Mythical Card Master: Start with the Knight

Chapter 347 Trial Production of Epic Dolls

"Go...go to the booth?!"

Before Chu Ming could say anything, Mia on the side exclaimed, her tone full of disbelief.

She never imagined that her work would be featured in a puppet exhibition. After all, it was a place where puppet masters communicated.

Roman said seriously: "Yes, if we can get attention on the exhibition stand, there will be a steady stream of investment, and maybe we can get on the battlefield with the orcs."

Chu Ming nodded thoughtfully, but in fact, his mind was not on the exhibition stand at all.

The reason why he wants to obtain the memory network technology is because there is a big difference between the memory golem clone and the element body clone.

In the future, he will use the Doll Life Alchemy to completely bring the memory doll to life. A conscious clone is more difficult to control than an elemental clone, and is prone to conflicts of consciousness. This is why he needs a memory network.

He didn't want the puppet clone to become disobedient after being created. Based on his understanding of his own character... it was very likely that he would become disobedient, so he had to prepare in advance.

As for whether he can attend the exhibition stand, he really doesn't care. He puts all his attention on memory network technology, as long as the technology can be iterated normally and become more perfect.

Touching his chin, Chu Ming agreed: "Participating in the exhibition is indeed a good idea. I have no objection. Mia, what do you think?"


The girl hesitated for a moment, then finally gritted her teeth and said, "I want to participate!"

Roman smiled with satisfaction and said, "Very good. I'll go back and talk to the teacher, and we should be able to get the royal family to arrange an extra booth for us."

"The Golem Laboratory is still under construction these days. Let's discuss the development direction of technology first..."

Chu Ming withdrew from the room. He left the technical discussion and research to Mia and the two of them. As for what he said, there were other things to do.

"The materials for making the epic golem that I asked Miguel to collect should be gathered..."

Anyway, we are using the public version of the golem blueprint, and its components and materials are common and cheap among the epic golems, so we should be able to get them together quickly.

Chu Ming walked down the corridor and followed the maid's guidance to the storage room behind the training hall. At this time, Miguel and Nathan were standing in front of the door counting supplies.

After seeing Chu Ming coming over, Nathan said happily: "Captain, all the materials you want are here."

"There is also this information, which is a summary of the incident where the puppet went out of control. We obtained it from a club."

Nathan picked up a stack of information on the counter in the storage room and handed it to Chu Ming.

"Thank you."

Chu Ming walked into the storage room and his eyes fell on the metal parts of the doll that were wrapped in white cloth on the ground and had a vague metallic color.

The precision of these processed parts is very high, which requires craftsmen to have superb forging skills. However, such craftsmen are not easy to find. Miguel and Nathan are indeed serious.

His eyes passed over the metal pieces, and then returned to the information in his hands.

He flipped through a few pages at random and found that the information in his hand was not much, and some events were described in only a few sentences.

"Is this all the information?"

Miguel knew that Chu Ming must be dissatisfied with this information, but he could only smile bitterly and said: "Captain, you may not know that when the puppet loses control, the first person to be attacked is the puppet master himself. Like the mage, the body is very fragile, and once the demon loses control, it will be difficult to survive."

"Furthermore, the City Hall is deliberately covering up the spread of the out-of-control doll. The club specializing in investigating the incident is also doing so in secret. However, some witnesses to the incident are closely monitored by the City Hall, and they are unable to obtain any more information."

"I see."

Chu Ming put the parts of the devil into the subspace, and then patted him on the shoulder.

"Continue to track the incident of the out-of-control doll. I want to get the latest information."

After chatting with the two for a while, Chu Ming returned to the room in the small courtyard.

After carefully taking out the golem parts one by one from the sub-space, he sat cross-legged on the ground and read the information carefully.

After a while, he closed the document and exhaled.

After summarizing all the cases, he gained something, but not much.

Due to the lack of data and information, he has only discovered one noteworthy point in these incidents - the puppets that lost control are all memory puppets without exception.

"Did someone find a loophole in the Memory Golem and use it to destroy it?"

He recalled the red lines floating on the body of the out-of-control demon in his mind, and fell into deep thought.

"What is the purpose of the people behind the scenes? Is it simply to cause destruction?"

After thinking for a while, he shook his head helplessly.

"There is still too little information, and it is not easy to analyze anything."

He put the information into the drawer of the table, picked up the drawing of the golem, and thought about the steps of making the golem by comparing it with the parts placed on the ground.

He planned to put aside the issue of the out-of-control doll and give priority to completing the production of the memory golem.

"As long as this devil is completed, I should be able to try to make a clone of the legendary devil's body. I hope everything goes well..."

After muttering to himself, he picked up a piece of metal and carved an array pattern on it.

Five days later.

In the courtyard room.

A demon doll about the same height as Chu Ming stood quietly. The array patterns on its body were exposed like circuits, and it had not yet been encapsulated in armor.

On the back of the devil's head, a memory crystal shimmered with soft light, falling on the formation pattern and causing fluctuations in mental power. The magic power flowed out from the core and was transmitted to the whole body like a nerve.

Under Chu Ming's gaze, the demon puppet slowly raised its arm.


Seeing that his memory successfully controlled the demon doll's body, Chu Ming couldn't help but feel refreshed.

The connection between memory and formation pattern is the most difficult point in making the memory golem. Once it is solved, it can be said that this golem is mostly completed.

Next, he only needs to continue to fill the memory crystal with memory, and let the logic array patterns recognize the logic of the memory, so that he can fully realize the control of the memory on the body of the devil.

Chu Ming took off the memory crystal and embedded it in a special magic prop. With the injection of his spiritual power, some memories also entered the crystal.

Originally, he planned to work hard and make the golem today, but when he devoted himself to burning the memory, there was a knock on the door.

"Brother Ren, Miss Mattie is here to see you."


Chu Ming exited the state of concentration and suddenly remembered that he had promised Mattie a few days ago to visit Trina in the palace.

It's just that he was so obsessed with making golems these days that he forgot about it.

Unexpectedly, Maddie would come to the door in person, which made Chu Ming feel embarrassed.

But fortunately there was no one else in the room, otherwise his embarrassed look would have been seen.

Chu Ming quickly calmed down his expression, put down the work at hand, and opened the door.

"Milissa, good morning."

Milisa glanced at the demon doll in Chu Ming's room curiously, and then pulled Chu Ming out.

"Miss Mattie has been waiting outside for a long time. Brother, please come over quickly."

"Don't anger the princess."

Chu Ming couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Milissa, it's not as exaggerated as you think."

The two walked out of the small building and he looked to the left. The magic craftsmen had transformed the house into a golem laboratory. Through the half-covered door of the laboratory, he could hear the golem masters inside discussing loudly.

"By the way, Milissa, where did Luticia and Ana go?"

Chu Ming turned around and asked about the whereabouts of Luticia and Ana.

"When Sister Elena and Mr. Crono went out for a walk, they also took Luticia and the others with them."

"Sister Elena said that if you go out and try your luck, you might be able to find the divine fire."

Chu Ming shook his head. Elena should know that the so-called divine fire does not exist at all, unless the divine fire also appears in the Demon City as an illusion.

"Forget it, let them be."

Following Milissa to a quiet living room in the guild, Chu Ming saw Mattie sitting quietly on a chair, holding a teacup in both hands and blowing air.

The girl was still wearing the simple clothes she had met at the pier. When she saw Chu Ming coming, she put down the tea cup in her hand, stood up slowly, bent down and saluted, "Good morning, Mr. Lane."

"Good morning, Mattie."

Chu Ming's tone was full of apologies, "I'm very sorry. I have been studying magic puppet technology recently and I have been a little forgetful."

Mattie chuckled and said: "Miss Trina has never seen you come to visit. She specially asked me to check on you. I hope you are fine."

Chu Ming scratched his head in embarrassment, "Thank you, senior sister, for your concern. I wonder if it would be too presumptuous for me to visit senior sister in the palace now."

In fact, he had already planned to go to the royal palace, not only to meet Trina, but also as a forbidden art, Doll Life Alchemy is also controlled by the royal family. If he wants to make a clone, he must seek Trina's help. .

Mattie said in a gentle tone: "Miss Trina has nothing to do today. She is admiring flowers in the garden. If you can come over, Miss Trina will definitely be very happy."

"Then let's set off now..."

Before Chu Ming finished speaking, he was pulled by Milisa.

"You haven't eaten yet. Let's finish eating with everyone before leaving. Miss Mattie should come with us."

Mattie bowed.

"Sorry, Miss Milissa."

Finally, at Milisa's request, Chu Ming and Mattie had breakfast in the guild before walking out of the guild.

"Mr. Lane, please follow me."

The two walked to the square and stopped in front of a gorgeous carriage with mahogany and gold patterns.

Mattie opened the carriage door and made a gesture of invitation to Chu Ming.

"Thank you, Mattie."

After the two got on the carriage, Mattie ordered the knight driver in front: "Knight Guerrero, please take the main road."


The knight's calm voice sounded, and the carriage started and drove forward smoothly.

The last time Chu Ming and Mattie chatted alone was in the wooden house at the gathering point in Thorn Flower County. At that time, they had just experienced a bad scene and Mattie had broken an arm.

Unexpectedly, after leaving the Violet King City, they would meet in the Demon City after several years. For a moment, Chu Ming didn't know what to say.

Just when the atmosphere was about to cool down, Mattie asked curiously: "Mr. Lane, have you been studying golem technology recently?"

Chu Ming was stunned and said with a smile: "I started learning because I wanted to build a puppet for myself. Now I should be at the level of a full-time puppet master."

Mattie spoke in a gentle tone and praised: "It's amazing."

"Miss Trina is a famous golem master in the Golem City. After meeting, there should be more topics between you."

"If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask Mattie. Maybe Mattie can answer your questions."

Chu Ming looked surprised, "Matty, are you also a puppet master?"

The girl nodded slightly, "When I have free time in the palace, I will go to the royal library to read books. The more I read, the better."

Chu Ming suppressed his inner surprise and expressed some of his inner doubts about the making of the golem. The girl answered fluently and easily solved his doubts.

It also gave him a new perspective on Mattie.

He kept asking the girl questions like a studious student, and the girl answered all his doubts gently without any impatience on her face, and also gave relevant suggestions.

It wasn't until the carriage stopped that Chu Ming came back to his senses and found that the carriage had entered a large square. In front of them, dozens of square towers with white walls stood up, and in the middle of the square towers was the magnificent palace hall.

Looking from a distance, the palace hall is like a golden sun, and the pearl on the top of the hall emits a dazzling light.

The carriage slowly passed through the road from the square and entered a garden. When it reached the gate at the end of the garden, the carriage stopped.

"Mr. Lane, please follow Mattie out of the car."

Mattie opened the carriage door and invited Chu Ming to get out of the carriage.

After the girl showed the relevant certificates to the knight guarding the side door of the palace, the two of them entered without any hindrance.

The roads in the palace are wide and there are no courtyard walls to block them. Chu Ming can see the magnificent palace hall in the distance by looking across the lawn and green trees.

Soon the two of them walked into a corridor leading to the depths of the garden. On the top of the corridor, the relief paintings showed their artistic style. The white stone pillars were like pillars supporting the heaven and earth, slowly unfolding the beautiful world.

They were not the only ones walking in the corridor, there were also maids and golems passing by from time to time.

As Princess Trina's closest maid, Mattie has a very high status in the palace. Even when passing royal family members meet her, they will greet her enthusiastically.

Mattie politely replied to everyone's greetings, but she did not stop and led Chu Ming through the splendid inner corridor, passing under the magic chandeliers filled with crystal pendants that emitted gentle white light.

A few minutes later, the two came to the end of the corridor - a colorful garden with hundreds of flowers in bloom.

Under the light of the magic circle, the flowers here feel like they are in a greenhouse. There is no need to worry about violent storms, scorching sun, or frost. They can bloom into their most beautiful form without any worries.

When Chu Ming walked into it, the charming fragrance of flowers hit his nostrils, and his vision was filled with colorful colors.

While he was still in a trance, a gentle female voice came from the white pavilion in the garden.

"Junior Brother Ren, long time no see."

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