Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 106: Calculation

Chapter 106

Takino looked for a place to hide, and soon he sensed Zhu Minghui's breath, behind them, followed by a large number of strong, it is Hu Yunyi's followers.

"Zhu Minghui, don't run if there is something, we will fight for 300." Liao Kaifeng came out.

After Takino’s retreat, he smashed again and it seems that he has not learned the lesson.

"Liao Kaifeng, don't think that I am afraid of you, come on with the ability, we will find an empty place to fight, to see who is more powerful." Zhu Minghui cold shouted.

He is very hard because he wants revenge.

For a long time, he needs to vent, and Liao Kaifeng and others are the targets of his venting.

Soon, they chased into the reserved place, Zhu Minghui and others stopped and laid a large array.

Takuya did not appear, he contacted Zhu Minghui, changed the plan, not ready to come out.

If he comes forward, it will probably affect him. If he does not come out, it will be better.

Liao Kaifeng also rushed with a large number of strong men, watching Zhu Minghui they arranged, laughing: "Zhu Minghui, you are not an opponent in a single fight, and the battle is not our opponent."

Zhu Minghui smiled and said: "Well, let's try it. We have never had a chance. We have seen the real chapter today. Before the test, we all made an oath. If there is casualties, we must not go to the top, otherwise there is no need. I have tried it."

Seeing that Zhu Minghui is full of confidence, Liao Kaifeng is extremely angry.

He negotiated with others and eventually agreed to play.

They have always looked down on Zhu Minghui and others, especially the recent lessons of Zhu Minghui and others, and they are even more arrogant and do not put their opponents in the eye.

Under such circumstances, they certainly will not be afraid.

Liao Kaifeng said: "Okay, we all made an oath."

Immediately, everyone swears that more than a thousand strong people swear at the same time, it is still very spectacular.

This is also what Takuya has come up with. As long as the flying fox is not known to the top, Zhu Minghui will not be punished.

Zhu Minghui, they are punished, will definitely be Hu Yunfeng, he does not want to see this situation, it is best that they solve it privately.

The two sides made an oath and then laid a large array.

Because they all learn the method of flying fox gang, the big squad is the same, all are Xuan Tian mixed Yuan dynasty.

Both sides have more than 500 strong players, and the momentum is very strong.

They are not willing to care, they are all nervous.

"Up." Liao Kaifeng screamed.

They launched an attack and stormed Zhu Minghui.

And Zhu Minghui had prepared for it and launched an attack at the same time.

Of course, they have the spare capacity to block the opponent's attack with a large array.


The battle is fierce, but unfortunately no one can help.

We must know that the number of people on the war is almost the same, and the strength is not much different. The formation is still the same.

This kind of battle seems to be fierce. It is actually very boring. In a short time, there is no way to win the game.

Takuya is hidden in the dark and has never been shot.

He is looking for the right opportunity, and the shot will have a huge impact. It is best to let Hu Yunyi and Hu Yunfeng fight and even ask for help from outside, so that the saints and subordinate sects can really get confused.

"Booming..." You come to me and play well.

Takuya is lurking nearby and waiting.

Finally, he saw that the two sides of the battle were Zhu Minghui's attack, and Liao Kaifeng defended them.

Zhu Minghui, they fully urged the big array to maximize the power of the attack.

Liao Kaifeng, they are also fully urging the big battle, to defend against the other side's storm.

At this time, Takuya was secretly shot.

He threw a flag and inserted the key position of Liao Kaifeng's large array, which made the big array lose its effect.



The big array was broken. Many people like Liao Kaifeng and others were killed in an instant. Even the screams were not sent out, and some strong people were not hurt and screamed.

As for the flag, it has long been destroyed by fierce attacks, leaving no trace.

Zhu Minghui, they were shocked, how could they not believe that this was caused by their attacks.

They have been attacking dozens of times, and they have not been able to break, not to mention the killing of Hu Yunyi's entourage.

They not only broke this attack, but also killed Hu Yunyi with at least dozens of people, more people injured, and few injured.

"what's going on."

Zhu Minghui, they are inexplicable, unable to understand.

Liao Kaifeng, they are even more dumbfounded. They thought that there was a big array of protection. They didn't waste any effort to motivate the fairy guards. As a result, they broke through and they were very miserable.

"How is this possible?" They all stunned, and the misery in front of them made them very uncomfortable.

Both sides stopped, and no one continued to shoot.

Flying fox gang is forbidden to fight, they are more than a test, and suddenly killed dozens of strong people, if the flying fox to help the top management, they can not get rid of the relationship.

For a long time, Liao Kaifeng roared out: "Zhu Minghui, everything is calculated by you, it is you who yin us."

He has reason to suspect Zhu Minghui, because it was Zhu Minghui who led them out and proposed that everyone swear.

Zhu Minghui also did not know what the situation was. He suspected that it was the extension of the wilderness, but he could not say it.

"Liao Kaifeng, you are a fall. We have stormed dozens of times before, and we haven't broken it. Why can we break this time easily? I suspect that you deliberately want to let us be punished. You are too mean. In order to calculate us, we did not care about the life and death of our companions."

Zhu Minghui’s strong words are quite reasonable. He said that even Liao Kaifeng and others doubt who deliberately made it, or else it is difficult to explain why their big array was not the same and was easily broken.

Even if there is doubt, Liao Kaifeng will not admit it. He roared: "Zhu Minghui, this matter is not finished, I must check it out, I want you to pay the price."

"With you." Zhu Minghui said plainly.

His mood was very good and he always figured out a bad smell.

Not only him, Hu Yunfeng’s entourage is very good, they have been wrong for so long, and finally they are proud.

Liao Kaifeng, they did not want to confuse themselves, took the bodies of their companions, and helped each other to leave.

When Liao Kaifeng went away, Zhu Minghui found Tuoye.

"Captain Du, just did you shoot?" Zhu Minghui asked.

Takuya said with a smile: "I didn't shoot, and you didn't have a conspiracy plan. They were all Liao Kaifeng who released their own water and wanted to count us."

This kind of thing can't be confessed to death. Everyone knows it.

Zhu Minghui’s statement is not bad. Tuo’s decision has been made. If someone pursues it, they will plant them to Liao Kaifeng.

Anyway, he did not leave a trace, and no one can say that he did it.

Zhu Minghui smiled and said: "Du Captain Yingming, we will do this."

Liang Yu said: "We have a big victory, should we celebrate."

Takino wilderness shook his head: "Don't advertise, I know the Hu Gongzi, and there is something Hu Gongzi will help us to support the past."

"Is Hu Gongzi going out?" Zhu Minghui asked.

Takuya said: "Hu Gongzi has contacted me and he has already cleared the customs."

"Great." Everyone is very excited.

Takino and Hu Yunfeng have successively left the customs. They have found the backbone of the heart and it is naturally something to be happy about.

Takuya Nobuyuki said: "You brothers, don't go out alone recently, and don't arbitrarily agree with the challenges of Hu Yunyi's entourage. I am afraid they will retaliate and kill."

"Thank you for reminding Du."

"You go back first, and I can't let out the things that go out of the customs. Otherwise, Liao Kaifeng may suspect that I am on my body. After a while, I will naturally announce the news of the customs clearance." Takuya said.

"it is good."

Zhu Minghui returned to the city, and Takuya went back alone, without disturbing anyone.

When Hu Yunfeng knew that Hu Yunyi’s followers had died dozens, he was worried first, and then he was replaced by a happy mood.

"Hu Yunyi didn't give up, he wanted to be an heir. If this is the case, we don't have to be merciful. This time everyone is doing a good job. I will write it down and reward it later." Hu Yunfeng said.

This time, things should not be too big, so Hu Yunfeng is not prepared for any action.

He did not announce the clearance. Hu Yunyi could not find him. It was even more impossible to push things to him. He thought of this and he was in a very good mood.

"It’s still Du Xian’s powerful. Just came back and helped me with a beautiful thing.”

For Du Xian, he is quite satisfied and simply impeccable.

After Takino returned, he continued to practice and prepared to go out for a few days.

Liao Kaifeng, they went back and told Hu Yunyi about the matter.

Hu Yunyi saw the horror of his men, and his anger was unstoppable: "Damn, it is abhorrent. You must have been calculated by Hu Yunfeng. It must be him..."

"The son, what should we do, do not tell the top of the matter." Liao Kaifeng sincerely feared.

Hu Yunyi sighed: "You have made a vow, of course you can't go to the top. We can only eat dumb and lose money. No one can reveal it. In addition, they all think of ways and must retaliate, otherwise I will not Be willing."

"The son, Du Xian and Hu Yunfeng are all in retreat. This is not a fake. It is specially for us to see." Liao Kaifeng wondered.

Hu Yunyi indulged for a moment and said: "It is entirely possible, but we have not caught their handles. Even if we get to the top, Hu Yunfeng will be punished at most, which is not good for us, and we will be punished."

"The son, really unwilling, lost a dozen friends at once, they are all our brothers." Liao Kaifeng eyes red.

Hu Yunyi thought for a moment and said: "In the recent low-key, we are mulling a big move to fight for the killing of Hu Yunfeng and let them pay a more arduous price."

"Really, that's great." Liao Kaifeng was excited.

Hu Yunyi is full of confidence: "Reassured, things are not over yet, I will not let Hu Yunfeng proud of them."

In a big battle, dozens of Heavenly Wonders were killed. As a result, neither side said anything, and no one knew.

This matter was planned by Takino, and he did not let the shadow masters preach it, which would be of no benefit to him.

The Fairy Fox City has calmed down, and the little frictions have disappeared before.

How savvy Hu Yunfeng knows that things are unusual, and things are unusual and must be tricky.

He asked Takuno to go to his house and discuss it.

Today, Hu Yunfeng, when there is anything, his first thought is to expand the wilderness.

Perhaps, he is used to having the existence of Takino, and if one day Takino leaves, he must be very unaccustomed.

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