Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 547: Sun Shao

"I'm not an undead!" Zhu Dachang looked at the white-clothed man in front of him with vicious eyes. He knew best what his health was, and this has always been the pain in his heart.

He is different from the people on the mainland. He does not believe in the **** of war, but the **** of death. A warrior who believes in the **** of death has a very small probability of getting the ability granted by the **** of death, and he is one of this very small probability, and his ability is a ghoul.

His ghoul is not a low-level undead creature controlled by a necromancer, nor is he a real cannibal corpse. His ability is to absorb the strength and even vitality of others.

However, there is a major premise, that is, this person must voluntarily contribute, or his current strength is not as good as himself, otherwise he will not succeed. Of course, he can also forcibly absorb people whose strength is lower than his own, but the effect will be very poor and it will not improve his strength much.

The reason why Zhu Dachang has become like this person is not a ghost or a ghost is directly related to the ability of the ghoul.

In those days, Zhu Dachang was also an excellent warrior who believed in the **** of war, but was later seduced by his old master, the dark sage magister, and abandoned the **** of war, turned to believe in the **** of death, and became a faithful servant of the **** of death. By chance, he awakened the ability, and became the horror now.

"In my eyes, all creatures that carry the breath of the undead, no matter you warriors or magicians, are undead creatures." The white-clothed man looked at Zhu Dachang contemptuously, provoking beyond words.

"You...very well, report your number! I don't believe that a dignified saint-level powerhouse will not have a name." Zhu Dachang squinted at the man in white.

"Isn't that normal? I have never heard of a holy powerhouse called pig intestine! I have eaten pig intestine. It is fried with chili and it tastes good!" The white-clothed man shook his folding fan, as if I recall the taste of spicy fried pork intestines.

Surprisingly, Zhu Dachang didn't rush forward desperately, but calmly looked at the man in white.

"What happened today will be reported in the next day!" Zhu Dachang left these words, turned and fleeed away without any hesitation.

"Hey, Zhu Dachang..." Denalamp was stunned when he saw Zhu Dachang who was going away. He could feel that the strength of the white man was not much different from that of his heyday, and it was not without the opportunity for the two to join forces. He couldn't figure out how Zhu Dachang would be willing to give up the emerald dragon, which he got right away, and flee.

Denalamp did not think that the strength of the white-clothed man was almost as good as his, but the white-clothed man was a holy warrior of the light type, and most likely was a Templar of the Holy See.

He wasn't afraid of the Templars, but Zhu Dachang was terrified, especially now that his strength was greatly damaged. Although the man in white is not easy to deal with the current Zhu Dachang, it will not be too difficult.

"Are you going to stay and wait for me to invite you to dinner?" The white-clothed man glanced at Denalamp and shook his folding fan lightly, with a hint of playfulness in his tone.

Denaramp looked at the badly injured emerald dragon, and then at the man in white, knowing that he had no chance. He shook his head helplessly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Who are you?" Omega looked at the white-clothed man warily. Although this man was full of light, he had never seen him. In this situation, the people of the Holy See are not completely credible, and the wounded dragon is no small temptation for anyone.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not malicious to you." The white-clothed man smiled at Omega, and did not approach, to show his sincerity.

Omega saw that the white-clothed man did not act excessively, hesitated, and finally chose to treat herself first. No matter what the other party wants to do, it is good to stay healthy.

The white-clothed man saw Omega treating himself, and neither blocked nor made a sound, but quietly shook the folding fan.

In fact, Omega, a stranger who saw the Holy See, was still a little guilty, because he sneaked into the treasure house of the Holy See before leaving and gained a lot.

Omega is not stupid. What he took away was not those weapons, equipment, medicines, or high-level magic scrolls that could enhance his strength, otherwise the Holy See would definitely be immortal with him in the future.

What he took away was something that was more valuable, but did not make the Holy See very annoying. Even afraid that the Holy See would go crazy, Omega did not touch the hat full of jewels and diamonds.

Although that hat can't improve people's strength, and the only advantage is that it is beautiful and valuable, it is the hat of the first pope, and it has incomparable significance in the Holy See.

Omega did not speak, nor did the man in white clothes. Instead, he sat on a large clean rock and looked at Omega.

"What do you see me doing?" Omega glared at the man in white, and asked with some dissatisfaction.

"I just saved your life, so I can be regarded as your benefactor. But you, it's not right, why are you such a dragon who doesn't know what's good or bad? Just forget it if you don't thank me, and you dare to kill me. Believe it or not Their unfulfilled ideals, can I help them realize it?" A smirk appeared at the corner of the white-clothed man's mouth.

Omega curled her lips. The white-clothed man was not polite, but there was no trace of killing intent, which made his heart somewhat settled.

"Who are you? If I'm not mistaken, you should be a Templar of the Holy See?" Omega looked at the white-clothed man in confusion.

It stands to reason that not to mention the Knights Templar, it is a powerful person of the Holy See. Seeing a villain like Zhu Dachang who is full of undead aura, especially when his strength is greatly reduced, in theory, he will be desperate to kill him. Correct.

But the man in white in front of him saw the other party escape, but did not respond. This is a bit contrary to the beliefs of the people of the Holy See!

"I'm just a prodigal son who likes to travel everywhere. The name has long been forgotten, but people who know me like to call me Young Master Sun." The white-clothed man looked into the distance, looking like a worldly expert.

Omega curled her lips, "Master Sun? You are so embarrassed! You should be under 40 years old, right?"

Originally, Omega was still grateful to the white-clothed man, but his stern look made him very upset, so he couldn't help but attack him.

"Hmph, you are so boring dragon, I don't bother to be familiar with you." The white-clothed man snorted and stood up.

Omega saw the white-clothed man stand up, and hurriedly increased his vigilance, secretly accumulating strength.

"Your people will be here soon, I'll take a step first, you dragon is really boring!" The white-clothed man shook his head, tapped his toes lightly on the ground, his figure was extremely elegant, and several ups and downs had disappeared.

While Omega was still wondering who the other party was, suddenly her heart moved and she looked at the woods not far away.

"Brother Omega, are you okay?" Li Zhenbang suddenly jumped out of the woods and shouted.

Li Zhenbang had already felt that Omega's body was extremely weak before, and even called for several times without getting Omega's response, how could he not be anxious in his heart.

So he completely ignored other people, sprinting all by himself, wanting to come over and take a look. It was Tang Xingrong who followed him closely. Li Ruoyue had been lost, and if Li Zhenbang had another accident, he would be even more unable to forgive himself.

"What can I do? I am a great emerald dragon!" Omega was extremely excited when he saw Li Zhenbang's appearance.

Seeing that Omega was weak and not life-threatening, and that he could still joke with him, Li Zhenbang's dashi was put down.

"Big Brother Omega, do you know that you scared me to death just now! I have never been so worried when I met Gu Jun!"

"You are so embarrassed to say me, do you know how much I worry about you? That's the undead sage magister, and I don't dare to say that I will win the game now."

"Master Omega, I don't know if you have seen Li Ruoyue?" Tang Xingrong asked eagerly when he saw the greeting between the two of them.

Hearing Tang Xingrong's words, Omega looked a little embarrassed. He originally wanted to save Li Ruoyue, and even thought of returning to Li Zhenbang in time, but he didn't see it, and he almost died.

Seeing Omega's appearance, Tang Xingrong sighed with disappointment. Although he had known this result a long time ago, he still held a glimmer of hope. After all, Omega was an emerald dragon, and his strength was the level of air every second.

"Master Omega, are you okay?" Bartlett rushed over with the leader at this moment, breaking the embarrassment.

"It turns out to be Master Bartlett, I'm fine. I won't say anything more politely. Let's take the first step. It's important to save people." Omega punched Bartlett and turned to take Li Zhenbang away.

"By the way, Master Bartlett, I don't know if you know someone named Sun Shao." Omega remembered the man in white just now, and couldn't help but stop and ask.

"Sun Shao? No impression of this name." Bartlett thought for a while, shook his head.

"He is dressed in white, holding a folding fan, I guess he should be a Templar, right?"

"I am dressed in white and holding a folding fan? You are not talking about Shao Sun?" Bartlett's mind suddenly flashed, and he blurted out.

"Yeah! He said everyone calls him Shao Sun." Omega nodded, seeing Bartlett's appearance, he seemed to know him.

"Oh, misunderstanding, I thought you were talking about the person named Sun Shao, so you were talking about him!" Bartlett patted his head and shook his head.

"Who is this Young Master Sun?"

"Have you seen him?"

Omega briefly explained the matter just now, of course, omitting the serious injury of himself, which would not make a face when he said it.

"He was indeed a Templar in our Holy See, but he is not anymore!"

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