The scar on the old priest's forehead was healed and broken. It was only when she thought she was pious enough that she raised her head tremblingly.

She whispered: "Lord Tree God, the traces of the Time Elf have disappeared. Without mature sacrifices, the wrath of the Sea Tribe's predator servants will tear the entire village apart."

"Hope God will have mercy and give you divine power to ripen the sacrifices."

"Sea tribe plunderer?" Chu Ming's eyes fell on the old priest, penetrating her aging body and directly gaining insight into spirituality.

Everything about the old man, including memories, flooded into his mind, and soon he understood the ins and outs of the matter.

The old man in front of him was named Felipe. He was the village chief of this desert village and the priest in charge of this ceremony.

In the old man's memory, this world is named Alec, which is the carrier of his writing this time.

Twenty thousand years ago, the world of Alec suddenly moved out of the Day Star Territory for unknown reasons, and began its wandering journey in the Chaos Zone.

After a long period of time, Alec's world has experienced glory and decline, and finally hid in the deep sea domain controlled by the Starry Sky Sea Clan.

At its peak, there was an Eternal God Throne and three subordinate gods in the world of Alec.

"The so-called tree god should be the Eternal God Throne. As for the three subordinate gods, they should be the God of the Wind, the Time Elf and the End of Life that Felipe just mentioned."

The reason why Alec's world is in such a state of decline is because of the special characteristics of this world.

Alec is different from other worlds. There is a incomplete law of time in this world!

The time elves who control the incomplete law of time can accelerate the passage of time and make crops and creatures grow rapidly.

In order to maintain the development of the world, Alec's creatures often communicate and trade with other worlds. Therefore, news of the Law of Time also leaked out, attracting the attention of sea tribe plunderers.

In order to plunder the law of time, the time elves have been torn to pieces and devoured by the sea predators, and the world of Alec has become the slave world of the sea predators.

During the ten thousand years of lightless plunder, the God of Windward was forced to leave the world, and the tree god and the end of his life fell into a deep sleep, leaving only the creatures of the world to face the sea plunderers alone.

"If I guess correctly, the reason why the tree god took the world out of the daytime star field may be because of the law of time."

Chu Ming's heart moved slightly, "The law of time seems to be different from the ordinary law. Is this a skill that cannot be seen through on the card?"

He cast his gaze on the little girl who had looked at him before.

The girl's name is Sophia, and she is the last creature born in this world. If he does not wake up, she may be the last newborn creature in this world.

"Let me see how the law of time is different from other laws."

Chu Ming pulled out the staff of the God of Dharma from the book of history. The God's gaze fell into the spirit of the girl's body, and the girl floated up surrounded by divine power.

"Wow, Grandma Priest, I'm flying." The little girl didn't understand the situation yet, she was just excited about her body floating.

Priest Felipe's face was pale and bloodless, and he clasped his hands and prayed, "Sophia... you have been chosen by the gods and will soon become the brave man who saves the world."

Chu Ming shook his head, "Brave? Aren't you called sacrifices?"

During the tens of thousands of years since Alec's world became a slave world, every ten years, sacrifices ripened by the laws of time must be sacrificed to the sea tribe's plunderers, thereby draining the world of the remaining laws of time.

In fact, by now, the remaining laws of time in Alec's world have been almost cut off.

It is also because of this that the Sea Tribe paid less attention to Alec's world thousands of years ago, and only supported a few indigenous people as world managers to supervise the remaining living beings in the world.

"The sea raiders are no longer here, and there are only a few traitors left in the world. If I deal with them, I can successfully regain control of the entire world."

Currently, the people overseeing Alec's world are three local beings. With the help of the Sea Clan, they have obtained the power of the lower gods thousands of years ago.

"A lower god..."

Chu Ming activated the unknown laws in his body, the light of the staff enveloped Sophia, and the power of time acted on her blood.

"I..." Sophia was about to speak, but was enveloped by the surging power of blood.

The children's eyes widened as they saw Sophia's dark blue aura break through the epic in the blink of an eye, and then break through the door of legend all the way.

The children looked at the amazing change in Sophia's aura and showed envy.

According to rumors from generations in the village, those who can receive blessings from the gods are warriors who are about to step out into the starry sky. They will go to the starry sky to find a way to save the world.

They also want to be like Sophia and become the legendary hero who saves the world.


Priest Felipe sighed. Unlike the excited and envious children, there was only death in her eyes. The more she understood the starry sky, the more she understood the cruelty of the starry sky.

Once upon a time, like these children, she dreamed of becoming a hero who would save the world.

But as she gets older, she understands the darkness behind the so-called lies about saving the world.

She was able to become a priest not because she was talented enough or because she had absolute prestige in the village.

On the contrary, it was precisely because she was not favored by the gods that she was able to live until now.

But... maybe being ignored by the gods is also a kind of blessing.

"Sofia, I'm sorry..." Felipe muttered and prayed in a low voice, as if this could alleviate the sin in her heart.


Felipe prayed for a long time, and suddenly she seemed to remember something, and some doubts welled up in her heart.

Due to the decline of the tree god's power, the sacrifice ten years ago was only held for a few minutes, and the sacrifices only reached an epic level.

Why is Sophia's aura still continuing to rise after breaking through the legendary level?

The old man wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and looked up.

I saw Sophia being surrounded by mysterious starlight, countless chains binding her blood, and then being dragged forward by thousands of horses. In just the blink of an eye, the girl's aura surpassed her as a priest and reached the level of the legendary half-king.

When Felipe saw this scene, instead of showing a happy expression, he sighed again.

No matter how strong the power is, as long as it does not reach the myth, it is just meat trapped in a cage.

The light on Sophia gradually dissipated, and her strength stayed at the legendary half-king level.

In the sea of ​​divine power, Chu Ming took back the magic staff.

Sophia's current bloodline power seems to be only that of a legendary half-king, but it is actually the result of Chu Ming's retention.

He used the power of the law to condense a law seed in the girl's body, and when the world traitor returns, it will accelerate the girl's power to myth.

"Everything is ready, just waiting for the traitor to come back." Chu Ming looked at the new cards in the history book and smiled.

Under the dead tree, the girl asked happily: "Grandma Priest, how about it, can I become a brave man and wander in the stars?"

Sophia stroked her head lovingly, "Don't worry, go back and tell your father the news."

"Little guys, the ceremony is over, please go back."

"Okay." The children said in unison, laughing and playing across the golden fields towards the village.

Soon, Felipe was the only one left. The old man was leaning on a cane and kneeling tremblingly on the ground.

"Master Tree God, the God of Wind has left the world. Why don't you leave?" The old man said to himself, not asking for an answer from the gods. She just knelt on the ground and prayed habitually, even if no gods responded to her.

The long-lost breeze blew by, the fields rustled, and the wrinkles on Felipe's face slowly loosened.

After a long time, Felipe, who received no response from the god as usual, stood up with difficulty and was about to leave.

"Felipe..." The ethereal voice suddenly echoed in the old man's heart.

Her heart trembled, and she looked up at the dead tree.

The divine power descended, the surrounding darkness receded, and she appeared in a vast world.

Here, surrounded by auspicious clouds and filled with golden clouds, the sky is peaceful and peaceful. In the endless sky, a majestic divine shadow looms.

"Ask the tree god to send down the decree." Felipe realized that he finally got the god's attention and fell to his knees excitedly.

Chu Ming was standing high in the sky, holding the staff of the Dharma God, and spoke calmly.

"The messenger Sophia will lead the confused lambs to a bright future, and the world will finally be in order."

Felipe was shocked in her heart and was stunned for a while. When she reacted, the golden auspicious clouds around her had disappeared and she returned to the dark world again.

In the sea of ​​divine power, Chu Ming looked at Priest Felipe's confused and frightened expression and began to think.

"Although the starting point of the creatures in this world is much higher than that of Intinuit, due to the spiritual decline of the world, even the legendary creatures have aged like this. Only those new creatures have the potential to be accelerated."

Moreover, when this world was at its peak, the flow of time in the world seemed to be several times faster than outside the starry sky.

Although this allows the creatures in the world to practice and grow quickly, it also exhausts the potential of the creatures in this world, disrupts the blood of the creatures, and turns them into the ugly appearance they are now.

But let’s leave aside the matter of bloodline for now. His current task is to find a way to eliminate the three lower gods.

He currently only has the power of half a king. If he wants to be promoted, he needs to control more spiritual and material aspects of the world. However, this will inevitably attract the attention of the three lower gods.

But without promotion, with his current strength, even if he holds an artifact, he cannot be an opponent of the three lower gods. He can only first cultivate the world's creatures through the route of becoming gods by blood.

Compared to the gods of law, the gods of blood are enough to be promoted to mythology with their own spirituality and materiality.

"It's too much to let a creature who has just turned eight years old face three experienced lower gods. We have to find a way to strengthen her strength."

After Felipe left, Chu Ming's consciousness flew into the distance, entered the dilapidated village, and landed on one of the short stone tile houses.

In the backyard of the house, a couple placed freshly harvested grass in the stone trough of the sheepfold.

The two thin gray sheep's eyes turned green when they saw the pasture. They bleated a few times and hurriedly came closer.

Listening to the chewing sound of the gray sheep, the man wiped his sweat and said happily: "The tree god just appeared, and a lot of grass grew in the fields."

"These two guys finally stopped starving to death."

The woman just nodded after hearing this, obviously a little distracted. She asked in a low voice, "Have you seen the ceremony? Is Sophia okay?"

When the man heard this, his excited expression gradually subsided, "It can't be such a coincidence. Sophia is still young, and the tree god will not do this to her..."

The two of them just watched the gray sheep chewing grass and were silent for a while.

Suddenly, there was a noise outside the house.

"Dad, Mom, I have become a brave man!" Sophia's voice rang, and she ran back home surrounded by a group of friends.

The girl was panting and ran to the sheepfold in the backyard with anticipation.

When the couple heard the news, they felt like a bolt from the blue, their faces became stiff, and the atmosphere became even more gloomy.

"Dad, Mom, what's wrong with you?" Sophia looked at the couple strangely.

"I..." The woman was about to speak, but was interrupted by a low growl.

"Damn it!" The man finally couldn't control his anger, "How could Felipe do this? She's just a child."

Seeing that he couldn't control his emotions, the woman quickly pulled him back, "It's not the priest's fault."

The man's sudden outburst shocked Sophia and all the children. The girl said sadly: "Don't dad want me to be a brave man?"

"No." The woman quickly protected the girl, "Your father is just a little unhappy today."


"That's right." The woman stroked her head and waved to the children behind her. "It's getting dark. Let's go back first. Lord Tree God has given us abundant food."

"Yes, yes, there is delicious food." The children immediately forgot about the scene, "Sophia, let's go back to eat."

"Bye..." Sophia waved to everyone reluctantly.

At night, the matches were burning brightly in the stone stove. Compared with usual, the food on the table was much richer. There was even a golden leg of lamb in front of Sophia.

The girl swallowed and looked at her parents across the stone table, "Didn't Dad say that the big sheep should be kept to give birth to lambs?"

The man smiled reluctantly, "Sophia became a warrior today, so of course she has to celebrate."

The woman also smiled and said: "Eat quickly, these are all yours."

"Mom and dad are the best." Sophia's face was full of happiness, she picked up the leg of lamb and started to chew it.

After a while, a whole leg of lamb entered her stomach. The girl was not satisfied and swept away all the other food on the table.

The couple looked at each other in shock when they saw this scene.

Chu Ming looked at the family of three and smiled. With half a king's appetite, he could eat dozens of cows in a row as long as he opened his mouth to eat.

It's just that this little guy has never had a full meal since he was a child, and he suddenly felt full after eating so much.

The dinner ended in a "pleasant" atmosphere. After cleaning up, the family of three went to bed and fell asleep before darkness completely enveloped the village.

In the stone tile house, the girl was hugged by her parents, dreaming happily. She didn't know that she was about to face a nightmare.

Chu Ming opened the history book, and a new card appeared on it.

【Sofia, the Favored Person of God】

[Quality: Legend Half King]

[Skill: None]

"This is the first time I've seen such a blank card." Chu Ming shook his head helplessly.

"But the time should be enough. Use the Law of Time to accelerate. The effect of three days of training is the same as three years of training."

"And I, the former Eternal God's guide, won't be able to defeat even three unnamed lower gods."

Chu Ming's eyes fell on Sophia, and he stretched out his hand to pull her. The girl's spirit floated out of her body and flew towards the dead tree.

"It just so happens that there is a small world inside the Magic God's Staff."

Chu Ming struck the staff, and the world opened up, taking Sophia in.

In the world of Dharma God, Sophia's spirit fell into the earth, and matter gathered together to form another body for her.

Chu Ming came to the girl and condensed a mortal body for himself.

"Time, speed up."

Chu Ming snapped his fingers, and the law of time came to the world of Dharma God, and the flow of time in the world suddenly accelerated.

"Ugh..." the girl lay on the grass, squinting her eyes and murmuring, "Mom... I seem to see a god." (End of this chapter)

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