Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 826: Finally landed

"Lead the decree!" Li Zhenbang bowed his fist to the dragon turtle, sang it, and sprinted away.

Li Zhenbang didn't run behind him, because behind him was a wall of water, hitting him was no different from looking for death.

He also didn't run along the water wall, because there must be no end to running like this.

Dragon tortoise is no ordinary cat or dog. His strength is unfathomable. Unless he wants to find out the loopholes in the water wall or escape the blockade of the water wall, it may be more difficult than climbing.

Li Zhenbang ran directly to the dragon tortoise. The speed was very fast. In addition to Li Zhenbang's singing at first, the dragon tortoise was taken aback. He thought that Li Zhenbang was going to attack him!

In response to Li Zhenbang's sudden move, the Dragon Turtle instinctively erected a water wall in front of him, and the water wall blocked him and Li Zhenbang.

Of course Dragon Tortoise would not be afraid of Li Zhenbang's attack. He just stood here motionless and let Li Zhenbang attack. Li Zhenbang couldn't hurt him at all, but Dragon Tortoise was afraid of attacks by Qiongqi and heroic moves.

If Qiongqi and Yingzhao launch a sudden attack on the dragon turtle, it is still very likely to harm the dragon turtle. Even if they can't be severely damaged, there is no problem in getting them injured.

It is true that the water wall blocked Li Zhenbang's forward path, but it also blocked his vision. Once the incident happened suddenly, when the dragon turtle instinctively controlled the water wall in front of him, although the water wall behind Li Zhenbang did not disappear, its power was reduced.

As soon as Li Zhenbang gritted his teeth, almost all his mental energy was injected into the water-repelling bead, and then he rushed towards the water wall behind him.

In fact, all of this was indeed in his calculations, but at first he thought that the water wall behind him would stagnate, but he didn't expect it to be just a little less powerful.

But no matter what, for Li Zhenbang, this is an opportunity, a fleeting opportunity. If the dragon turtle reacts, then this only opportunity will be missed.

"Puff!" Li Zhenbang plunged into the water wall. The water flow in the water wall lifted Li Zhenbang into the air for a certain distance. Fortunately, with the protection of water droplets, the water wall did not cause substantial damage to Li Zhenbang.

"Shit!" Li Zhenbang heard a tearing sound behind him, hurried forward, and fell heavily on the edge of the coast where the sea and the beach meet.

It turned out that Li Zhenbang had just left the water wall with his hind foot, and the flow rate of the water wall suddenly increased, its power skyrocketed, and it was even better than before. At this time, Li Zhenbang's shoe sole had not completely separated from the water wall. The sound of tearing was the sound made when the water wall took the shoe sole away.

Li Zhenbang crawled from the edge to the beach with a slight pain in his feet because the thin layer of skin was taken away by the water wall.

At this time, Li Zhenbang's body showed an amazing ability to recover. Under the natural movement of his internal force, the soles of his feet were repaired in the blink of an eye, but the pain had not completely disappeared.

"Asshole, you must peel your skin and twitch your tendons!" The water wall between Dragon Turtle and Li Zhenbang disappeared. At this time, Dragon Turtle was looking at Li Zhenbang with red eyes.

"Why are you so unreasonable? At first you agreed with me to leave, and then you said to let me go, I rolled obediently, you see that I am covered with sand, I strictly abide by your request, why do you want Chop me cramping? Are you too cruel?" Li Zhenbang looked at the dragon tortoise with a grieved expression, but his feet were not idle, and he retreated to the shore while talking.

Water vapor is permeating near the beach, and the bottom of the beach has already been saturated with water, so Li Zhenbang is barely standing on the shore, but he is not out of the crisis, and is still under the control of the dragon turtle.

"Reasonable? Humph! I'll be reasonable with you today!" Dragon Turtle narrowed his eyes, and his voice was low. It was an individual who could hear the anger in his voice.

"Weak water cage!" The dragon tortoise roared, and saw several water columns instantly rise from the ground under Li Zhenbang's feet, and then converge on top to form a cage made of water elements similar to a bird cage.

Li Zhenbang has always remained vigilant. Although his mental power has been somewhat overdrawn, life and death are critical and human potential is always endless.

After feeling the strangeness under his feet, Li Zhenbang didn't hesitate, and jumped up directly. When the weak water cages were about to merge, they could be seen jumping out from the top.

"See how you can escape? The Weak Water!" Dragon Turtle saw Li Zhenbang escaped from his own weak water cage, and his heart was very angry, and he directly released a seven-level water magic skill.

Li Zhenbang felt his feet sway, and the surrounding beaches turned into water at a speed visible to the naked eye. The weak water is not ordinary water, but it is weak water that can't even float on a feather. Anything falling on weak water will sink to the bottom. of.

However, the dragon tortoise was obviously miscalculating. Under the protection of the water droplets, the weak water was obviously not enough to restrict Li Zhenbang. Li Zhenbang stepped on the weak water surface, dashed a few times, and landed on the distant coast again.

The ground here is no longer sandy land, but thick land. Stepping on the ground here, the feeling of being solid underfoot made Li Zhenbang's heart a little settled.

After drifting on the sea for too long, it feels safest to be down to earth. Although the dragon turtle's back is broad, with mountains, water and land, it is not a real land after all, and it is also perilous. It is not a place that can make people feel at ease.

When Dragon Turtle saw Li Zhenbang trapped in the weak water, he was very proud. If a weak water cage can't control you, then use the weak water to control you.

But when he saw that Li Zhenbang seemed to be flat on the ground on the weak waters, he was really unbelievable, and his heart was unavoidably distracted. It was precisely because of this momentary absence that Li Zhenbang seized the opportunity. Fled to the shore.

"You...good! Good! Good!" Dragon Turtle wanted to cross-examine Li Zhenbang, but after another thought, it didn't make any sense at all, so he chuckled back and gritted his teeth and said three good words.

"Why are you so shameless? Talking is nothing! As the saying goes, if you say it, can you still eat it?" Li Zhenbang stepped back and shouted at Dragon Turtle , It feels like I can't kill you at all, and I'm going to disgust you too!

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you! You don't think that I can't do anything for you if you hide on the land?" Dragon Turtle finished speaking, his body rose into the air and flew directly towards Li Zhenbang.

"Damn!" Li Zhenbang exploded directly and fled behind him playfully.

Li Zhenbang naturally knew that the land would definitely not restrict the dragon tortoise's movements. How could it be said that the dragon tortoise is also a saint-level powerhouse. If it can't even get on the land, wouldn't it make people laugh?

What Li Zhenbang didn't expect was that the dragon tortoise was so sturdy and soaring into the air. You must know that he is holding a whole piece of land on his back. There are mountains, waters, and even some small animals on the land.

At this moment, a strange picture emerged between the sky and the earth. On the ground, a human young man ran forward for his life, and in the sky not far behind the young man, a huge piece of land was floating in the sky, and the ground was covered by huge shadows.

Fortunately, there were no other people on the ground except the young man, otherwise the shadow alone would scare many people to death. If this piece of land falls on the ground, you must know how much land it has to cover, and everything on this piece of land will be devastated.

I don't know if it is because it consumes a lot of land to fly in the air, or because the dragon tortoise is ready to launch an attack on Li Zhenbang, and the dragon tortoise's body begins to descend towards the ground. Even though the rate of decline is not fast, the momentum is still terrifying.

Li Zhenbang is now beginning to rejoice. Fortunately, no one came to help him. Everyone fled as soon as they saw the dragon turtle. Otherwise, how many people came would be crushed into flesh by the dragon turtle. Then he But he has become a sinner through the ages, and his conscience will not be at peace for a lifetime.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the dragon turtle's body hit the ground heavily.

This is not inland. Although it is no longer the soft sand of the beach, the land is different from the inland area, and a big hole was suddenly smashed into it.

All the houses and trees under the dragon tortoise were either crushed into pieces of paper in an instant, or the dragon tortoise's tortoise was deeply pressed into the ground.

"Are you going crazy? Are you going to let the whole continent be submerged by the sea?" Li Zhenbang saw the scene behind him, his eyes a little serious.

The sea water has been infused along the big pit that the dragon tortoise has pressed. The land just now turned into a vast ocean, completely connected to the sea.

"If you don't run to land, will I come up?" Dragon Turtle curled his mouth in disdain.

"You have done a little too much!" Just when Li Zhenbang was about to speak, a voice suddenly came from a distance, which scared Li Zhenbang. This voice was not from the dragon turtle, but from inland. From the direction.

"Excessive? What are you? What qualifications do you have to comment on me?" Dragon Turtle stopped, did not go inland, and ignored Li Zhenbang. Instead, he stared motionless in the distance. Obviously, he had discovered that he was talking. people.

"This is the territory of our Twilight Federation. Isn't it too much for you to do this?" A figure was still in the sky, and a few flashes appeared in front of Li Zhenbang and Dragon Turtle, and then Li Zhenbang stopped not far in front. Stepped down.

"I thought you would just stay away! Did you come out to save him?" Dragon Turtle glanced at the man who had just appeared who claimed to be the Twilight Federation. This man has yellow fur on his body, black markings on his fur, and a black king character on his forehead. It is obviously a tiger orc.

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