Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 963: Lose both

"Asshole!" With a low growl, Qiongqi followed Munk's back and used his speed to the extreme.

However, according to the current situation, Munk is very likely to be on the front line. Even if Qiongqi finally catches up with Munk and kills him with one blow, Munk's attack may have been applied to Li Zhenbang.

Munk's knife went directly to Li Zhenbang's head, and he was killed by a single blow. That indomitable posture completely gave up his own defense.

At this time, Munk seemed to be a sharp arrow that would not look back after leaving the string. He devoted himself to his sword, which actually contained a hint of the artistic conception of a saint-level powerhouse.

If it weren't for the inexplicably possessing the artistic conception of a saint-level powerhouse because of this hit, Qiongqi would have a way to stop him even if he couldn't catch up with Munk.

Now the person who regrets the most is undoubtedly Holi Fili, the patriarch of the Holi family.

If he knew from the beginning that Li Zhenbang had not only a seventh-order ghost, but also an eighth-order black tiger who could speak humanly and could fly, he would not agree to this competition at all.

If he had known that Munk could achieve such an effect with a full blow, he would be killed, and he would not let Munk engage in a duel.

Although Munk’s attack was accompanied by the artistic conception of a saint-level powerhouse, it does not mean that Munk will definitely become a saint-level powerhouse in the future, but it means that if Munk is given enough time, he still has a chance to become a saint Level powerhouse.

There are tens of thousands of golden warriors in this world, but those who truly become saint-level powerhouses are only rare, and Munk already has the potential to become rare.

It is a pity that there are not so many ifs in the world, and there is no regret medicine to sell.

Holly Philippe's face was full of depression, and now it was impossible to stop the duel. Munk burned his soul, and there was no cure.

Even if Munk wins this game, there is only one dead end, and his position as the patriarch will probably be lost.

"Li Zhenbang, don't do it anymore! Release the heroic trick soon!" Seeing Li Zhenbang still in a daze, Qiongqi hurriedly transmitted a voice to Li Zhenbang in his heart.

In fact, Qiongqi couldn't be sure in his heart, whether this heroic attack could be withstood, after all, the heroic move was no longer the former heroic move. Even if he himself resisted this blow head-on, he would suffer a lot of losses.

But Qiongqi now had no choice. He knew very well that he couldn't get help back in time. Among all Li Zhenbang's contract summoned beasts, what Qiongqi could think of was only brilliant moves at this time.

Li Zhenbang's eyes were very solemn, and he already felt the threat of death. However, he has played against many strong men, and has experienced the test of life and death many times, so he is still calm in his heart.

He knows very well that the more this kind of crisis is, the more calm he should be. Panic can't solve any problems, but he will get confused.

Suddenly, a black light curtain appeared in front of Munk. Munk did not hesitate, and the big knife slashed directly on the black light curtain. The black light curtain did not play any role, and it split directly from the place where the big knife touched. Then disappeared without a trace.

It turned out that Qiongqi knew he couldn't pursue it anymore, so he simply gave up the pursuit and directly chose passive defense to buy time for Li Zhenbang. This black light curtain was exactly the dark light curtain of the fifth-level dark magic he released.

But this five-level defensive dark magic is used by those who are well versed in dark magic. Even so, this dark light curtain still behaves so vulnerable. It didn't have any blocking effect at all, on the contrary, it collapsed at a touch, showing how terrifying Munk's attack this time was.

When the first dark light curtain disappeared, another dark light curtain appeared in front of Munk. Obviously, Qiongqi had already anticipated this result, so he wanted to rely on numbers to slow down Munk's offensive speed.

When the second dark curtain of light touched the broadsword, it cracked again without any suspense, and disappeared without a trace. Followed by the third and fourth...

In just a few meters, Qiongqi had released seven or eight dark light curtains, and every dark light curtain broke without any suspense.

However, Qiongqi’s efforts were not useless. Munk’s speed was reduced a bit after all, and in order to break through the dark curtain of light, Munk’s knife had also been swung down, from the initial slashing to the current stab. .

"Li Zhenbang, stop messing around!" Qiongqi yelled anxiously when he saw that Li Zhenbang still hadn't summoned a heroic move.

If something happens to Li Zhenbang, he can only regret it, and this is not what he wants to see.

"Fusion!" Li Zhenbang groaned in his heart, and instead of summoning a heroic move, he chose to summon the giant rhino king.

The moment the Giant Rhinoceros King was released from the acquired bag, he directly merged with Li Zhenbang. No one noticed the people present, even the Saint-level strong, because their attention was attracted by Munk.

If only the silver warrior reaches the golden warrior with the help of secret skills, it will naturally not attract the attention of the holy-level powerhouse. What attracts them is that Munk can use the silver warrior to release the artistic conception of the holy-level powerhouse. s attack.

In fact, Li Zhenbang also had his own considerations. He didn't want to rely too much on the help of the contract summoners. Moreover, he was not sure whether Munk could resist this attack, so he chose to merge.

The reason why I did not choose to merge with Qiongqi is that Qiongqi is now in a state of combat, and his body fluctuates too much, and it is difficult to integrate successfully, and the other is because when Qiongqi is integrated, the most obvious improvement is attack power rather than defense. force.

Among all contract summoned beasts, only the Iron Armored Rhinoceros King merged with him, and his defense power would soar.

There is another reason why Li Zhenbang chooses head-to-head, that is, every time he is on the verge of death, he finally improves his strength.

He has stayed at this stage for a long time, and he hopes to take this opportunity to break through himself. If you can really break through, why not take a risk?

In fact, Li Zhenbang was not reckless. He had been tempered by different Saint-level powerhouses many times. Although Munk's attack contained a hint of the holy-level powerhouse's artistic conception, it was only a trace in the end.

When he chose to take Munk's blow, he had already protected all the main meridians in his body with internal force, so even if he was hit hard, he should not die.

"Boom!" Another dark curtain of light was breached by Munk, but it was not collapsed like before. Munk's speed and strength have been weakened.

It was too late for Qiongqi to prepare for the next dark light curtain, because Munk's large ring of gold sword had reached Li Zhenbang.

Munk's attack has changed. The Liujin Dahuan knife slashed Li Zhenbang's head from the beginning, and it became a direct piercing Li Zhenbang's heart.

Seeing the tip of the knife close at hand, Li Zhenbang stretched out his hands, the muscles of his arms bulged high, and his palms were joined together in a thunderous manner. At the moment of his death, he clasped the Liujin Dahuan knife firmly on the palms of his hands. Among.

However, Li Zhenbang's power is not as great as Munke after all, everyone can only watch the Liujin big ring knife pierce Li Zhenbang's chest little by little.

"Asshole!" Qiongqi shouted angrily, not knowing whether he was cursing Munke or Li Zhenbang, or maybe both.

I saw Qiongqi's four claws struggling on the ground, his wings flapped vigorously, and then clung to his back, his body rushed towards Munk's back, and Qiongqi's back was raised. A cloud of smoke and dust.

The Liujin big ring knife pierced Li Zhenbang's chest little by little, and the corners of Li Zhenbang's mouth had already begun to bleed. He didn't expect that Munk's power would suddenly become so strong, and his attack became so sharp.

Munk was full of anger. He could feel that his body was getting weaker and weaker, and he could also feel that his large gold ring knife was piercing Li Zhenbang's chest little by little. At the same time, he knew that the Qiongqi behind him was getting more and more away from him. Near.

"Ah!" Munk yelled, his body suddenly lit up, and Liu Jin Dahuan knife suddenly advanced.

"Puff!" Li Zhenbang's eyes widened, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a mouthful of blood sprayed on Munk's face.

After this blow, Munk had already begun to have some illusory body becoming more illusory, to be precise, the lower body was already a little unclear.

Li Zhenbang, who was pierced into the chest by the Liujin Dahuan Knife, began to look a little dizzy. Although his hands were still firmly holding the Liujin Dahuan, his hands were already close to his chest.

"Thorn..." A sound that seemed to tear the brocade suddenly sounded. It turned out that Qiongqi had arrived. His right claw penetrated Munk's back and came out from his chest, piercing Munk's heart. cool.

Munk watched Li Zhenbang slowly fall to the ground, then turned to look at Qiongqi, opened his mouth, and said weakly, "I... won!"

After speaking, Munk's body turned into the sky and disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

This is not a singular contribution, but because Munk's soul has been burned out, and the final blow was the strongest blow that Munk had fired with his body.

Qiongqi ignored Munk, but looked at Li Zhenbang who was lying motionless on the ground strangely.

He did not feel Li Zhenbang's vitality, but he knew very well that Li Zhenbang was not dead, and seemed to be on the verge of life and death.

Because if Li Zhenbang died, he would be finished, but now he just feels a little weak in his body, which is far from reaching the state of death.

The ashes of Munk's death were in smoke, Li Zhenbang lay there, life and death unknown, watching things turned into this way, everyone did not speak, and turned to look at Zhao Tianlong.

As the referee of this game, Zhao Tianlong's final conclusion will be very important and will determine the final winner.

"I announce, this game..." Zhao Tianlong looked at Li Zhenbang and sighed. Just as Zhao Tianlong was about to say a draw, Li Zhenbang's body suddenly flashed with a green light...

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