Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 1015: Things are big

The first thousand and fifteenth chapters are big

Hu Yunyi’s face suddenly became ugly, saying: “Du Lao will not be so insidious.”

"If Du is the enemy, it must be done with all the best. We are still cautious," said Chai Shuai.

Hu Yunyi nodded: "I will let people know the stones, and see if there are any meteorites in the meteorites that contain high-grade fairy materials."

The situation of the stone has come out very quickly. Among the meteorites, there is not a piece of stone containing more than three items of stone. Of course, they have just picked a few piles of stone, and not all of them have been solved.

Knowing the result, Hu Yunyi's face is even more ugly.

"Damn, it is so odious, it was calculated." Hu Yunyi almost came out.

He quickly calmed down and found Chai Shuai and asked: "Chai Shuai, who do you think is calculating us."

Chai Shuai said: "The biggest possibility is Hu Yunfeng, but he is not good at picking meteorites. It seems that he is unlikely to be Hu Yunfeng. As for other super-commercial groups, they know that the Tengyi business group wants to march. The gambling stone market, so the first to be strong, the Tengyi business group was miserable."

Hu Yunyi said coldly: "It must be Hu Yunfeng. I just don't know where he recruited talents like Du Lao. It's so hateful. I can't give up."

"The son, our urgent task is to solve the dilemma of the Tengyi business group, otherwise the other business of the Tengyi business group will be affected." Chai Shuai said.

Hu Yunyi sighed: "The gambling stone market is definitely not a play, just hope that other aspects will not be affected."

"The son, then how do we deal with this matter." Chai Shuai asked.

Hu Yunyi shook his head and said: "There is no other way, only to compensate those people for their losses and to calm their anger."

"The son, if you do this, not only the lost crystals we earned, but also the reputation of the Tengyi business group." Chai Shuai said.

Hu Yunyi was very heavy and sighed: "There is no way. Only afterwards, we will slowly find ways to restore credibility. If we do not handle it well, the Tengyi Chamber of Commerce will be fully affected, so that our losses will be even more devastating. At the same time, we will send out Our eyeliner must be found out of Du Lao, I want to peel him off."

"You can rest assured that if you are still on the site of Flying Fox, we will definitely be able to find him." Chai Shuai said.

He is very clear that Hu Yunyi hated Du Lao.

Originally, Hu Yunyi wanted to enter the gambling stone market, and now hopes to burst, it is almost impossible to enter the gambling stone market.

In the gambling stone market, the prestige is very important. The Tengyi business group has lost its credibility. Those customers are not fools, and who will come to the Tengyi business group to gamble.

He promised to be very happy. In fact, he did not have much confidence to find Du Lao.

Since Du Lao dared to play this hand with Hu Yunyi, he must have been prepared. Maybe Du Lao’s person does not exist at all.

Thinking of this, Chai Shuai had a terrible headache and began to arrange.

First of all, it is still to appease those who make trouble, to calm down the matter as soon as possible, and let the Tengyi business group resume trading.

Hu Yunyi personally came forward, and a handful of Xianjing was given to those who made trouble. Of course, the gambling stone is also recorded. Only the real ones will be compensated. Like some people, it is the competitor of the Tengyi Business Group. Deliberately make things big.

These people eventually left on their own and did not ask for compensation.

After more than ten days, the Tengyi Commercial Group finally returned to normal and started to operate.

However, other aspects of the business of the Tengyi Chamber of Commerce were still affected, and it was a big impact, and the business plummeted.

Hu Yunfeng got the news and immediately contacted Takino to ask about the situation: "Do you have the task of Du Captain, Tengyi Business Group?"

Takino acknowledged it and said: "Hu Gongzi, Du Lao is indeed arranged by me. The thing of the Tengyi Chamber of Commerce is what I asked him to do."

Hu Yunfeng was excited: "Du Lao is a strange person. I want to see him personally, thank him by the way."

"Hu Gongzi, Du Lao is actually a swindler, it is a trick of deception, and it is worthless to say that it is worth wearing."

"No, the trick of deceiving can fool Hu Yunyi." Hu Yunfeng could not believe it.

Takuya said with a smile: "Of course it is not easy. Many people need to help behind the scenes. Du Lao can deceive, and Du Lao can no longer stay in the site of the Flying Fox. I am worried that he was found by Hu Yunyi, so let him leave. The site of the flying fox gang, go to a distant place to hide the name, do not come out."

Du Lao is himself. Of course he can't go to see Hu Yunfeng, he can only evade it.

"Captain Du, you are doing a pretty job." Hu Yunfeng praised: "You have made great achievements, I don't know how to thank you."

"Hu Gongzi, this is what I am doing, of course, I have to do it well." Takino is very modest.

Hu Yunyi and others have become chaotic, and Takuno has also won the rest time. He can retreat with peace of mind.

Hu Yunyi suffered losses in a row, and it is very likely that he would ask for help from Shenglin. By then, the situation will be expanded and the situation of the Holy Family will be further disrupted.

The purpose of Takino is to disturb the situation of the saints, so that the chaos is better and better, and now it is to be achieved.

Before he retired, he contacted Wu Gang and asked him to find a way to continue to attack Hu Yunyi. Whether it was for the Tianyi Adventure Group or the Tengyi Business Group, he could attack Hu Yunyi.

Hu Yunyi was hit hard, and he would ask for help.

Takuya is trying to force Hu Yunyi to ask for help, so that is interesting.

Anyway, the Tengyi Chamber of Commerce uses the goods and the Tianyi Adventure Group to get out of the mission, and all have the opportunity to enter the Feiyun Fort area. As long as they enter the Feiyun Fort area, it is the dish of the Witch God Squad.

Today, the Witch God squad has almost unified the power of Feiyunbao, becoming the actual controller of Feiyunbao, much stronger than Feiyunzhai.

With the Witch God squad to deal with the Tengyi Business Group and the Tianyi Adventure Group, Takino can be cultivated with peace of mind, without worrying about the outside.

For him, these intrigues are not important, the most important thing is their own cultivation.

As long as his cultivation is high, Tianyu League can have greater development.

For some time, Hu Yunfeng was not idle, and he continued to attack Hu Yunyi’s forces from various aspects.

He is afraid that Hu Yunyi will take away the position of the heir, so he will go all out and not give Hu Yunyi the opportunity to develop.

Hu Yunyi’s subordinates received continuous blows, and the losses were heavy, and soon some support could not continue.

After all, he has lost power, and many high-level executives no longer support him, making his resources less.

Hu Yunyi is ambitious, of course he will not be reconciled. He does not want to give up.

Therefore, after consulting with Chai Shuai, he contacted Shenglin and hoped that Shenglin could support him and make him the heir to the Flying Fox.

Shenglin and Shenghong are in the position of heirs in competition. They also need external force, so he will form an alliance with Hu Yunyi.

Now that Hu Yunyi needs help, he must lend a helping hand, otherwise who will join him in the future, and no one will help him.

Shenglin dispatched a group of strong people, carrying a group of resources, and rushed to the Fairy Fox City, all to support Hu Yunyi.

The core disciples of the Holy Family are different. There are so many powerful people they can mobilize. The strong people who Shenglin sent to help Hu Yunyi actually have more than 500 people, all of whom are strong in the heavens.

With the addition of these strong players, Hu Yunyi's strength has soared.

He began to fight back, and the counterattack was carried out simultaneously from all sides.

Hu Yunfeng’s subordinates, including the adventure group and the business group, were hit, and his entourage was also challenged.

Hu Yunfeng did not know that Hu Yunyi had reinforcements at first, and the loss was heavy.

The situation is not good, Hu Yunfeng called Tuoye wild from the retreat.

"Du Captain, Hu Yunyi suddenly started to counterattack, the situation is somewhat abnormal, we lost a lot." Hu Yunfeng sighed.

Takuya Wrinkled his brow and said: "Hu Yunyi definitely requested support, and Shenglin intervened."

"I think so too. What should we do now? We must not wait for it. We also ask for assistance, but we must also fight back." Hu Yunfeng said.

"Hu Gongzi, I suggest to ask for help immediately. We should not move here first, try to reduce losses, do not compete with Hu Yunyi, let them spend a few more days." Takuya said.

Hu Yunfeng nodded: "Well, I will go to ask for help immediately. You will call the followers and let them live in a simple way to minimize casualties."

Hu Yunfeng and Tuo Yanye split their actions and began to defend and wait for support.

Shenghong knew that Shenglin had sent a strong person. Naturally, he sent a strong reinforcement to Hu Yunfeng at the first time. At the same time, the tiger in the cloud also sent some strong people to reinforce Hu Yunfeng.

In less than half a month, a total of 700 strong people above Tianxianjing were in place, and there were still many resources, all of which were given to Hu Yunfeng by Shenghong.

In order to win over Hu Yunfeng, Shenghong is still doing his best to make Hu Yunfeng a gang of flying fox gangs.

After the strong man was in place, Hu Yunfeng personally directed and began a comprehensive counterattack.

Takino was also involved with five hundred followers, and each one was full of strength and wanted to give the enemy a good look.

Hu Yunfeng launched a counterattack on the side of Hu Yunyi, and they attacked Hu Yunyi and others, causing Hu Yunyi’s people to suffer heavy casualties. In particular, the strong reinforcement of Shenglin’s reinforcements also lost a lot and directly lost three. One of the points.

Hu Yunyi did not dare to conceal such a big casualty, and quickly told Shenglin.

St. Lin’s cold voice: “It must be the strong participation of Shenghong. This Shenghong wants to weaken my strength.”

He is too angry, even wants to kill Shenghong, but the strength of Shenghong is above him. It is not easy to kill Shenghong.

"Sheng Lin son, please also take an idea, what should we do now." Hu Yunyi has been messed up.

He never knew Hu Yunfeng’s relationship with the Shenghong League. He knew that some of them were scared. He certainly knew who Shenghong was. Once Shenghong was involved, he felt a bit frightened.

Shenglin became his lifeline, and he must of course hold it tight.

Shenglin is also a headache. He doesn't want to make a lot of trouble with Shenghong. He just can't give up after riding a tiger.

"Hu Yunyi, you will stop for a while, I will immediately send reinforcements. Before the reinforcements arrive, we must avoid conflict with Hu Yunfeng and reduce casualties." Sheng Lin said.

"Yes, I know how to do it." Hu Yunyi said.

As soon as the reinforcements arrived, he breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what, he still didn't want to give up and wanted to be an heir.

The scope of the Flying Fox has been very messy. The vicious competition between the business groups, the friction of the adventure group, and the big fights are all due to the confrontation between Hu Yunfeng and Hu Yunyi, and many forces have been involved.

It is not easy to want to quell this battle.

The top of the Flying Fox team began to manage, and gradually could not control the situation, let the situation develop,

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