Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 814: The scheme was seen through

"The **** rat, even taking advantage of my unpreparedness, attacked me, it is really hateful!" The dragon tortoise roared angrily, his saliva sprayed on Li Zhenbang's body as if it were raining.

Li Zhenbang didn't care about nausea at all, and tried his best to insert the sword into the eyes of the battle, but no matter how hard he tried, his body seemed to be frozen in ice and he couldn't move.

Li Zhenbang could still feel the presence of his body, and he could still work hard, but that feeling was as if the time around him had been stopped. Besides being able to move his mind, he couldn't even blink his eyes.

"Poor guy, dare to challenge me. This is the biggest mistake and tragedy of your life! Don't resent me, you found it yourself!" Longgui's mouth showed a cruel smile.

"Ah... um... crunch..." Li Zhenbang couldn't help crying out in pain, then gritted his teeth, his complexion flushed, his facial muscles twitched together, his teeth crunched.

Li Zhenbang’s clothes began to disintegrate little by little and turned into dust. Li Zhenbang’s exposed skin even began to show patches of erythema, and then the skin began to crack, and blood beads poured out from the cracks, and then turned into dust and disappeared. Now, even some flesh and blood have a tendency to be decomposed.

When Qiongqi and Yingzhao saw that Dragon Turtle had discovered Li Zhenbang's intentions, their hearts were tense. When they saw that Li Zhenbang could not move and had abnormal reactions in their bodies, both of them went crazy.

They knew very well what Dragon Turtle was doing. Dragon Turtle was calling on the power of Sanctuary to deal with Li Zhenbang. To be precise, Dragon Tortoise wants to break Li Zhenbang into dust, just like the clothes on Li Zhenbang.

If Li Zhenbang died, Qiongqi and Yingzhao would no longer exist, so how could Qiongqi and Yingzhao watch Li Zhenbang being killed by the Dragon Turtle.

If it was said that Qiongqi and Yingzhao still retained their strength at the beginning, they were only delaying time with Dragon Turtle, attracting Dragon Turtle's attention, and looking for opportunities for Li Zhenbang, then Qiongqi and Yingzhao had to fight for their lives now.

The two people went crazy and attacked the Dragon Turtle’s head. Originally, the Dragon Turtle didn’t care much about the attack on the two people. They still took care of Li Zhenbang, but when Qiongqi and Yingzhao rushed in front of him. At that time, Dragon Turtle suddenly felt a chill.

This chill is not ordinary cold, but the cold from the heart. Dragon Turtle seemed to smell the breath of death, his heart trembled, and he gave up the attack on Li Zhenbang and hurriedly dealt with Qiongqi and Yingzhao seriously. .

Although Dragon Tortoise gave up the attack on Li Zhenbang, it did not give up control over him, so Li Zhenbang was still unable to move at this time.

The Dragon Turtle’s feeling was not wrong. The attack by Qiongqi and Yingzhao was not an ordinary attack. Instead, they used only a little bit of spiritual consciousness to attack the Dragon Turtle.

Both Qiongqi and Yingzhao did not reserve, otherwise Dragon Turtle might not be able to discover the problem so early. If both Qiongqi and Yingzhao hide their edge and take the opportunity to give Dragon Turtle a blow, chances are they will be able to reap amazing achievements.

However, neither Qiongqi nor Yingzhao dare to gamble. In case they have gained a lot from their amazing work, but Li Zhenbang burps, what is the point of killing the dragon turtle? Both of them must be buried.

Although Dragon Tortoise felt the danger of Qiongqi at the beginning, he did not expect Qiongqi to still threaten his life at this time. What he didn't expect most was that that strange-looking Tier 7 monster could threaten his life.

If this is placed in normal times, it is absolutely unimaginable. No one would believe that a small seventh-order beast can threaten the top Saint-level powerhouse in the pyramid, and it is also the top existence of the Saint-level powerhouse. This is simply incredible.

"Aw!" Dragon Turtle roared, his body quickly backed away, and several water shields appeared between Qiongqi and Yingzhao and himself, separating himself from them. If the two want to attack themselves, they must break the water shield in front of them.

Under the attack of Qiongqi and Yingzhao, the first water shield was broken without any suspense. There was no accident with the second water shield, followed by the third and fourth...

When the attack on the seventh channel, the difference in strength between Qiongqi and the heroic move was reflected. When the heroic attack attacked the seventh water shield, the water shield did not break up, but fell deeply. The sound of "pop" was broken and turned into splashes in the sky.

The breath of the heroic move was a little bit short, and the speed was reduced a lot. Obviously, the seven-faced water shield consumed a lot of him. If it weren't for the white tiger nails on the hoofs, it had brought him great damage, and the use of gods to him With the help it brings, I am afraid it is still unknown whether he can break through this seventh water shield.

On the other hand, Qiongqi's face is not red and heartbeat, he has already broken through the eighth water shield blockade, and the ninth side is about to break through, and there are only three shields left in front of Qiongqi.

"Boom..." The ninth water shield was broken by Qiongqi without any suspense.

On the tenth water shield, Qiongqi was struggling a little, but he broke through in an instant.

The eleventh water shield... broke open, and the twelfth water shield still broke open. At this time, the dragon tortoise was already facing Qiongqi, and his head was almost stuck together.

Without hesitation, Qiongqi raised his paws and slammed Dragon Turtle's head, with a breathtaking strange light shining on each fingertip.

"Chi..." The air seemed to be torn apart by this light, and a sneer piercing sound was made.

Dragon Turtle's eyes were wide and round, and he looked at Qiongqi without any fear. With his mouth wide open, a jet of water gleaming with black light jetted out of his mouth and greeted Qiongqi with his paws.

"Squeak..." What is surprising is that after the black water column and Qiongqi's claws met, the black water column was not photographed into countless splashes as expected, but it appeared like metal and metal rubbing together. , Makes people feel the harsh sound of sore teeth.

Although Qiongqi’s claws were approaching the dragon turtle a little bit, the light on the nails of Qiongqi’s claws became dimmed, and even Qiongqi’s nails seemed to have become a little shorter...

Li Zhenbang saw all this in his eyes, and it was obvious that Qiongqi was at a disadvantage. Once Qiongqi lost his combat effectiveness, even if they were tied together, the remaining guys would not be opponents of the dragon turtle.

But Li Zhenbang can only do nothing in this state now, he has no other choice but to watch.

In fact, Li Zhenbang was trapped for a while, regardless of the short time, but he thought a lot.

At first Li Zhenbang thought that the formation that could trap the dragon tortoise was done by the necromancer, but after thinking about it, this was simply unrealistic.

If the undead magician can really trap the dragon turtle, why not just subdue the dragon turtle? Only by subduing the Dragon Turtle can the profits be maximized.

One more thing, the materials used to make the trapped magic array on this island are not a small amount, let alone the cost, even if the dragon tortoise is in deep sleep, it is impossible to have no response, right?

You must know that this is not a small project, and it is impossible that there will be no energy leakage when making the Enemy Array. This kind of energy fluctuation will definitely disturb the dragon turtle. If the dragon turtle finds that the person on his back is calculating himself, it is impossible. Let them do nothing.

With the strength of the Dragon Turtle, let alone the Undead Sage Mage, it is impossible to do anything with three or five Undead Sage Mages and countless army of undead.

Thinking about it this way, the person who arranged the trapped demon formation is a bit weird. Unless the dragon turtle is voluntarily bound by the trapped demon formation, how strong is this person?

Of course, there is another possibility that the dragon tortoise was deceived and then sealed, but this possibility is not high, because the dragon tortoise did not swear at that person after regaining his freedom.

If a normal person is trapped and finally regains his free body, he must be gritted his teeth and want to eat his flesh, but the dragon tortoise has no complaints in this regard. This undoubtedly proves from the side that the dragon is trapped. The tortoise person is a character he can't afford to provoke, and he doesn't even dare to insult secretly.

"Dragon tortoise, you coward, the person who sealed you, you can't afford to provoke you, so you can spread all the anger on us, you are so majestic!" Although Li Zhenbang can't move his body, he has now recovered his ability to speak. When the battle between Dragon Turtle and Qiongqi reached the heat, they suddenly questioned.

Hearing Li Zhenbang's words, the dragon turtle's body stiffened a bit, and Qiongqi and Yingzhao took the opportunity to leave some wounds on the dragon turtle's head and neck.

After the heroic move rushed through the blockade of the Dragon Turtle, he did not turn around and continued to deal with the Dragon Turtle with Qiongqi, but rushed directly towards Li Zhenbang.

Li Zhenbang can’t move in the sanctuary, but the trapped demon formation has been set up, and the step of inserting the sword is just a step away. No matter who it is, as long as someone inserts the sword, the trapped demon formation can be activated. The purpose of the heroic move is to rush to Li Zhenbang. In front of him, insert the sword for him to activate the trapped magic array.

"Don't think about it!" Dragon Turtle is not a fool, and naturally understands the meaning of the heroic move, and directly gave up on the Qiongqi who pounced on him, and instead launched an attack on the heroic move.

The heroes had already touched the sword in Li Zhenbang's hand, and they were even ready to press down the sword forcefully, but suddenly two big hands of the same material as the stone wall stretched out on the ground, and they grabbed the legs of the hero. Throw out the heroic trick.

Yingzhao had to give up control of the sword, watching the distance between him and Li Zhenbang being forcibly opened, and then getting farther and farther.

Qiongqi was not idle either. When the dragon tortoise launched an attack on the hero, his attack also arrived. The sharp claws rushed to one of the dragon tortoise's eyes and pierced fiercely...

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