The first time, the last word.

"I see, but Lao Bai, how did you come to this conclusion?"

"It's the activity progress bar!"

Hearing this, Cao Shuang reacted instantly.

Logically speaking, if it is a normal game activity, the progress bar should just reach 100% after killing the extra nine suns, and then the activity will be successfully completed.

But the current activity is not the case.

After shooting down 7 suns, the progress reached 100% ahead of schedule, which is obviously not normal.

In this case, there is only one possibility... The remaining three suns are not used for shooting, but for other purposes.

"Lao Bai, Lao Bai, I really don't know what's wrong with your brain."

Cao Shuang praised and asked, "What should we do next?"

"To be honest, I haven't analyzed it yet, I only have a rough guess."

Lao Bai pondered for a while and continued, "Guide the three-headed golden crow to the ghost gate, and it should be able to trigger the plot kill."

"How to do it specifically?" Cao Shuang asked.

"Uh, Brother Ye, this is a bit difficult for me."

"I'm just an ordinary person, not an omniscient god."

"Even if you are an ordinary person, you are the smartest one among them."

"Hehe, it's not as powerful as you say."

Lao Bai coughed a few times.

"Okay, don't be modest." Cao Shuang shook his head: "I don't care about the ghost king or something, just don't bother me to exchange points for martial spirits."

As he said, he was ready to hang up the video.


Lao Bai hurriedly stopped him and said with a smile: "Brother Ye, I suspect that there is more than one mythical martial spirit in this event."

"You mean... Ghost King?"





Outside Tianlan City.

Ah Yin galloped on the dragon, galloping in the endless pile of fire monsters.

At this moment, after killing the last boss of Hanba, Cao Shuang's points have reached 9.61 million.

Only 390,000 points are left to the 10 million mark.

As long as these fire monsters are cleared, they can be exchanged for the special plot props "Fusang Winning Prize" in the event mall.

At the same time.

A large number of players are gathering outside Tianxing City.

A huge golden crow is crawling on the ground, as if it has fallen into a state of weakness and cannot recover.

The sun's true fire burning all over its body seems a little dim, and it emits intermittent mournful cries from its mouth.

On the other hand, the surrounding players all thought they had gotten a free bargain and attacked the invincible Golden Crow boss like crazy.

Lao Bai has contacted the major guilds through his network to explain the reason.

Of the other two Golden Crows, one landed in Tianyang City, which is the territory of Tianwaitian, so no individual players dared to go there to cause trouble.

The other one landed near Tianshuang City.

It is still relatively peaceful as it is guarded by the Three Kingdoms and Yanyu Pavilion for the time being.

Only Tianxing City is a no-man's land.

Even though Lao Bai has posted the event strategy on the forum.

And explained the importance of Golden Crow, it still can't stop the greed of the players.

They don't care about the ghost king or not.

For ordinary individual players, the income from killing a Golden Crow boss is enough for them to live a life of wealth and glory.

What does it have to do with them if the main line of the event cannot be completed?

Anyway, there is someone taller to hold up the sky if it falls!

With this idea in mind, more and more players joined the encirclement and suppression team.

This is a manifestation of human nature.

Short-sighted, narrow-minded, greedy, and very... pathetic.


Suddenly, the Golden Crow let out a deafening roar.

"Get out of the way!"

Everyone dodged, but was still affected by the sun's true fire it spewed and was killed instantly.

Immediately afterwards, a shocking wave of air swept all around.

Large groups of players turned into white light and returned to the resurrection point.

But how many individual players are there in the game world?

What's more, players can be resurrected and rush into the battlefield again.

So soon, the open space outside Tianxing City was once again filled with dense figures, countless in number.

The Golden Crow flapped its wings anxiously, but it seemed that it was seriously injured when it fell from the sky and couldn't fly at all.

This made him even weaker.

The health bar above his head also dropped to 70%.

At this moment, bursts of roars suddenly came from a distance.

"Boom boom..."

The overwhelming number of Flame Monster creatures rushed towards the weak Golden Crow as if on pilgrimage.

This made the players outside Tianxing City suddenly change their expressions.

"Oh no! It's a Flame Monster!"


"What's there to be afraid of? With so many of us, it's useless to have more fire demons!"

"Kill them! The chance to change your fate is right before your eyes!"

Instantly, the players burst into an unprecedented fighting enthusiasm and rushed towards the tide of fire demons.

Usually, when encountering a tide of fire demons, this group of people ran faster than anyone else.

Today is different from the past. They seemed to be excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and they actually fought against the tide of fire demons.

Sure enough, in the face of huge interests, even life can be thrown behind.

Along with the tide of fire demons, there appeared a huge ice dragon chasing closely behind.

"Damn, I was wondering why the points ran away by themselves, and it turned out to be here. "

While Cao Shuang was complaining, he ordered Ah Yin to rush into the monster pile to harvest points.

Just now he was killing monsters well, and in a flash, a large number of Flame Demons rushed towards Tianxing City.

Helpless, Cao Shuang had to chase the tide of Flame Demons all the way.

As a result, he saw the scene of Jinwu being besieged by densely packed players.

"Sir, the Flame Demons and players are all mixed together. It seems that it is not easy for us to kill monsters?"

A Yin asked worriedly.

Cao Shuang grinned, "Then kill them together!"


A Yin's eyes lit up red, and he drove the ice dragon straight into the group of players.

"Fuck, Yi Ye Shu? !"

"Why is this bitch here? !"

"Fuck, if you don't want to die, retreat quickly! "

The players were terrified and turned to flee.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The ice dragon was extremely fast and crushed a group of people in an instant.

Bang bang bang~~

Accompanied by bursts of explosions, blood bloomed and corpses were everywhere.

"Yi Ye Shu, you will not die well!"

"Fuck, we provoked you, why are you killing us like this!"

"Aren't ordinary players human? "

The players' howls of resentment resounded through the sky.

Cao Shuang did not hold back.

He snorted coldly and controlled the ice dragon to continue to rampage through the crowd.

Under normal circumstances, he might not be willing to do this, after all, it would arouse public anger.

But now...

The game is merging with the real world bit by bit.

If the Golden Crow descends on the real world, it will at most be a drought disaster.

But if the Ghost Gate descends on the human world, it will be a world-destroying catastrophe.

It is estimated that the players will not have time to develop through the most difficult stage in the early stage, and will be torn to pieces by the Nine Nether Ghosts.

Cao Shuang did not expect this group of greedy players to help.

But at least, don't get in his way!

"Fentian! "


The dark night sky was suddenly ignited by a fireball.

A huge meteorite fell directly on the crowd.

Including the Flame Demon, groups of players turned into white light and disappeared on the spot.

Although the players were angry, they could do nothing.

They simply could not withstand Cao Shuang's brutal offensive.

"Oh my god, how can this guy be so strong? !"

"This is simply crazy!"

"Severely condemn Yi Ye Shu!"

"Down with Yi Ye Shu, and give back world peace!"

"Down with Yi Ye Shu, and give back world peace! "


These words were criticized by thousands or tens of thousands of people.

But Cao Shuang turned a deaf ear to them and focused on killing.

In less than half an hour, the tide of fire monsters was cleared out.

At this moment, outside the entire Tianxing City, corpses piled up like mountains, which was shocking.

And the dying Golden Crow made an intimate cry in the direction of Cao Shuang, and slowly crawled to his feet, rubbing his trouser legs with its head obediently.

But what it didn't expect was that the true fire of the sun directly ignited Cao Shuang's nightgown.

"I'm going to go, brother, don't repay kindness with enmity."

"Hot, hot, hot! "

Cao Shuang yelled and retreated.

Fortunately, even though his costume was gone, he still had equipment to cover himself. Otherwise, he would not be able to stand running naked in front of so many people, no matter how thick-skinned he was.


The Golden Crow hummed in grievance, as if apologizing.

Cao Shuang rolled his eyes and ignored it.

Looking at the points column - 10.03 million!

Without hesitation, Cao Shuang directly clicked on the event store.

[Ding! Yes/No, consume 9999999 event points, exchange: Fusang Winning Prize]


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