The first time, the second time.

[Ding! Successfully opened the first treasure chest and obtained the passive soul skill: Heavenly Official's Blessing (SS)]

[Heavenly Official's Blessing (SS): Experience Points Doubled]

"Haha, it's an epic soul skill~ Husband, your little red hand is amazing, right?"

Diao Chan's beautiful eyes sparkled, and she couldn't hide her joy.


"Too awesome!"

Cao Shuang's eyes also lit up, and he wanted to hug her and kiss her.

This soul skill is really awesome.

Double the experience points!

Soul skills are the only items that can be inherited after the end of the world, except for martial souls and soul rings.

In other words.

This experience value doubling effect is also effective in the end of the world.

Isn't this going to take off directly?

"Knock, knock!"

Just when Cao Shuang was immersed in a beautiful fantasy, there was a knock on the door outside the box.

Finding that an outsider had broken in, Diao Chan directly entered Cao Shuang's body and returned to the martial soul space.

"Please come in."

In order to avoid more trouble, Cao Shuang directly clicked to learn soul skills, and then let the waiter push the door in.

"Haha, brother Ye is good, one list a day, really envy me."

Cao Shuang was not wearing a nightgown at this time.

Lao Bai outside the door entered the room and sat down under the guidance of the waiter, looking at Cao Shuang with emotion.

"Haha, luck, luck, just good luck." Cao Shuang laughed.

Lao Bai waved his hand and didn't care about these.

His ambition was not in the martial soul, but he had a great interest in the strategy copy.

What he is most curious about now is how Yi Ye Shu and Feng Xiao Tao cleared the level 70 group.

However, this topic is a bit sensitive. If you are not related to them, why would others tell you these secrets?

So Lao Bai was very tactful and did not ask too many questions, and went straight to today's topic.

"I have found the buyer for you. If you don't want to meet the buyer, I can do it for you. The price remains the same, and the transaction location is next door."

"What do you think, brother Ye?"

Lao Bai stared at Cao Shuang with a smile.

He knew that Cao Shuang did not want to reveal his identity, and he was also very tactful to make things clear.

"Then thank you."

Cao Shuang did not refuse Lao Bai's kindness and nodded in agreement.

The transaction process was very smooth.

More than a dozen waves of people came and went.

These buyers were the most suitable buyers that Lao Bai contacted through his own network.

Most of them were rich people who could not find suitable equipment.

So the transaction amount this time made Cao Shuang quite satisfied.

The legendary equipment, which originally cost 3.5 million, was sold at a price of nearly 4.5 million.

The premium was more than one million.

The price of A-level rare equipment also ranged from 100,000 to 200,000.

After working all night, Cao Shuang got back 130 million gold coins after deducting Lao Bai's agency fee.

It was impossible to spend all the money.

Before leaving, Cao Shuang asked Lao Bai to help him collect low-level soul rings and low-level martial spirits.

The extremely low soul rings were used to impact 100,000 years, while the low-level martial spirits were used to feed the soul stone to open the martial spirit column.

Lao Bai said it was a small problem, and the two ended the cooperation.

After all the work was done, it was almost early morning.

Cao Shuang chose to go offline to solve his physiological needs.

No. 34, Dad is here!

"Fuck, come again?"

As soon as he opened his eyes, he was swept by a strong sense of hunger.

Many black impurities seeped out of the skin surface.

But it was much less than the first time.

The experience points that had been paid off were now owed 100 points.

"Could it be because the seventh martial soul column was opened?"

Cao Shuang remembered that the previous experience points were "-600". If one martial soul column corresponds to 100 experience points...

It just corresponds to six martial souls.

Today the seventh martial soul column was opened, so the experience points were not enough again, and it was exactly 100 points.

Usually, people refer to things that cannot be explained as quantum mechanics.

Cao Shuang did not delve into the reason.

The end of the world is already outrageous, and early fusion does not seem so difficult to accept.

"Hua La La!"

Resisting hunger, Cao Shuang rushed into the bathroom to wash the stains on his body.

The clear warm water slowly flowed along the fair skin, washing away the lead.


An inappropriate voice sounded in his mind.

"It turns out that my husband is so big~"

Cao Shuang got goose bumps all over his body.


Who the hell is talking?

"Little Red Hand?"

Cao Shuang asked tentatively.



It was her!

Cao Shuang was speechless.

I didn’t expect that even the spirit would show up in advance.

It’s really terrible!

Cao Shuang quickly washed and changed into a new set of clothes.

“We are husband and wife, is there any need to care so much~”

Diao Chan’s resentful and aggrieved voice sounded in his mind.


Cao Shuang felt bad when he thought that his body was seen by a female pervert.

“You saw it all?”

“It’s not like I haven’t seen it before…”

Diao Chan whispered.

She should be talking about the night in the dream.

“Forget it, I won’t bother with you, it’s a matter of time anyway.”

Cao Shuang, who regained his composure, didn’t dwell too much on the trivial matter of being peeped at.

After the end of the world, there will be many such situations, and sooner or later you have to adapt.

“Husband~where is this place?”

“It feels like there is no spiritual energy around, it’s very different from our world. ”

Diao Chan seemed very curious about the outside world, asking questions in her mind like a curious baby.

“This is the world of players.” Cao Shuang answered simply without hiding anything.

Then he opened his phone, ordered a few takeouts, and prepared to fill his stomach first.

“What is this glowing box?”

“Mobile phone.”

“Wow~ There are little yellow people riding bicycles in the box, so magical!”

“Uh…that’s called a girl group.”

“Then what is this big black box?”


“Are there little yellow people living in it too?”

“More than that…”

In order not to be annoyed by Diao Chan’s chattering, Cao Shuang had to explain to her the rules of this new world.

“By the way, can’t your soul body appear?”

“No, my husband’s soul power is too weak, and there is no way to condense a soul body.”

“Is that so…”

Cao Shuang probably couldn’t summon his martial soul because he hadn’t reached level 10 yet.

“Ding Dong! "

"The takeaway is here!"

The ringing outside the door interrupted his thoughts.

After eating a bunch of takeaways, his experience points reached "-54".

Although he was still very hungry, this hunger was already within the tolerable range.

Cao Shuang did not continue to eat, but went to the dressing table to tidy up his appearance.

Today was the day when he and Lin Shiyun had an appointment to pretend to be her boyfriend and attend a family dinner.

Anyway, he was just eating to restore his experience points, so there was no need to waste money on ordering takeaways.

Wouldn't it be better to go to a luxurious five-star hotel to eat and drink for free?

Not long , a red Panamera drove into the Nanshan Villa District.

The one who came to pick him up was Ling Shiyun's full-time secretary.

Fang Miaomiao.

A cute girl with a baby face but a mature look.

Don't be fooled by her harmless appearance, her skills are not bad at all.

Especially the crotch kick.

She has kicked countless Beijing dandies who tried to get close to Lin Shiyun.

Cao Shuang was unfortunately hit by this move at the beginning, and almost... ahem, let's not talk about this.

Black history, black history!

"Mr. Cao, please."

In the car, Fang Miaomiao respectfully opened the back seat for Cao Shuang.

"Sorry for the trouble."

The car started and sped towards the city center.

Along the way, Fang Miaomiao frequently observed Cao Shuang through the rearview mirror.

"Just say what you want to say."

"You...had plastic surgery? ”

Cao Shuang: (?`д′?)

“I’m so handsome, do I need plastic surgery?”


“But what?”


Fang Miaomiao pouted and didn’t continue.

She always felt that the temperament of this canary kept by President Ling had changed drastically.

The original timid and timid character suddenly disappeared.

Now, he showed an unprecedented confidence in every move.

This kind of confidence is very charming.

Cao Shuang rolled his eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to this girl.

Half an hour later.

“We are here.”

Fang Miaomiao pointed to the Modern Hotel in front of her, “You have been here before, go in by yourself, I will go to park the car. "

Cao Shuang nodded, walked into the hall, and found the waiter to lead the way.

Pushing open the door of the banquet hall, the guests in the venue cast their eyes on the newcomer.

"Uncle Ling, Auntie, I'm sorry, I'm late."

The moment Yue Ying saw Cao Shuang, her originally rosy face instantly darkened.

Hasn't he already received the 6 million breakup fee?

How dare he show up?!

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