Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 512: Pit king arrives

Hearing Deli Leka's words, the Silver Armored Warrior was even more sure that Deli Leka must have a problem. Otherwise, with his status as a saint-level powerhouse, he will definitely not give up.

"Sorry, please cooperate with our inspection first. If the problem is not found, we will definitely give you an explanation!" The silver armored soldier took a deep breath and calmed down his agitated and nervous heart. Then he said.

"So, there is no room for discussion on this matter?" Deli Leka's mood now can be imagined. He has already lowered his posture. Unexpectedly, the other party has not made concessions, but has made more sense.

"Master, this is not a question of non-discussion, it is a matter of principle. Whoever has contact with the necromancer must be reviewed." The silver armor warrior said firmly.

"Okay, very good! What's your name?" Deli Laika did not hide the threat in her tone.

"Davied, the captain of the three major teams of the law enforcement team." The silver armored soldiers did not hesitate. The treasures have been revealed. It is unrealistic to conceal their identity. It is better to be a bit more savvy, and to appear to be brave and not afraid of power.

"David? Good, good, very good! I remember you, and I believe your Pope will remember you soon." Delileka laughed back and clapped his hands, saying three it is good.

"If you really have something to do with the Necromancer, I am afraid that His Majesty the Pope will be more profound to you!" David has spoken very rudely, and the reason why he has not done it is mainly because Deli Laika is a holy power, afraid He jumped the wall in a hurry.

It would be great to be able to resolve it peacefully, but if Deli Laika wants to be strong, he is not afraid. After all, this is the Holy City Haolixi City. As long as there is a Saint-level powerhouse to take action, there will naturally be other Saint-level powerhouses. Rush over.

"How are you going to censor me?" Deli Laika tried to suppress the anger in his heart. If it wasn't Haoli Xicheng, he would have pinched David to death.

"Since you are a saint-level powerhouse, we certainly won't be arrested and questioned like others, but you need to hand over all the storage items on your body to us for inspection. Of course, in order to prove your Innocent, we have to search you. We also need to search in the room." David's tone was very polite, but the content was not as pleasant as it sounds.

Deli Leka was obviously angry when he heard David's words, but he still controlled his emotions, and the momentum of the Saint-level powerhouse was just letting go.

"Huh! If there is no result in the end, it proves that you wronged me, how are you going to end it?" Delileka asked through gritted teeth.

Deli Leka didn't take a shot here easily. After all, it was Haolixi City, the territory of the Holy See. If he takes the initiative first, the reason will become irrational. But not taking action does not mean that he doesn't mind. If he can't get enough benefits, how can he give up.

"I will publicly apologize to you, and submit an apology to your country." David is straight and sincere.

"Cough, bah. If an apology is useful, what is the use of your law enforcement team? If an apology is useful, I will also search for your pope!" Delileka coughed lightly and took a mouthful. Although this mouth was spit on the ground, it was not weaker than spitting on the face.

David's face was embarrassed. There was nothing wrong with Deli Leka's words. If the apology was really useful, their law enforcement team would lose their jobs. Moreover, as a Saint-level powerhouse, being censored and searched, it is indeed a bit unreasonable to say that only an apology will be enough.

If he really dared to apologize perfunctorily, in case Deli Leka really dared to search for the pope, then this matter will be a big deal, and I am afraid it will really not end.

"If you are innocent, I will use my own life to make up for you!" David gritted his teeth, and since the matter has froze here, he said that he must not break the boat. Either it will become a big hit in the future, or it will be a hit in a while.

"Sorry, I have no interest in your life. You are dead, and your life will not reach my hands. It can neither increase my life, nor exchange it for something. You are dead, I am afraid that your family will also Why don't you give up and give yourself so much trouble?" Deli Leka's tone was full of disdain.

"You... what do you want?" David stared, he couldn't think of any other way. Asking Deli Leka to search the Pope to death is impossible. Even if he agrees, it is useless. He is just a captain, so there is no such right to speak.

"Give me all the valuable things about you, and tell me who the one who falsely accused me is." Deli Leka glanced at everyone, and said calmly.

When Delileka's eyes swept Adams, Adams's heart was about to jump to his throat. If David sells himself, he will definitely not end well. Even if you don't die, you have to peel off the skin, this time the transaction is bound to be affected.

This time the transaction has made the Pope very dissatisfied and paid too much. If the transaction is not successful in this way, even if Deli Leka spares him, His Majesty the Pope may not spare him.

In fact, Adams was arrogant this time. The secret letter he submitted to His Majesty the Pope was not replied. Everything he is doing now is operated through his own relationship, not at the direction of His Majesty the Pope.

If His Majesty the Pope really wants Chadley Laika, it won't be the current battle. At that time, there will be at least two or three holy powers around, and His Majesty will personally meet him.

David was stunned when he heard Deli Leka wanted his property. People are like this in many cases, they can ignore life and death on impulse, but they have an unreasonable obsession with things outside the body.

"What? I can't bear my life, I can't bear these foreign things?" Deli Laika sneered and looked at David.

David is naturally reluctant to bear his possessions and treasures. In order to succeed in this operation, he carries with him the Soul Avoidance Orb given to the family by the previous Pope. This was done not only to resist Deli Leka's momentum, but also to shock. There is the name of the pope pressed here, as long as Deli Leka is not confused, he shouldn't do anything too outrageous.

If everything goes well, everyone is naturally happy, but in case no strong evidence is found, this soul-repelling orb will belong to Deli Leka. In the presence of so many people, it is absolutely impossible to go wrong with the Saint-level powerhouse.

If the Soul Avoidance Orb is lost, he, who is most likely to become the next Patriarch, will not only have no chance forever, but will also become a sinner of the family.

Another thing is that Adams started this matter. He was only assisting. How could he be willing to bear the consequences of failure alone.

David's eyes couldn't help but glanced at Adams, and he hoped Adams could come out and help him. Adams saw the look in David's eyes for help, and he understood it naturally, but when he wanted to speak out, he suddenly realized that Deli Leka didn't know when he was also looking at him.

There was a hint of threat and expectation in Delileka's eyes. Obviously Delileka also hoped that he could come out and talk.

Adams was caught in a dilemma for a while. One was his ally, and the other was a strong enemy he wanted to deal with. In theory, it is natural to stand on the side of the allies, but the brutality in Deli Leka's eyes does not hide any.

If he can't satisfy Deli Leka's mind, he has no doubt that Deli Leka will shoot him the first time. His current identity is just a vice president of the Haolixi City Branch of Gathering Fortune, without any background on the surface, he will die if he dies.

"Adams, whoever you brought, are you fair?" Deli Leka glared at Adams, the green flames beating vigorously in his palms, like a fire spirit.

Originally, Adams wanted to see the two not helping each other as if nothing had happened, but Deli Leka had already spoken, and he couldn't just pretend that nothing had happened. It may not be easy to choose which person to help, but it is still easy to choose life or death.

Choosing to help Deli Leka speak, if David really finds out something, wouldn't it be a pleasure? Even if it happens, it's a big deal to compensate David by yourself. Ten Davids can't compare with his current wealth, just avoiding the soul orb is a little troublesome.

Fortunately, Deli Laika is a Saint-level powerhouse, and the Soul Avoiding Orb has no effect on him. The aura can absolutely overwhelm him, I am afraid that except for the omnipotent Pope, there is only God.

However, according to Deli Laika's character, it would cost a lot to get the Evasion Soul Orb, and it would be impossible to put out a lot of collections over the years.

After figuring out the joints, Adams took a sigh of relief and gave David a relieved look. Then he said, "Master, I don't think there is any problem with your proposal. The dignity of a holy power is not allowed to be violated, and I dare to offend Huwei. People who are right should give some lessons."

Hearing Adams' words, Deli Leka nodded with satisfaction, retracted the cyan flame in his hand, and the look in Adams's eyes became much softer. But David was dumbfounded. What Adams gave him just now was indeed a reassuring look. Could it be that he was wrong?

Just when David was angrily trying to pierce Adams, Adams blinked at David secretly, and pressed his right palm vaguely to make him feel at ease.

David and Adams have been good friends for many years. Although they are puzzled by Adams' actions, they still wait patiently.

"Master, I have a small suggestion. I don't know if you will agree to it?" Adams looked at Deli Leka with a big smile, even a little wretched and mean.

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