Mythical Card Master: Start with the Knight

Chapter 236 Mediocrity? All-rounder!

"Teacher, how do you feel?"

Chu Ming walked towards the old man, and the heavily armored knights on both sides quickly untied Aiman's shackles and moved aside.

Aiman ​​smiled so hard that his lips reached to his ears. He grabbed Chu Ming's shoulders, came closer and asked softly: "What's going on with your kid? I clearly knew before..."

"'s normal to have some adventures."

Trina smiled and nodded: "A blessing in disguise, it seems that you have gained a lot in Thorn Flower County."

She still remembered that Chu Ming's purpose of going to Thorn Flower County was to find the main materials for a secret medicine that could improve the knight's talent. However, she did not expect to encounter a wave of dark beasts attacking the Violet Principality. After going through twists and turns, the secret medicine was not found. , on the contrary, the mage's talent has been improved.


The law enforcer's majestic voice sounded in Chu Ming, "The seats are watching you. Practice hard and strive to become an excellent mage."

After the purple figure finished speaking, his body turned into a purple smoke and disappeared.

Chu Ming looked back and waved to the purple figure.

After the law enforcers disappeared, the trial also came to an end. Some of the mage tower masters either raised their fingers or mounted elemental creatures and left the mage conference hall.

Most of the masters of the mage tower have not left yet. They all stared at Chu Ming and enthusiastically came forward to talk to him.

Chu Ming faced these masters of the mage tower with a polite smile on his face and declined their invitations one by one.

The Master of the Mage Tower was not disappointed after being rejected. He just said cheerfully and welcomed Chu Ming to the Mage Tower as a guest.

One after another, figures disappeared into the Master's Conference Hall, and Chu and Ming three people also walked out of it. The purple mist hung down like a gauze curtain, hiding the entire hall in the hazy and mysterious purple.

Trina breathed a sigh of relief, straightened her posture, and said to Chu and Ming, "If anything happens, let's talk about it when we get back."

After that, she waved her hand, and a brown carpet with purple stripes flew out from her sleeves, gradually turning into a magic flying carpet that could accommodate five or six people.

Magic flying carpets, flying broomsticks, etc. are commonly used magic props for magicians, but these props are generally very expensive. Some mages are reluctant to spend money and will specialize in learning some spells that can be used to escape.

But Trina is different. She is both an epic mage and a royal daughter. She is just a magic flying carpet, which is no more than a toy to her.

With Aiman ​​as the acting master of the mage tower, the few people were not blocked by the knights in the city when flying at low altitude, and returned to the mage tower smoothly.

It was already late at night, and the tired Irina had already fallen asleep. Only the tireless Mattie had been waiting silently at the door for Chu Ming and the others.

After seeing the three people returning safely, the maid finally smiled and welcomed them to the hall where the lights were still on.

Aiman ​​saw that the magic crystal lamp hanging on the dark brown wall had not been extinguished, and shook his head sadly, "How much magic power is wasted, it seems that this monthly magic power bill will add another amount."

Mattie's smile remained unchanged and she said respectfully: "Don't worry, Mr. Aiman, a mere magic bill is nothing to the lady."

Trina said angrily: "Instead of caring about this, it is better to find ways to improve your meditation level. If you don't break through the epic, things like today will continue to happen."

The old man scratched his head awkwardly like a child who made a mistake and said, "Didn't this fail again..."

Chu Ming came to the rescue and said: "It is really difficult to upgrade your mental power to an epic."

Different from the dream meditation system developed by Chu Ming in the Fengyang Empire, the mages here developed another meditation system.

After the arrival of the Magic Era, most biological races have gained the benefits of magic after the revival of their magical blood. For example, vampires have become immortal species, can also use unique vampire magic, and have the potential to be promoted to legends.

Although the human race's body's magic bloodline is very weak, it has finally reaped the benefits of the return of magic power. Not only the bloodline power, but also the upper limit of mental power has increased a lot.

In Narender's era, if a wizard wanted to advance his spiritual power to the blue level, he needed to assimilate the dream and expand the spiritual power container outwards. But now, whether it is a human mage or a human wizard, he can only perceive the spiritual power after reaching the deep blue level. The limit of force.

Coupled with the substantial increase in human lifespan, it means that modern mages and wizards can more leisurely spend time on spiritual cultivation.

Therefore, in this context, the previous meditation system that focused on developing dreams and breaking through the limits of mental power, although efficient, had a high mortality rate, was gradually abandoned. The mainstream method of breakthrough for modern mages and wizards became to build spiritual power. A new meditation system for the magical outer brain that combines power and magic.

Compared with the dream external brain, the advantages of the magic external brain are obvious. There is almost no risk in the process of building the magic external brain. Even if there is an error in building the model, the magic external brain will not explode in the mage's mental sea like a bomb, but will only gradually dissipate.

However, compared with the previous dream development methods, the flaws of the magic construction method are also very obvious, that is, the magic brain model is too complicated. Just to advance to the epic, the magic brain structure has millions of units, and everyone's spiritual sea Every situation is different. If you want your magic power to be synchronized with the spiritual sea, you still need to constantly reconcile it so that the magic outer brain can be in sync with the spiritual sea.

Constructing the magic external brain tests not only the knowledge reserve of the mage, but also IQ, luck, etc. It is time-consuming, and as long as there is a construction error in one unit, the entire magic module will basically have to be redone. Therefore, ordinary mages who want to break through the epic will have to make mistakes. In the case of less, it will take twenty years at the fastest, and fifty years in the slowest case. And some mages with stupid minds and poor talents may not even be able to break through to the epic in their lifetime. Even genius mages will need at least ten years. This construction The process is quite tedious.

But ten or twenty years is nothing to a long-lived human mage. After the weak magic blood in the human body is revived, even an ordinary human farmer can easily live to be a hundred years old. Deep Blue A formal mage can live for at least 250 years, with a maximum lifespan of about 300 years. As for epics, they can even have a lifespan of 500 years.

After having a long life, the pace of life of the human race has also slowed down a lot. Although compared with the human race in the Dark Age, the human race in the Magic Era lacked radical enterprising spirit, this slow and leisurely way of cultivation also allows people to calm down. The rough cultivation system summarized in the Dark Age has been continuously optimized, spreading into countless subdivisions, and greatly promoting the development of extraordinary paths such as knights, mages, and wizards.

Before Aiman ​​took over the Mage Tower, he had long been a Deep Blue Mage due to the tilt of the Mage Tower's resources, but until now, more than thirty years later, he still has not broken through the epic.

Although the breakthrough time of thirty years is not considered to be at the bottom among the general group of mages, as the acting mage tower master, Aiman ​​does not want to compare with these ordinary mages. He wants to compare with those talented people in the royal city. Epic mages, the ages at which these epic mages become epics are generally around a hundred years old, and Aiman ​​is now one hundred and twenty-one years old, but he still hovers below the level of epics.

Compared with these mages, what Aiman ​​lacks is not mage knowledge or wisdom, but talent.

His talent is a low-level fire element talent, which can fill the second magic ring of testing magic crystal, but it is still missing a lot from the third epic ring.

You must know that the mage's talent not only affects the efficiency of the mage's magic power condensation or the construction of spell models, but also affects the purity of the magic power that the mage can draw from the outside world.

The fire elemental magic power that Aiman's low-level mage talent can condense is too messy, which will affect the stability of the magic power model. He will be very disadvantaged when building a magic external brain. Even if there are no errors in the model he builds, there may be problems due to the magic power. He failed due to instability, which is why he spent thirty years unable to break through the epic.

Aiman ​​sighed slightly in his heart. At his current construction speed, no matter how fast it is, it will still take twenty years.

Thinking of this, the old man placed his gaze on Chu Ming, and his eyes softened.

After tonight's mage meeting, he figured out that the way to solve the problem of the abolition of Tuairi Mage Tower is not just to advance to the epic himself. As long as Chu Ming can advance to the epic, he can take over the mage tower from him and become Tower master.

As for why Trina is not allowed to become the master of the mage tower, this is not because he is unwilling, but Trina has always disagreed. Even if he wanted to find talented mage apprentices to train, he could not compete with other mage towers to recruit them. The students who come in are lucky if they are as talented as him.

And what has always made Aiman ​​ashamed is that the operation of the Mage Tower is maintained by his student Trina. Knowing that it is impossible to find highly talented students, how can he have the nerve to recruit students to consume the resources of the Mage Tower? Therefore, Up to now, the only official students in Tuairi Master Tower are Chu Ming and Trina.

Five years ago, Ren went to the King's City to study. Even though he encountered obstacles everywhere, he still insisted on visiting all the Mage Towers in the King's City. His tenacious character reminded Aiman ​​of his hard pursuit with his low talents. After an epic journey, Renne visited the Tuairi Mage Tower. Ayman struggled internally, but finally put him into the Mage Tower.

Facts have proved that there is a reason why other mage towers are not accepted. Renn's mage talent is indeed very poor. It takes five years to master even a second-level dark green spell, and his mental progress is even stuck. The dark green layer showed no signs of moving.

However, what makes Aiman ​​gratified is that he sees in Renn the desire and diligence for the extraordinary path. Even if he does not follow the path of a mage, Renn can achieve another level of achievement.

So he shyly borrowed some money from Trina and got through to an officer from a neighboring country. He obtained a basic Crimson Law Code and gave it to Ren to ponder. He hoped that his student would be able to Achievements in other areas.

And after tonight, Aiman's mind changed again... It seemed that Chu Ming no longer needed to practice law. As long as he worked hard on the path of a mage, his final achievements would be epic to say the least.

Thinking of this, Aiman ​​felt feelings of loss and comfort at the same time. What he was disappointed about was that he had given up his obsession with the epic. Without this enterprising thought, his path as a mage would become even more unclear in the future, but with this If there is an outstanding student, even if he tells it to the outside world, his face will be bright.

In the hall, Aiman ​​took a sip of hot water and looked at Chu Ming, "What are your plans for future practice?"

Chu Ming touched his chin and said with a smile: "I should be able to be a mage honestly for the time being."

"Well..." Aiman ​​put down the water glass, "Are you still unable to let go of the way of chivalry?"

Chu Ming shook his head and said: "Teacher, don't worry, I won't delay my magic practice."

Aiman ​​nodded slightly, "That's more or less. You were born into a knight family, and I won't stop you from pursuing the path of knighthood. However, with your outstanding talent as a mage, you can achieve higher achievements by focusing more on the study of spells."

"Even those proud knight families will respect the epic mage."

In southern Xinjiang, due to the influence of the Fengyang Empire, the status of knights is not weaker than that of mages. However, the situation in the Violet Principality is a bit special. Almost all the knights walking around are magic knight attendants who are attached to mages. There are very few who practice the inheritance of epic knights. knight.

Firstly, these knights do not have access to the epic knight inheritance, and secondly, they do not have this talent, so they can only settle for the second best, pursue the protection of the mage tower, find another way, and seek a breakthrough in the realm of knights through magic.

The Brick knight family where Chu Ming was born is not inferior to any mage tower force in the royal city of the Violet Princess, and there is no need to be humble when facing the mage.

What's scary about the Violet Principality is not the powerful epic power, but the ten powerful legendary figures who are known as the ten seats of the meeting on the giant tower on the floating island.

Among the ten seats are humans, mixed races, elves, dwarves and other legendary mages of different races.

Among them are many ancient figures who have been active on the mainland for five or six hundred years. They abandon the concept of race and jointly safeguard the dignity of the Mage Conference, creating a mage holy land that all mages in southern Xinjiang aspire to.

If Chu Ming becomes an epic mage, it can be considered a good thing for the Brick Knight family. It does not necessarily require him to practice the way of knights. Therefore, although Aiman ​​did not explicitly tell Chu Ming to give up the way of knights, he has already pointed out the pros and cons. , let him make his own decision.

Chu Ming naturally understood the implication of Aiman's words. If it were the original Ren, he would definitely follow Ayman's opinion, but he was different. The previous three history writings allowed him to accumulate a wealth of knowledge, which allowed him to face the freshness of the Magic Era. When encountering things, he can quickly react and understand their secrets.

It can be said that as long as there is no limit to talent, his extraordinary path, whether it is a mage, a knight, or other professions, will be unimpeded before reaching legend.

His current behavior is like a thousand-year-old monster returning to the Novice Village to level up. Everything is too simple for him.

Thinking of this, Chu Ming showed a smile.

The reason why Ren is called a mediocre person is because even though he has practiced the three extraordinary paths of Knight, Mage and Lawyer at the same time, none of the extraordinary paths are outstanding.

But things are different now. Whether they are knights, mages, or law seekers... Chu Ming has the confidence to move them to a higher level.

Perhaps in the future, when others mention Renn, they will no longer refer to him as a mocking mediocre person, but as an all-around talent without any pretense of praise.

We will resume normal updates tomorrow. Let’s take a rest today and adjust back to normal...

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