Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 954: I want to raise

"Why? I am a summoned beast mage, why don't you let me use a summoned beast?" Standing on the martial arts field, Li Zhenbang looked at the guy with the sharp-mouthed monkey gill in surprise. Isn't this guy's brain broken? He would say that he would not let himself use the summoned beast so shamelessly.

"What does the summoned beast mage do not use the summoned beast to fight? Is it to use vindictive magic? You are not here to be funny? If you are scared, just give in." Li Zhenbang raised his brows.

"You... you are breaking the rules!" The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey-gill shouted excitedly.

"Violation? How did it violate the rules?" Li Zhenbang looked at the man with the sharp-mouthed monkey gills suspiciously. When did his own summoned beast mage use the summoned beast to fight against the rules?

" can't use undead creatures!" The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey gill pointed at the ghost, and the ghost floated a step forward, and the man with the pointed-mouthed monkey gill stepped back involuntarily.

In fact, this can't blame the guy with the sharp-mouthed monkey gills, who made human beings be instilled with the terrifying and evil thoughts of the undead magicians since childhood.

There are indeed some brave men among human beings who have had the idea of ​​defeating necromancers and becoming heroes since childhood, but more people will have inexplicable fear of necromancers.

So naturally, there will be rejection and fear of everything related to undead magic, and most people will inevitably feel frustrated when they first come into contact with undead creatures.

"Huh! Why can't I use the Undead Beast? Although it is the Undead Beast, it is also my summoned beast. Since everything arises from it, let it settle it!" Li Zhenbang snorted coldly, but watched. When the ghost's arm was intact, there was some comfort in his heart.

The ghost's arm had been cut off during the battle before, but the ghost is an undead creature. The advantage of the undead creature is that it can be recovered as long as it is not fatally injured, but it requires a lot of energy to recover.

Of course, Li Zhenbang would not kill the innocent to provide energy to the ghost. I think he spent a few days in the abyss of the undead, and obtained a lot of magical energy in the abyss of the undead.

For example, accessories, magic cores, etc., as well as various weird herbs containing undead magic elements. In the end, these things were used by Li Zhenbang on the ghost, which allowed the ghost to recover.

However, the strength of the ghost still has some decline, and the current strength has almost just reached the level of the seventh rank. The main reason is that in order to restore this broken arm, the ghost has also consumed a part of its own energy, otherwise, how could the broken arm grow back so easily?

"Because... because the summoned beast mage is not a necromancer, so you can't use the necromancer!" The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey gill really didn't know what to say, but he still tried his best to prevent Li Zhenbang from using the necromancer.

"It's so funny, what summoned beasts can't be used by the summoned beast mage? As long as it is your own, why can't it be used? The summoned beast magic **** has not blocked, what qualifications do you have to block as a rubbish?" Li Zhenbang curled his lips. The joker who looked at the sharp-mouthed monkey gill with disdain.

"Apart from you, which summoned beast mage have you seen used undead beasts?" The guy with the sharp-mouthed monkey gills is still arguing.

"If they haven't used it before, it doesn't mean they haven't! Take a step back and say, even if the other summoned beast mage doesn't have one, but they don't have one, who stipulates that it can't be used?"

"I think back then, didn’t Master Natalie, the honorary elder of the Wizards’ Guild, summoned a clone of the water system sacred dragon? Who has done this before? Is it because no one has summoned and used it, and she can deny her existence, Can she give up using it during the battle?" Li Zhenbang directly moved out the legendary Summoner Mage Natalie.

"You are not the same at all! The summoned by Master Natalie was temporary, and you signed a contract!" The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks thought he had grasped Li Zhenbang's words and exclaimed in excitement.

"It's really funny. You can use all temporary summons, but you won't use it if you have signed a contract. If you want me to use it, you must promise not to use grudge under any circumstances. Do you agree?" Li Zhenbang folded his arms On his chest, he looked at the man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheek contemptuously.

"I am a soldier, why can't I use grudge?" The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks hurriedly objected.

"Then I am the Summoned Beast Mage, why can't I use the Summoned Beast?" Li Zhenbang curled his lips. The double mark of this guy was too obvious.

"This... OK, OK, you can use it. But you can't summon the summoned beast before the battle has started. Even if you use the summoned beast, you have to summon it during the battle, right?" He hesitated, and finally gritted his teeth and agreed to Li Zhenbang's use of the ghost, but did not allow Li Zhenbang to release the ghost in advance.

"Your Majesty, my request is not too much, right?" The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks directly asked Zhao Tianlong for instructions without waiting for Li Zhenbang's approval.

"Zhenbang, what do you think?" Zhao Tianlong did not directly say that he disagrees, but kicked the ball to Li Zhenbang.

"Your Majesty, I don't have any opinion on this one." Li Zhenbang shook his head. He is no stranger to the duel of the summoned beast mage. He has experienced it more than once. The person with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks put forward this opinion in accordance with the principle of duel.

In fact, a one-on-one duel is unfair to the summoned beast mage, but as a very tasteless profession, the summoned beast mage is not valued at all, and under normal circumstances, the summoned beast mage will not choose to fight with people. Dueling, so who cares whether the duel rules are beneficial to the summoned beast mage?

Summoned beast mage is often used for reserve power or logistics support, of course, the premise is that someone has to play with the summoned beast mage.

After all, the summoned beast mage is too tasteless, and the uncertainty is too high. There may be someone with a strong summoned beast mage. A summoned beast mage with low mental power is not as good as a senior warrior.

You know, the strength of the summoned beast and the battle time have a lot to do with the spiritual power of the summoned beast mage. The stronger the summoned beast, the longer the fighting time, the more mental power it needs.

If the spirit power of the summoned beast mage is too weak, it is very likely that the summoned beast that is slightly stronger will exhaust all the spiritual power of the summoned beast mage, and it may even be exhausted if the summoning fails.

The profession of Summoned Beast Mage was originally unwelcome. A Summoned Beast Mage without mental power has no meaning for the team, and it is a drag at all.

So if a team really has to give up members to ensure survival, the summoned beast mage is often the first object to be abandoned.

"In that case, Zhenbang, then you should put away the ghost first!" Hearing Li Zhenbang's words, Zhao Tianlong nodded in satisfaction, and Li Zhenbang's score in his heart increased a little.

Zhao Tianlong doesn't like those who always find reasons and excuses. Young people are not afraid of challenges and dare to meet challenges in order to win the future.

"But... Your Majesty, I have a small request." Although Li Zhenbang was talking to Zhao Tianlong, he kept looking at the man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, and it was very uncomfortable to look at the man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheek.

"What request?" Zhao Tianlong frowned, and the score that Li Zhenbang had just raised in his heart dropped again.

"Your Majesty, you have also seen that this guy is much older than me. Although the enemy doesn't care about the age difference when fighting, it's just a duel after all."

"If it's a battle between peers, it's fine, but this guy can obviously be a grandfather. If he loses, he will lose face, and he won't be glorious."

"And once I win him, no matter what kind of cat or dog wants to make a gesture with me in the future, what should I do? I don't have so much time to deal with them. So for his future and also for my future, I don't think I can Just forget it!" Li Zhenbang looked at Zhao Tianlong expectantly.

The face of the man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks was green. He was indeed a little older than Li Zhenbang, but he was only a teenager. Even if he is a little anxious, he doesn't seem to be as unbearable as Li Zhenbang said.

But now he can't refute anything. This kind of thing is getting darker and darker. He can only temporarily suppress the fire in his stomach.

However, the guy with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks was not a good stubborn. He looked viciously at Li Zhenbang. When he was about to start the duel for a while, he vented all his anger on Li Zhenbang, letting him know how unwise decisions to provoke him.

"Then what do you want to do?" Zhao Tianlong raised his eyebrows, with some guesses in his heart.

"I'm going to increase my bet on the basis of the bet just now!" Li Zhenbang touched his nose and looked at Zhao Tianlong with a smile.

"Add a bet? What are you going to increase?" Zhao Tianlong had already fully understood Li Zhenbang's mind at this time.

In fact, Zhao Tianlong knew some things about Li Zhenbang, and also knew some of the summoned beasts Li Zhenbang commonly used, but he was still uncertain about Li Zhenbang's full strength. So when the guy with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks came out to challenge Li Zhenbang, Zhao Tianlong didn't stop him.

"As both of us, plus the onlookers are your majesty and civil and military officials, it would be too tacky to add a little gold coins to bet." Li Zhenbang shook his head, looking embarrassed.

"Huh! A little gold coin is too tacky, isn't this tacky?" The man with the pointed mouth monkey cheeks suddenly took out five full white crystal cards, and then looked at Li Zhenbang arrogantly.

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