Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 803: Labyrinth of water

It didn't matter that the igneous snapping turtle jumped excitedly, the whole cave shook, and Li Zhenbang hurriedly stopped the igneous snapping turtle.

Good guy, I finally solved this trouble, and it was hopeful that I could go out, but I was buried alive because of the igneous snapping turtle.

"Sorry, I'm so excited, you know, I don't know how long I have been trapped here, and now I finally have a chance to go out, I really can't control myself. Zhenbang, thank you, too Thank you!" The Fire Rock Black Snapping Turtle exclaimed excitedly, and his voice became trembling with excitement.

"It's too early for you to thank you. We haven't gone out yet! It's too late to thank you after you go out. There will be more places where you will need your help in the future! Don't be stingy with your strength at that time, and you have to sell your strength!" Li Zhenbang smiled and calmed the igneous snapping turtle.

The igneous snapping turtle nodded vigorously. Although he didn't speak, he could tell from his eyes that he recognized Li Zhenbang even more.

"Qingqi, what should we do next?" Li Zhenbang looked at Qiongqi in confusion. Regarding this kind of weird place, Li Zhenbang would normally ask Duoduo, but now Duoduo is trapped in the acquired bag. He can't get in touch with Duoduo, so he can only pin his hopes on Qiongqi.

"Do you remember what Bai Hu said when he left?" Qiongqi looked around for a while and asked back.

"He seems to be saying... Whether we can leave here or not depends on our own good fortune!" Li Zhenbang recalled carefully, and said with certainty.

"Yes, although he is not the main body, but his eyesight is still okay. The strength of me and Yingzhao is greatly reduced, so the perception ability is also greatly affected. In fact, I always think there is a problem here, but I can't tell Where is the problem. Until I heard what he left behind and saw his paws, I understood." Qin Qi shook his head helplessly.

"What do you understand?" Li Zhenbang looked at Qiongqi in confusion.

"In fact, no matter how we go or which way we choose, we almost can't get out." Qiongqi showed the sharp nails on his claws and slashed on the ground, after a harsh rubbing sound, Four deep marks were left on the ground.

"Can't go out? How is it possible? I obviously went out from here at the time, and not only me, but also Big Brother Omega, Sister Alpha, teacher and mother, we all went out together." Li Zhenbang shook his head and denied.

"Did you go out by yourself at the time?" Qiongqi curled his lips in disdain.

"Uh... No, we were washed out by water... But is there any difference? We all went out anyway." Li Zhenbang rubbed his nose, "Just go out, no matter how he went out and what?"

"Passive going out is definitely different from taking the initiative to go out..." The Qiongqi hadn't finished speaking, and the deep scratches on the ground slowly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I see it, the repairing ability here is extremely strong, when you grew up so old, when have you seen a stone that can heal itself?" Qiongqi pointed to the place he had just scratched, and at this time there was no trace of damage.

"This... doesn't seem to be there." Li Zhenbang shook his head. In his impression, there was really no stone that could heal itself, and he had seen it in this death maze.

"In fact, these are not real stones, but a kind of energy condensed." Qiongqi waved his claws again and dug out a stone directly from the ground.

"Energy condensed? I didn't feel the breath of earth magic elements?" Li Zhenbang looked at Qiongqi in a puzzled manner. Such a hard stone with extremely strong recovery ability should contain very strong earth magic elements. Correct.

But I think that even the powerful Omega didn't notice any abnormality at the beginning. If what Qiongqi said was true, then this matter would be a little scary under careful consideration.

"This is not condensed by earth magic elements, but water magic elements." With a strong grip on Qiongqi's claws, the hard rock melted into water, and then volatilized directly into the air.

"Water?" Li Zhenbang widened his eyes, his eyes filled with shock, "How is this possible? This is obviously a stone?"

"Don't you humans have a saying called water impermanence?" Qiongqi glanced at the surrounding stone walls and frowned.

"The impermanence of water means that the flow of water has no fixed shape." Li Zhenbang retorted.

"Shallow! Water does not have a fixed shape, can it be that water has a fixed shape? It is square when it is square, and circle is round. It is invisible between the sky and the earth, and the waves are rough between the rivers and seas." Qiongqi glared at Li Zhenbang. This guy is really lacking in wisdom, so I chose to accept this guy in the first place!

"But there is no fixed form, and the essence cannot be changed! No matter how water is changed, it can't become oil out of thin air, let alone become soil!" Li Zhenbang said somewhat unconvinced.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Qiongqi, but the scene before him is really incredible. If this stone is made of water, doesn't it mean that the entire labyrinth of death is made of water?

"Water does not become oil, nor can it become soil, but it does not mean that water cannot simulate the effects of oil and soil. Any magic element that has been brought to the extreme is beyond your imagination." Qiongqi looked unpredictable.

"That's not right! I think the Tudi was rampant underground here. He is obviously an Earth-type monster, how can he move freely in the water?" Li Zhenbang suddenly had an inspiration and asked the question in his heart.

"When the magic has been played to the extreme, it is impossible to distinguish the true from the false. This is the reason why I felt weird at first, but I didn't find it." Qiongqi sighed, wondering whether I was sighing the extreme water magic, or Lamenting that his ability has been weakened.

Li Zhenbang nodded thoughtfully. He thought of a forbidden curse of water magic called Needle Rain. Although the name is simple, its lethality is amazing, especially for ordinary people on the battlefield. Once cast, it will be corpses everywhere. The ending.

Needle rain is actually heavy rain in the sky, but every drop of rain is like a needle, and it is a steel needle that is harder than the star steel. These steel needles can easily penetrate the strongest armor, break through the grudge on the surface of the body, and directly pierce people out of countless blood holes.

The needle rain itself is a forbidden curse, and it is also a large-scale attack. For people of average strength, this is basically a slaughter. Therefore, when it is not a last resort, no Holy Magister will use it. This will be affected by the entire continent. Condemned.

Li Zhenbang remembered what Teacher Yang Bing once said to him that water is the softest thing in the world, the hardest thing, and the most variable thing at the same time. When facing the water magician in the future, not only must pay attention to each other's every move, but also pay attention to his surroundings.

"If this place is really made of water magic elements, then maybe I really don't have to worry too much!" Li Zhenbang's mouth raised, showing a smug smile, as if everything was under control.

"Your water drop is not as powerful as you think. For rivers, lakes and seas, you can really say that you can sit back and relax, but for this, although it can't be said to be useless, it is definitely not as useful as you think." Understanding Li Zhenbang's thoughts, he couldn't help but slapped.

"Why? This is to avoid water bead, as long as the strength is enough, you can block the water magic of the Saint-level strong, can it not work here?" Li Zhenbang is still very confident about the water bead.

"You also said that as long as your strength is sufficient, your strength is basically an eighteenth floor in the sky and one **** compared to the master here! If you are not strong enough, you can't play the role of avoiding water drops!" Qiongqi is not polite. Ridiculed Li Zhenbang's feelings.

"The master here? What do you mean? You mean that this place is controlled by someone?" Li Zhenbang frowned, and he heard the deep meaning of the strange words.

In fact, he has long been used to Qiongqi's blows, so he doesn't take Qiongqi's ridicule in his heart. He will often stimulate Qiongqi. They are of the uncomfortable type if they don't fight each other.

"Aren't you nonsense? I've been talking for so long, don't you think this is the magic work of nature?" Qiongqi shook his head, feeling defeated by Li Zhenbang.

"Then what you mean is that we have to get the consent of the owner here if we want to leave here? If he doesn't agree, will we be trapped here for a lifetime?" Li Zhenbang looked at the surrounding stone walls and gently used The hand pressed. The stone wall is still as hard as ever, and there is no water magic element at all.

"It's not necessarily, we can choose to break through forcibly!" A gleam of light flashed in Qiongqi's eyes, with a hint of excitement.

"Forcibly break through? With the abnormal recovery ability of this stone wall, do you think we can break through? If it was your heyday, even if it was your best state now, I would not have any doubts. But now You are so weak, so you still have the strength to break through?" Li Zhenbang shook his head.

Li Zhenbang doesn’t doubt Qiongqi’s strength. It’s just that Qiongqi’s current physical condition is unable to show even one-tenth of his strength. If he wants to break through the cliff here, he has to break through the cliff before it is restored. Leaving with oneself is simply an impossible task.

"It's naturally impossible to rely only on me now, but don't forget, the little turtle you just conquered is also destructive to this rock wall." Qin Qi said with a glance at the igneous Snapping Turtle.

"Although I can destroy the rock wall, the speed is too slow, and I can't keep up with the speed of the rock wall recovery." The igneous snapping turtle hurriedly shouted, he didn't want to bury himself in the rock wall.

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