in front of everyone again, but this time the teleportation array disappeared faster.

Everyone inexplicably watched the blue teleportation formations appear on the ring, and then disappeared again and again inexplicably.

Li Zhenbang's mental energy was consumed very quickly, but he still did not give up. He had already issued various vicious curses to the summoning beasts and gods in his heart. His mental power was so strong that he couldn't even summon a beast. It was a bit too much.

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