Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 543: One thing drops one thing

Gu Jun's eyes became blood red, his skin looked fairer, as if the skin of a drowned person, and his body even trembled slightly.

Although he didn't know what Li Zhenbang was doing, he felt a strong life-and-death crisis, not weaker than the kind that was wiped out by light magic.

Li Zhenbang was reciting "The Curse of the Canopy" at the moment, and couldn't answer him at all. What's more, time is tight. Even if he can reply to Li Zhenbang, he will not pay attention to him. He must seize every second. Gu Jun could get rid of the shackles of the Radiance of Imprisonment at any time, and he would be in danger at that time.

Although Li Zhenbang was worried, he did not dare to speed up his speech. Divine curses have divine curses. It’s okay to increase the speed appropriately, but you can’t unscrupulously, otherwise it is very likely that the divine curses will fail. Now, when life and death are at stake, he dare not try to change easily.

"The purple air travels to the sky, Dan Xiahe rushes..."

"Ah!" Gu Jun roared and stopped attacking the Radiance of Imprisonment. The whole person turned into gray smoke again, directly adhering to the inner wall of the Radiance of Imprisonment.

At this time, looking from the outside, the inside of the gleaming Glory of Imprisonment seemed to be coated with a layer of gray paint, and the light of Glory of Imprisonment gradually dimmed, and it was obvious that the energy was rapidly declining. Even if the moonlight is desperately injecting energy, the energy consumed is still far greater than the supplementary energy.

Moonlight held another ninth-order light magic scroll, and it was the last one. If Li Zhenbang hadn't finished chanting after Gu Jun broke the radiance of the imprisonment, he would display it without hesitation.

"Siming breaks the corpse, the heavens are extinct, the magical sword, the ten thousand ghosts collapse..." Just when Li Zhenbang finished reciting the last divine curse, Gu Jun also broke through the imprisonment.

After Gu Jun broke the radiance of the imprisonment, he didn't have time to recover his human form, and directly rushed towards Li Zhenbang in the form of smoke.

Moonlight hesitated for a moment, and instead of using the magic scroll, she chose to spread the magic elements of the light system all over her body, and then blocked between Gu Jun and Li Zhenbang.

When Gu Jun's disillusioned smoke passed through the moonlight, it instinctively bypassed it, and then rushed towards Li Zhenbang.

"Anxious as the Northern Emperor..." Seeing the gray smoke rushing towards him, Li Zhenbang couldn't help speeding up his chanting.

Qiongqi opened his mouth and sprayed a beam of light at the gray smoke, but this time it was much smaller than the previous one, mainly because he couldn't keep up with his physical strength and his body was too tired.

The sense of crisis in Gu Jun's heart became stronger and stronger. This time he simply gave up dodge and rushed directly to the beam of light.

After being passed by the beam of light, the gray smoke became thinner, but it didn't stop advancing and directly enveloped Qiongqi.

Qiongqi was shocked, and the surface of his body was instantly covered by black light. This black light was condensed from dark magic elements, which was like armor, protecting Qiongqi heavily.

After the gray smoke passed through Qiongqi's body, it seemed to lighten again, and the black light on Qiongqi's body also became dim.

"Mingwei's mouth..." Looking at the gray smoke that was about to hit his face, Li Zhenbang gritted his teeth, his heart was filled, and continued to chant.

Just when the smoke was about to touch Li Zhenbang, a golden mask suddenly appeared. When the gray smoke hit it, it made a scream.

The golden mask is exactly a measure of "Canopy Curse" to protect the reciter, and it also appeared when dealing with nightmares. As the degree of completion of "The Curse of the Canopy" is higher, the intensity of this golden mask will be higher and the damage to evil will be greater.

The moment has reached the end, and the strength of the golden mask has naturally increased to an extremely high level. Gu Jun, who is unprepared, will naturally not be better off hitting it.

"Lawling!" Li Zhenbang finally completed "Canopy Curse" completely.

Gu Jun's screams came from the gray smoke, and the smoke gradually solidified and transformed into Gu Jun's appearance again. However, the image of Gu Jun at the moment looked quite miserable, the skin on his body was festering, and even exuding bursts of pungent stench.

"I'm going to kill you!" Regardless of his physical pain, Gu Jun directly rushed towards Li Zhenbang.

Li Zhenbang hurriedly fled around. He may not be proficient in other skills, but he is an expert in escape and dodge.

After the "Canopy Curse" is completely released, the golden mask will disappear, and it will no longer be able to protect the chanter. Perhaps it was to use all the energy to attack the evil spirits, or it might be because the evil spirits who had been hit by the "Canopy Curse" generally would not have the opportunity to fight back.

However, Gu Jun, the evil evildoer, had not yet reached the point where it could be eliminated, so Li Zhenbang had no choice but to escape.

Li Zhenbang was not idle when he was escaping and evading. Regardless of Gu Jun's elimination in "Canopy Curse", he would change another one.

"Canopy Mantra" can be said to be a mantra that lasts a lifetime, because "Canopy Mantra" is ever-changing. If you change the order of chanting, it will become another mantra.

"Thousands of ghosts collapse by themselves, with a magic sword, the heavens are extinct, the Siming breaks the skeleton..." Li Zhenbang read from the last sentence to the first sentence, which is "The Curse of Tianpeng".

As soon as the curse came out, Gu Jun screamed again, obviously still working for him.

It stands to reason that Gu Juntang, a Saint Magister who wants to catch up with Li Zhenbang, was just a matter of blinking an eye, but he had consumed a lot before, and also completely withstood an attack from "Temporary Curse", and his strength dropped too much.

Another Li Zhenbang has already discovered his own weaknesses, so he has conducted extremely in-depth research on escape and evasion, coupled with mental observation of surrounding things, and anticipation of Gu Jun's tracking route. Li Zhenbang has internal support. , Can always avoid Gu Jun's chase at the most dangerous time.

Even if he can't escape occasionally, the interference of moonlight and Qiongqi can also make him avoid the pursuit dangerously and dangerously.

Moreover, as Li Zhenbang chanted more and more mantras, Gu Jun suffered more and more injuries and pressures. Under the circumstances, Li Zhenbang became more and more comfortable.

When "The Curse of Canopy" was successfully released, Gu Jun suffered more and more physical injuries. Gu Jun seemed to have made up his mind to catch Li Zhenbang, so he still did not give up chasing Li Zhenbang.

"Even if you kneel down and beg for mercy now, I won't let you go! The harm you cause to me will be returned to you hundreds of times, and I must let you survive and die!" Gu Jun Chasing Li Zhenbang, he roared frantically.

"You are quite able to support it, then I will give you a taste and see how long you can hold on!" Li Zhenbang snorted coldly and continued to chant.

This time he read the phrase "Canopy Curse" upside down, and "Canopy Curse" directly became "Slashing Demons and Swallowing Sins."

"Canopy canopy, Tong Sha Yuanjiu. Wu Ding Dusi, Weng Bei Diao Gao..."

Gu Jun felt that his body was getting weaker and weaker, and his pain became less and less obvious. Obviously, the kid in front of him didn't fool himself, he caused huge harm to himself when he chanted. If you continue, I am afraid that not only will I not be able to hurt this kid, but I may overturn the boat in the gutter.

Thinking of this, Gu Jun yelled and his body shrank by a few points, but his strength did not decrease due to the shrinkage of his body. Instead, he was a bit stronger than before.

"Boy, I remember you, the green hills will not change, the green water will flow long, we will have a period of time!" Gu Jun's figure flashed, and several ups and downs disappeared.

Li Zhenbang can escape, and dodge is no problem, but it is obviously unrealistic to let him chase Gu Jun. To escape and evade, you need to master the point of time. When it comes to a certain time, turn to evade in time, but chasing Li Zhenbang in a straight line can only be a sigh.

Sometimes, the difference in strength cannot be made up by skill, such as chasing the Holy Magister, and then putting two legs on Li Zhenbang, there is nothing he can do.

Qiongqi's physical strength has already begun to be overdrawn, and it is already impossible for Qiongqi to continue to catch up with him.

Gu Jun escaped, and Li Zhenbang also stopped chanting. Recitation of mantras puts a lot of pressure on his body and mind, and mantras can't take effect by chanting casually. With Li Zhenbang's current strength, chanting the spell three times will completely dry up the internal power in his body.

In fact, Li Zhenbang's current situation simply couldn't finish reciting "Slashing the Demon and Swallowing Nieves" completely. He was just bluffing.

Li Zhenbang quickly spread his mental power to the surroundings, not just in the direction where Gu Jun fled. He has no choice now. Gu Jun is scheming, and no one can guarantee that he will hide in the dark and prepare for a sneak attack.

The reason why Li Zhenbang dared to release his mental power desperately now is to inquire whether Gu Jun is really powerful or hide in a corner waiting for a sneak attack.

Another reason was that Gu Jun had consumed too much. With his current level of mental power, the mental power threatening the fusion of himself and the demon was not too great, at least he would not be attacked as an idiot.

The spiritual power was covered to the limit, and even condensed the spiritual power into a bunch, released it in one direction, and then scanned for a circle, but still did not find Gu Jun's trace, Li Zhenbang breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt his legs soft. , Sat down on the ground.

Qiongqi reluctantly stood and watched the surroundings vigilantly, but his body was slightly shaken. The last attack had almost exhausted all his strength.

Moonlight hurriedly released the recovery technique to assist Li Zhenbang and Qiongqi to recover as soon as possible.

Just after Li Zhenbang and Qiongqi had just recovered a bit, a large number of flying birds suddenly started in the woods. Qiongqi suddenly jumped in front of Li Zhenbang, shielded him behind him, and watched vigilantly the wind and grass in the forest. Li Zhenbang slowly got up, squinted his eyes, and looked at the woods intently.

The footsteps in the forest became denser, and suddenly someone shouted, "Someone there!"

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