Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 1046: Fire Dragon Cave

The first thousand and forty-six chapters of the fire dragon hole

“Thank you for the help of the seniors.” The four young strongmen woke up and thanked them.

"Quickly leave." Takino wilderness.

"Yes." Four young strong men rushed out of the Dragon Cave and did not return.

Out of the fire dragon hole, they still have a lingering fear: "This time is really too hung, if it happens that some of the seniors help, we can't escape."

"The predecessors who shot were very strong, and they didn't show up and they won the victory."

"Yeah, I don't know which seniors helped."

The four people chatted for a while before leaving the Dragon Cave.

Takuya knows that the four people left the fire dragon cave, and this appeared, and the fire lion was suppressed.

Before that, he went to the sacred mountain of flames. In total, he suppressed the 72 spiritual masters who were cultivated by Xuan Xianjing and the spiritual masters who were cultivated in the heavens. This is not a fire phoenix.

The eternal flame mountain harvest is huge, so come to the fire dragon hole, and you can't go back empty-handed.

After suppressing the fire lion, he continued to go deep into the fire dragon cave, and all the beasts that met him were all suppressed by him.

The Netherland Xianfu has a very good environment, and it is most suitable for the cultivation of the fire fairy.

He pressed these fire-fighting beasts into the Netherland, which is equivalent to helping them.

He has placed so many flaming mountains, but only a thousand spiritual masters practice, and there are many flaming mountains that are empty, just to place these fire beasts.

There are a lot of caves in the fire dragon cave, and the extension wilderness quickly lost its way.

"Ghost Buddha predecessors, I have entered the Fire Dragon Cave, but there are so many caves in the Fire Dragon Cave. I don't know which one to choose." Takino put the ghost Buddha out.

The ghost Buddha sighed: "I don't know which passage leads to the place where the nine Yinshui and Jiuyang flowers have been produced. There are only one passage to find." He has no way, and there is no way to expand the wilderness. He couldn't help but look at it with the power of God's mind, and the power of God's thoughts couldn't be seen in the distance.

"Is it really necessary to have a channel to see." Takuya has a headache.

"Yes, we are splitting up and hope to see these channels as soon as possible," said the ghost Buddha.

There is no other choice for Takino, only to listen to the ghosts, and the two are responsible for the passage of one side, and then start to investigate the situation.

"Ghosts and predecessors, if they encounter fairy beasts, try to suppress them." Before leaving, Takuya said.

Like the human strong, the fairy beast can greatly enhance the strength of the Tianyu League as long as the number of repairs meets the requirements.

To recruit human power, it is better to accept more fairy beasts.

After all, most of the more powerful human powers have been recruited by major sects.

Different beasts, fairy beasts and human beings are deadly enemies and will not easily surrender to humans.

It is not possible to control the fairy beasts by the power of God, and it is impossible to conquer so many powerful beasts.

As long as he has the opportunity, he will not let go of the opportunity to conquer the fairy.

These fire-fighting beasts have strong fighting power and can take more clothes. They have great help for Tianyu League.

What's more, Takuya is now lacking a strong fairyland, and accepting more fairy beasts can also be used.

Takino began to look at the channel on the far side, and he continued to penetrate the channel and encountered the immortal beast immediately.

If you encounter a fork, he will look at each channel.

This is a relatively laborious and unrewarding, but it can be a good harvest to suppress the fairy, so he is not in a hurry.

After viewing the passages, he did not see Jiuyin Shui and Jiuyanghua, but he received a lot of fire beasts.

The fire dragons in the fire dragon caves do not know how many years have been proliferated. The ethnic groups are still very powerful. As a result, they encountered the Tuoye wild and were endangered by him.

The situation of the ghost Buddha is almost the same, but his speed of suppressing the fairy is slower. As a result, the channel is viewed, and the time is a lot late.

"Ghosts and predecessors, have you harvested." Takuya asked.

The ghost Buddha shook his head: "I didn't find Jiuyin Shui and Jiuyanghua. It seems that the Fire Dragon Cave has never grown out of Jiuyinzhu and Jiuyanghua. However, I have suppressed more than 2,000 fairy beasts along the way. The fairy beast has a total of one hundred and thirty-seven."

"Ghost Buddha predecessors, you are really powerful." Takuya wild praise.

In fact, he has more suppression of fairy beasts, and there are 178 heads of fairy tales.

"The landlord, these fairy beasts are handed over to you," said the ghost Buddha.

Takino puts those beasts together, a total of 315 heads of fairyland, 1,400 heavenly fairy beasts, and the rest are fairy beasts that are cultivated below the fairyland.

The beasts that can survive in the Fire Dragon Cave are very good, and the immortals are the rare ones.

After accepting these beasts, the mysterious beasts around the wilderness reached 700, and his enthusiasm was even greater.

Especially the fire phoenix and the ghost Buddha, the strength is strong, second only to the extension of the wilderness, the magic of the combination of the heavens, the life of the holy tree.

The combination of the magical sky and the sacred tree of life cannot be easily shot, so the addition of ghosts and phoenixes has enabled Takuya to have two powerful helpers.

"Ghost Buddha predecessors, where are we going next?" Takuya asked.

The holy Buddha world is indeed stronger than the holy fairy world. Even the powerful fairy beasts are more common. He wants to go to some places, take the opportunity to take more powerful beasts, and return to the holy fairy world. These fairy beasts are powerful helpers. .

"The North Icefield, the Arctic Icefield has also produced Jiuyin Water and Jiuyanghua, and even a **** hurricane has been killed." The ghost Buddha said: "I also went there, but I am alone. Lonely, eventually Jiuyanghua and Jiuyin Water did not grab."

"Okay, let's go to the North Icefield." Takino immediately made a decision.

The North Icefield, listening to the name, he knows that this place is rich in water and ice fairy, even if you do not get Jiuyin water and Jiuyanghua, you can also accept a large number of fairy beasts.

"The landlord, the polar north ice has an extremely powerful guy. Are we really going to go there? When Jiuyanghua and Jiuyin Water were born, they alerted the everyone. As a result, the human strong and the casualties were heavy. In the end, many of them were strong. The people together entangled him, and others can take Jiuyanghua and Jiuyin water away." The ghost Buddha is somewhat fearful.

"Ghost Buddha predecessors, what kind of fairy beast is so powerful." Takuya wild curious.

It takes a few Jin Xianjing strong people to entangle, this beast is strong, it is estimated that his life is only seen.

"The ancient **** beast frost dragon." said the ghost Buddha.

Hearing this name, Takino is also a shock.

He once saw an ancient **** beast frost dragon in the endless mountains. The ancient **** beast ice dragon is powerful and unpredictable. He suspects that it is possible to have a golden fairyland.

He did not think that the Holy Buddha world also has ancient dragons and dragons, and they are equally powerful.

The strength of Takino is far more than before, but there is no confidence to fight against the ancient gods and ice dragons.

In the face of the ancient **** beast frost dragon, he always feels that he is so small.

"Ghost Buddha predecessors, if it is really the ancient **** beast frost dragon, why did he let Jiuyanghua and Jiuyin water be taken away by humans." Takuya asked.

Ghost Buddha shook his head and said: "I am not very clear. Anyway, the ancient **** beast ice dragon seems to have been banned. Otherwise, he let go of his hands and feet. It is estimated that human casualties are much larger. Even if the ancient gods and ice dragons were imprisoned, His combat power is beyond imagination, and the battle is fierce, I dare not think about it."

"Ghosts and predecessors, so to speak, we are very dangerous to go to the North Icefield." Takuya wild face slightly changed.

"The danger is there, but we have fewer people, and we don't make a big noise. We won't be alarmed by the ancient gods and ice dragons," said the ghost Buddha.

He paused and continued: "In case of the ancient **** beast frosting dragon, we will escape at the fastest speed and will not die."

"Ghost Buddha predecessors, if this is the case, we still go to the North Icefield. If we can find the roots of Jiuyinzhu and Jiuyanghua, we don't have to look for Jiuyin and Jiuyang." The decision was made immediately.

The ancient **** beast ice dragon is not really he can deal with, but he still wants to see if there is a rhizome of Jiuyinzhu and Jiuyanghua, otherwise he will not be willing.

"The landlord, I will not show up, the North Icefield is very famous, you can easily find the position." Ghost Buddha said.

Takino puts the ghost Buddha into the Netherland, prepares to go out, and then plans.

However, he has not yet stepped out of the Dragon Cave, but found that there are many strong people outside the Fire Dragon Cave.

Among the many strong people, he just recognized four people, the four young strongmen he had saved.

Obviously, after the four young strongmen went back, they told the sectarian high-level officials that their sects sent a large number of strong men to the fire dragon cave.

These people must have thought that there are treasures in the fire dragon cave, so I want to join in the fun.

To say that they are coming to thank Takino, and there is no need for so many people to block the exit of the Fire Dragon Cave.

Takuya did not think that saving people also caused such trouble.

"I knew that I wouldn't have shot it." Takuya wildly shook his head and sighed.

He does not want to conflict with these people, and he does not want to reveal his identity.

Therefore, he is not eager to go out, but is hidden in the fire dragon cave to see what these people want to do.

"Father, what are you doing, do you want to deal with our savior?" asked the young strong man headed.

"You don't want to ask more. We didn't think about your savior, just want to see him."

"Father, don't think that I am a fool. Can I lie so well? The person who saved me may have left early, and it is useless to enclose the fire dragon hole."

"You yell and try to see if your savior is still in the fire dragon hole."

"Father, I will not sell savior, find yourself to find it."

The four young strong men were still very loyal, and they didn’t even shout.

There is no way for the characters of the older generation to send some strong people into the dragon cave search to find out the wilderness.

Takuya doesn't know what they want to do, and certainly won't show up to see them.

More than one thing is less than a thing, he does not want to worry about himself.

What's more, he is eager to go to the North Icefield, and he has no more entanglement.

A large number of strong people entered the Fire Dragon Cave and began to look carefully for the traces of Takino.

Of course, they could not find Tuoye, but they found that a large number of fairy beasts in Huolongdong were gone, leaving only a few beasts that were not high.

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