Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 1008: bluff

Chapter 1 108 bluff

Takino has always stood on the side of Hu Yunfeng. He certainly hopes that Hu Yunfeng will win.

He contacted Liu Feng: "Liu leader, once there is an enemy attack, I will not show up for the time being, so your pressure will be great and you must be mentally prepared."

He is reminding Liu Feng that he is worried that the enemy will have a latent strongman. He is ready to wait for the lurking strongman to appear again.

The war situation is changing rapidly, of course, we must do the worst.

They should not be exposed too early, otherwise they are likely to be the target of enemy design.

He doesn't like this feeling, so he has to reverse this situation.

If Hu Yunfeng’s reinforcements can arrive, the situation should be much better.

All he can do, all done, and then it will be tempered.

In the evening, there were some strange faces near the headquarters of the Tianfeng Adventure Group, which seemed to be a false look.

Takuno said clearly that the enemy must do it.

He informed Liu Feng in advance to prepare him for the battle.

As for how Liu Feng arranged, it was Liu Feng's business, he would not be able to intervene.

The strength of the Tianfeng Adventure Group is definitely not a sneak peek. Liu Feng knows the situation beforehand and hopes to stabilize the situation.

Hu Yunyi is not a simple person. His big move of planning is definitely not simple. It is hard to think of this extension.

In the middle of the night, a large number of strong people suddenly appeared, and rushed into the headquarters of the Tianfeng Adventure Group from all sides.

They concealed their breath and did not make a sound.

However, their actions failed to pass through Takino. He knew the situation and immediately informed Liu Feng.

Liu Feng quickly greeted his men, and the strongest of the Tianfeng Adventure Group was waiting for the enemy to appear.

The people who can't participate in the war have long been hidden in Liu Feng's Xianfu. Knowing that there are suspicious people outside the headquarters, Liu Feng allows the people who can't fight to hide in Xianfu, so as to avoid fearless casualties.

From that time on, the Tianfeng adventure group gathered together, no one was allowed to leave, nor could they contact the outside world. As a result, they knew that there would be no leakage from the enemy.

Those who invaded the strong, one by one with black masks, looked a bit scary.

These people are very smart. After they reached the headquarters, they did not encounter the strongmen of the Tianfeng Adventure Group. They suddenly felt that the situation was not right. They immediately formed a situation of encirclement and slowly surrounded them.

As a result, they surrounded the strongman of the Tianfeng Adventure Group and the war was on the verge.

There are more than 2,000 strong people on the side of the Tianfeng Adventure Group. There are only over 300 people trained in Tianxianjing.

And their enemies total more than 4,000 people, more than 500 strong people above the heavenly fairyland, the strength difference is quite different.

Liu Feng is not afraid of fear, they have already been deployed, even if the enemy is very strong, it is not easy to break through their defense.

What's more, he and Takuya wilderness are hidden in the dark, and they can shoot at any time to help them out.

"Haha..." Liu Feng laughed out: "I really can't think of it. Some people can see us so much. They have sent so many strong people to deal with us. If we were prepared, it seems that this loss is big, brothers, These people want to kill us, what should we do."

"Kill, kill, kill, ..." The strongest of the Tianfeng adventure group came out, and the momentum was amazing.

Adventurers often experience life and death tests, and their psychological qualities are extraordinary.

In the face of strong enemies, they are full of war, no fear of color.

"Kill." The strong men around him also yelled out and launched an attack.

Those strong people apparently did not come from a force, formed four big arrays, and each attacked.

Liu Feng did not shoot and has been observing the enemy's situation.

The enemy's four formations, one of which is the most powerful, the strength is not much worse than the Tianfeng adventure group.

He is almost certain that this enemy is the strongest of the Tianyi adventure group, but the Tianyi adventure group is certainly not out of the whole army, so the strength is worse than the Tianfeng adventure group.

The other three forces are almost the same. They are mainly responsible for pinning the strongmen of the Tianfeng Adventure Group and preventing the strongmen of the Tianfeng Adventure Group from escaping.

Looking at the situation clearly, Liu Feng thought about how to stabilize the situation.

No matter which side they attack, they will face the other three sides of the storm, so they can not take too many strong to attack, mainly defense, to protect themselves is the most important.

In this case, he knows that Takino is not suitable for shooting. They have not yet been able to force the enemy's backhand.

Liu Feng’s eyes lit up and he had an idea. He yelled out: “Brothers, hold on, I have already received news, some people want to be against us, so I have already asked for help, and our reinforcements will soon be rushed. As long as everyone can hold on, the final victory belongs to us."

After that, the strongest of the Tianfeng Adventure Group defended and almost no counterattacks.

They are saving energy and fighting for more time.

In doing so, they further confirmed Liu Feng’s words that they had reinforcements.

The enemies around are a bit flustered. They can now be surrounded by the strongest of the Tianfeng Adventure Group. They do not occupy an absolute advantage. Once the reinforcements of the Tianfeng Adventure Group arrive, they are in danger.

"What do we do now."

"A storm, a quick fix."

They have no choice but to continue to storm.

They have missions, they can't destroy the Tianfeng adventure group, they won't leave.

The big battle broke out in Hongyun City, and everyone in the city was alarmed. It was only Hongyun City who was a strong man of the fairyland and could not intervene.

They only have to look at the wall and watch the development of the situation.

Many people in the city are talking about it. The Tianfeng Adventure Group is very famous. It is not easy to start with the Tianfeng Adventure Group.

"Those ghost faces are not simple. They dare to attack the Tianfeng adventure group. Certainly there are people behind. Everyone knows that the person behind the Tianfeng adventure group is Hu Yunfeng's son. He is already the heir to the flying fox gang, and some people dare to Tianfeng. It’s weird to start the adventure group."

"The Tianfeng Adventure Group is so powerful that it has been surrounded. Where did these ghost faces emerge?"


Anyway, Hongyun City is boiling, and countless people are watching the fun in the distance, but no one dares to intervene.

The ghost face looks too horrible and the strength is too strong.

If you get involved, it is mostly fierce.

Takino has always been concerned about the situation, and the Tianfeng Adventure Group can protect itself. He does not want to shoot.

He also heard Liu Feng’s words and knew Liu Feng’s thoughts. He decided to cooperate with Liu Feng.

He quietly left the headquarters of the Tianfeng Adventure Group. After he went outside, Liang Yu and Zhu Minghui took their own people to kill the Tianfeng Adventure Group and disguised themselves as reinforcements.

The reason why he wants to do this is to see if he can force the enemy's back hand.

And he took the remaining four hundred strong men, and returned to the hidden place before, ready to shoot.

Zhu Minghui released the momentum and shouted: "Liu leader, we are here, we are the first to arrive, and the brigade will arrive later."

He yelled and rushed to the station of the Tianfeng Adventure Group with his men.

The strong men who besieged the Tianfeng adventure group heard about his voice and suddenly became confused.

Liu Feng didn't know the specific situation, but he knew how to cooperate. He also yelled out: "Brothers, the reinforcements arrived, and we began to fight back and kill them."

He commanded his men and began to counterattack.

He is very tactical, focusing on the weakest side to attack, to break the encirclement, and rush out to meet with the reinforcements.

The strongest party of the enemy quickly divided more than 300 strong men to intercept Zhu Minghui.

Seeing that Zhu Minghui had only one hundred people, the strongmen who besieged the Tianfeng Adventure Group had settled down a lot.

"Block them, they don't have many people. We can only win if we can make a quick decision."

Zhu Minghui, they have no choice, only to fight, to assist with the array, crazy to rush.

"Head of Liu, please hold on for a while, the brigade will arrive later." Zhu Minghui loudly.

He is bluffing, scaring the enemy, hoping to scare off the enemy.

It’s just that this group of enemies is not so easy to scare. They have no plans to evacuate, and the attack is even more fierce.

In the face of the enemy's onslaught, Liu Feng had to defend their defense and could not break through the blockade.

And Zhu Minghui, who is too few in number, has also fallen into a hard battle and cannot help Liu Feng.

Takuya did not care, Zhu Minghui's role is to make the enemy afraid, let them worry, in order to force their back.

He has other arrangements, and he must force the enemy's back hand, otherwise he will not show up.

A moment later, the strong men who besieged the Tianfeng Adventure Group began to inexplicably die, and after they died, the bodies disappeared instantly, and they could not find out even the cause of death.

You know, they are all in a big battle. The big line has not been broken, and their people are dead. This is too sinister.

"The situation is not good, what the **** is going on." The strong guys were finally scared.

"Is it that the powerful characters of the enemy have arrived and directly enter the big battle to assassinate our companions."

"How is this possible? If someone enters the big battle, how can we not notice it?"

They messed up, and Liu Feng took the opportunity to launch a storm, and finally broke the blockade of a strong man and rushed out with his men.

They also killed many enemies and weakened the enemy's strength when the enemy's position was broken.

"First meet with our reinforcements." Liu Feng ordered.

They dare not distract, they have always been against the enemy.

They rushed to kill and blocked hundreds of strong people in front of them.

Intercepting Zhu Minghui's more than 300 strong men, they were attacked by Zhu Minghui, Liu Feng and others. The battle was immediately betrayed and the casualties were very heavy.


The living people are scattered and fleeing, and no one wants to lose their lives.

At this time, the other three enemies once again completed the encirclement, surrounded by Zhu Minghui, Liu Feng and others.

"Liu Feng, you are dead today, don't want to escape."

Liu Feng coldly said: "I am Liu Feng who is, I have never thought of fleeing, you still care about yourself, you have not broken our big array, but you have lost hundreds of strong."

Sometimes, the confrontation of words is also very important, directly affecting morale.

The strong morale of the Tianfeng Adventure Group is booming, and the enemy has lost a lot of companions, and the morale is somewhat low.

What's more, the strongmen of the Tianfeng Adventure Group thought that there were a large number of strongmen who then rushed to reinforce them. They were high-spirited and enthusiastic. The situation was temporarily beneficial to the Tianfeng adventure group. If the people who besieged them did not want to take countermeasures, I am afraid It’s hard to get the job done,

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